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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation 

On November 10, 2014 No. 34623


of October 16, 2014 No. 547

About the allowance sizes to official pay rate to employees of criminal executive system for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time and approval of the list of separate positions of employees of criminal executive system in case of whose replacement the allowance to official pay rate for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time is established

(as amended on 15-09-2017)

According to the Federal Law of December 30, 2012 No. 283-FZ "About social guarantees to employees of some federal executive bodies and modification of separate legal acts of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 53 (p. I), Art. 7608; 2013, No. 27, the Art. 3477, No. 43, the Art. 5623, No. 49 (p. VII), the Art. 6351) and the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 4, 2013 No. 81 "About approval of Rules of employee benefit of Federal fire service of the Public fire service, drug trafficking monitoring bodies and psychotropic substances, organizations and bodies of criminal executive system and customs authorities of the Russian Federation of the allowance to official pay rate for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time and about modification of the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2011 No. 1122" (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, 6, of the Art. 561) I order to No.:

1. Determine the allowance sizes to official pay rate to employees of criminal executive system for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time according to appendix No. 1.

2. Approve the List of positions of employees of criminal executive system in case of whose replacement the allowance to official pay rate is paid for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time according to appendix No. 2.

3. Declare invalid the order of Federal Penitentiary Service of March 28, 2013 No. 143 "About the allowance sizes to official pay rate to employees of criminal executive system for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time" (registration No. 27972) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 3, 2013.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy director of FSIN of Russia of the major general of internal service Maksimenko V. A.


G. A. Korniyenko

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation of October 16, 2014 No. 547

The allowance sizes to official pay rate to employees of criminal executive system for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time

1. The allowance to official pay rate to employees of criminal executive system (further - employees) for accomplishment of the tasks connected with risk (the increased danger) to life and health in peace time (further - the allowance) is established percentage of official pay rate in the following sizes:

1.1. For work with persons rendering assistance on confidential basis - 10.

1.2. For service:

a) connected with sniper weapon, with use of special climbing equipment, special trigger devices and devices, - 10;

b) in areas of ecological crisis on the Baikonur complex and in Baikonur (Republic of Kazakhstan) - 10;

c) connected with accomplishment of explosive works, detection, identification, withdrawal, neutralization, destruction of destructive devices and explosive objects (objects), the use of explosive materials and blasting agents, destructive devices and explosive objects (objects) replacing the positions specified in Chapter I of appendix No. 2 to this order - 10;

d) in special divisions of criminal executive system on convoy, in the divisions of criminal executive system providing protection of lunatic asylums (hospitals) of specialized type with intensive observation which owing to the service duties directly contact to TB patients, replacing the positions specified in Chapter II of appendix No. 2 to this order - 25;

e) in the organizations performing punishments, and the divisions intended for content and ensuring treatment of tubercular patients, replacing the positions specified in Chapter III of appendix No. 2 to this order - 25.

1.3. For diagnostics and treatment of persons infected with human immunodeficiency virus, for performance of works, connected with the materials containing human immunodeficiency virus - 30.

1.4. The allowance on the bases provided by subitems of) and e) subitem 1. 2, and subitem 1.3 of Item of 1 this Appendix, it is established to the employees taking into account worked time in the specified conditions which is reflected in sheets of accounting of working hours:

- the busy 50 percent of working hours and more at works with the specified categories of patients, the allowance are established in the amount of 25 or 30 percent respectively;

- occupied less than 50 percent of working hours at works with the specified categories of patients, the allowance is established for actually worked time. The percent of the established allowance is estimated in the following procedure: the hour rate is multiplied by actually fulfilled number of hours, then multiplied by the corresponding percent of the allowance 25 or 30 and is divided into official pay rate. The received result is multiplied on 100 and rounded to two signs after comma. At the same time the hour rate is determined by division of official pay rate of the employee into the average monthly number of working hours in this calendar year established on production calendar taking into account duration of working hours of the corresponding employee category.

1.5. For service in medical institutions (divisions) with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions on positions of medical personnel:

a) replacement the positions specified in Items 8 - 11 of Chapter IV of appendix No. 2 to this order, - 25;

b) replacement the positions specified in Items 12, of the 13th Chapter IV of appendix No. 2 to this order - 15.

To the employees having the right to payment of the allowance for several bases, payment is made on one of them on which the largest size is provided.


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