of November 19, 2014 No. 1221
About approval of Rules of assignment, change and cancellation of addresses
According to item 4 of part 1 of article 5 of the Federal Law "About federal information address system and about introduction of amendments to the Federal law "About the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-government in the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of assignment, change and cancellation of addresses.
2. To make to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation with participation of the Federal Tax Service explanations concerning application of the Rules approved by this resolution.
3. To federal executive bodies in 3-month time to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.
4. Recommend to local government bodies, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation - the federal cities in 3-month time to bring the rules of assignment, change and cancellation of addresses approved by municipal legal acts and regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation - the federal cities about day of entry into force of the Federal Law "About federal information address system and about introduction of amendments to the Federal law "About the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-government in the Russian Federation", into compliance with the Rules approved by this resolution.
5. To the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in 3-month time to approve:
the list of elements of planning structure, elements of street road net, elements of objects of addressing, types of buildings (constructions), the rooms used as address details, and also the rule of the abbreviated name of adresoobrazuyushchy elements;
the application form about assignment to object of addressing of the address or cancellation of its address;
form of the decision on failure in assignment to object of addressing of the address or cancellation of its address.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2014 No. 1221
1. These rules establish procedure for assignment, change and cancellation of addresses, including requirements to structure of the address, and the list of objects of addressing.
2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:
"adresoobrazuyushchy elements" - the country, the subject of the Russian Federation, the federal territory, the municipality, the settlement, element of street road net, element of planning structure and identification element (elements) of object of addressing;
"identification elements of object of addressing" - numbers of the parcels of land, types and numbers of other objects of addressing;
"unique number of the address of object of addressing in the state address register" - number of record which is assigned to the address of object of addressing in the state address register;
"element of planning structure" - zone (array), the area (including the residential district, the residential district, quarter, the industrial district), the embankment, the territory of conducting by citizens of gardening or truck farming for own needs;
"element of street road net" - the street, the avenue, the lane, the drive, the square, the boulevard, the deadlock, congress, the highway, the avenue and other.
3. The address appropriated to object of addressing shall meet the following requirements:
a) uniqueness. The same address cannot be appropriated more than to one object of addressing, except as specified repeated assignment of the same address to new object of addressing instead of the cancelled address of object of addressing, and also address assignment with similar number part to the parcel of land and the building (structure), construction located on it;
b) obligation. The address according to these rules shall be appropriated to each object of addressing;
c) legitimacy. The legal basis of the address is provided by observance of the procedure of assignment to object of addressing of the address, change and cancellation of such address, and also placement of data on the address in the state address register.
4. Assignment, change and cancellation of addresses is performed without collection of payment.
a) the building (structure, except for non-capital structure), including construction of which is not complete;
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