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The document ceased to be valid since April 27, 2024 according to article 38 of the Law of the Republic of Moldova of October 5, 2023 No. 282


of July 11, 2014 No. 128

About energy efficiency of buildings

(as amended on 10-02-2022)

The parliament adopts this ordinary law.

This law transposes the Directive 2010/31/EC of the European Parliament and Council of May 19, 2010 about power supply of buildings published in the Official magazine of the European Union No. L153 of June 18, 2010.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Law purpose

The purpose of this law is assistance to increase in energy efficiency of buildings taking into account climatic conditions, requirements connected with internal climate and cost efficiency.

Article 2. Subject of the law

This law establishes requirements to:

a) to general fundamentals of methodology of calculation of energy efficiency of buildings and their sections;

b) to application of the minimum requirements of energy efficiency for:

– new buildings and new sections of the existing buildings;

– the existing buildings and their sections in case of capital repairs of those;

– the elements which are part of the protecting structures of the building and exerting considerable impact on energy efficiency of the protecting structures of the building in case of upgrade or replacement of these elements;

– technical systems of the building – every time when these systems are installed, modernized or replaced;

c) certifications of energy efficiency of buildings and their sections;

d) to recurring inspection of systems of heating and air conditioning systems in buildings;

e) to systems of independent control of certificates of energy efficiency and reports on recurring inspection of systems of heating and air conditioning systems in buildings;

f) to the national plan for increase in number of buildings with almost zero energy consumption.

Article 3. Scope

(1) This law is applied to the new and existing buildings, their sections and elements.

(2) This law extends to the following categories of buildings:

a) single-family houses;

b) apartment buildings;

c) office buildings;

d) buildings of educational institutions;

e) hospitals;

f) hotels and restaurants;

g) buildings of sports appointment;

h) buildings for rendering services of wholesale and retail trade;

i) buildings of the mixed appointment.

(3) This law does not extend on:

a) buildings which are protected according to the Law on protection of monuments No. 1530-XII of June 22, 1993 and are included in the register of local or national monuments – in that measure in which observance of certain requirements of energy efficiency could change their historical value or appearance in inadmissible degree. The impossibility of observance of certain requirements of energy efficiency shall be proved and documented by the owner of the building according to technical regulations in construction;

b) the buildings used as objects of church service and for other activities of religious nature;

c) temporary buildings which useful life constitutes two years and less, industrial facilities, non-residential agricultural constructions with low energy consumption;

d) residential buildings which are used or are held for use less than four months in year or serially during the annual period limited on time and with the expected energy consumption less than 25 percent of the amount consumed in year;

e) buildings with the total usable space less than 50 sq.m;

f) buildings with particular treatment (from the field of national defense and other similar buildings) which are regulated by special laws and concerning which observance of provisions of this law is impossible for the reasonable reasons, stipulated by the legislation.

Article 4. Basic concepts

In this law the following basic concepts are used:

the protecting designs – the integrated building elements separating its interior external environment;

copper – the installation consisting of the body of copper and the combustion chamber, intended for transfer to the liquid heat carrier of heat received as a result of fuel combustion;

the certificate of energy efficiency – the document of the regulated form confirming the energy efficiency of the building or its section estimated on the basis of methodology of calculation of energy efficiency of buildings;

energy class – system of measurement from "And" to "G" for specifying of energy efficiency of the building. In case of classification of buildings with very outstanding energy performance the class "A" can be subdivided into subclasses;

the building – design with roof and walls in which energy is used for regulation of internal climate. For the purposes of this law the concept of the building includes sections and elements of the building if the law directly does not provide other;

the building with almost zero energy consumption – the building which has very outstanding energy performance received mainly due to effective thermal protection of the building and due to necessary amount of energy which shall become covered by the most part due to the energy received from renewable energy resources, including from renewable energy resources on site or near object;

the building of the mixed appointment – the building having several appointments in which other appointment, than basic purpose of the building has at least 10 percent of total area;

the existing building – the building which is constructed and put in operation according to the legislation;

the new building – the building which is in design process or constructions;

the public building – the building belonging on the property right or uses to body of the public power, public organization or the state or municipal company;

often visited public buildings – buildings which owing to the appointment are often visited by people, such as buildings of educational institutions, hospitals, shopping centers, hotels and restaurants, theaters, commercial banks, other categories of similar buildings;

cogeneration – simultaneous production in the same process of heat energy and electrical energy and/or mechanical energy;

building element – technical system of the building or element of the protecting design;

the energy received from renewable energy resources – energy from renewable not fossil sources, namely: wind energy, the sun, aero thermal, geothermal, hydrothermal, hydroelectric power, energy of biomass, the fermented gas of waste, the gas coming from treatment facilities, and biogas;

primary energy – the energy received from renewable or unrenewable energy resources which was not exposed to processes of conversion or transformation;

the energy appraiser – physical person, authorized to carry out certification of energy efficiency of buildings according to the procedure, established by this law. Depending on the place of energy consumption energy appraisers specialize in the following areas: thermal protection of buildings, heating and preparation of hot water, ventilation and chilling, lighting;

energy efficiency indicator – the amount of energy estimated in relation to total area of the building;

the inspector of systems of heating or air conditioning systems – the physical person given the right of carrying out recurring inspection of systems of heating or air conditioning systems according to the procedure, established by this law;


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