of October 20, 2014 No. 1706-VII
About providing the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons
This Law according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, international treaties of Ukraine which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes guarantees of observance of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of internally displaced persons.
1. Internally displaced person is the citizen of Ukraine, the foreigner or the stateless person which is in the territory of Ukraine on legal causes and has the right to permanent residence in Ukraine which forced to leave or leave the residence in result or in order to avoid negative consequences of armed conflict, temporary occupation, universal violence expressions, human rights violations and emergency situations of natural or technogenic nature.
The specified circumstances are considered well-known and such that do not need proof if information on them contains in the official reports (messages) of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the Representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for human rights posted on websites of the specified organizations or if on such circumstances authorized state bodies make relevant decisions.
2. The address of the abandoned place of residence of the internally displaced person the residential address at the time of emergence of the circumstances specified in part one of this Article is recognized understanding of this Law.
1. Ukraine takes all feasible measures provided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, international treaties which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, on prevention of emergence of prerequisites of forced internal transfer of persons, protection and observance of the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons, creation of conditions for voluntary return of such persons to the abandoned residence or integration at the new place of residence in Ukraine.
1. The citizen of Ukraine, the foreigner or the stateless person which is in the territory of Ukraine on legal causes and has the right to permanent residence in Ukraine under the circumstances specified in article 1 of this Law has right of defense from forced internal transfer or forced return to the left residence.
1. The fact of internal transfer is confirmed by the certificate of registration of the internally displaced person that is effective is termless, except cases, the stipulated in Article 12 these Laws.
Each child including who arrived without parents, other legal representatives receives the certificate of registration of the internally displaced person.
2. The basis for registration of the internally displaced person is placement in the territory where there were circumstances specified in article 1 of this Law at the time of their origin.
3. For receipt of the certificate of registration of the internally displaced person such person files petition in structural division concerning social protection of the population of district, district public administrations, executive bodies in the city of Kiev city, district in the cities (in case of education) councils on the place of residence according to the procedure, established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
The application form affirms the central executive body on forming and ensuring realization of state policy as spheres of social protection, social servicing of the population, volunteer activities, concerning family and children, improvement and rest of children, and also protection of the rights of the persons deported on national sign who came back to Ukraine.
4. The application is submitted by the internally displaced person, including minor children, personally, and juvenile children, incapacitated persons or persons whose capacity to act is limited, - through the legal representative (further - the applicant).
On behalf of the juvenile child who arrived without legal representatives his relative (the grandmother, the grandfather, the great-grandmother, the great-grandfather, the full age brother or the sister, the aunt, the uncle) or the stepfather, the stepmother at whom he lives can submit such application there (is) child.
On behalf of the juvenile child who arrived without the legal representatives or persons specified in the paragraph the second to this part such application is submitted by the representative of guardianship and custody body in the location of such child.
On behalf of the child arranged in child care facility, healthcare institutions or organization of social protection of children on complete state providing, such application is submitted by the head of the corresponding institution.
The application is signed by the applicant or person specified in paragraphs the second - the fourth this Item which agrees to processing, use, storage of its personal data and personal data of person on behalf of which the application is submitted.
5. Students who received certain educational and qualification level and had registration of the place of residence in hostels after removal from registration have the right to the certificate of registration of the internally displaced person if do not wish to return to the previous place of residence through the circumstances specified in article 1 of this Law.
6. It is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 24.12.2015 No. 921-VIII
7. Together with the statement the applicant submits the identity document and confirming citizenship of Ukraine or the identity document and the special status confirming her or the certificate of birth of the child.
In the presence in the identity document and confirming citizenship of Ukraine, or the identity document and confirming its special status, marks about registration of the residence in the territory of administrative and territorial unit with which internal transfer in connection with the circumstances determined in article 1 of this Law is performed, the certificate of registration of the internally displaced person or the decision on refusal in issue of the reference with obligatory specifying of the basis of refusal signed by the head of authorized body is issued to the applicant in day of filing of application.
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