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The document ceased to be valid since February 3, 2020 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 3, 2020 No. 52


of September 30, 2014 No. 556

About approval of the Disciplinary charter of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended on 03-05-2019)

For the purpose of strengthening of office discipline, increase in responsibility of staff of law-enforcement bodies, according to articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Disciplinary charter of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Bring in the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Regulations on service by the ordinary and commanding structure of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic" of June 20, 2013 No. 360 the following amendments and changes:

in Regulations on the service by the ordinary and commanding structure of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic approved by the above-stated Resolution:

- "The disciplinary charter of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic" to add Item 13 after words with words ", the approved Government of the Kyrgyz Republic";

- to add Item 14 after the words "with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic" with words ", the Disciplinary charter";

- the paragraph one of Item 119 after the words "on service" to add with the word "exempted";

- in paragraph one of Item 120 of the word "and uses with lowering" in different cases to exclude.

3. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic:

- provide observance of requirements of the Disciplinary charter of the Kyrgyz Republic by the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic;

- bring the decisions into accord with this Resolution.

4. Declare invalid the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Disciplinary charter of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic" of December 18, 2004 No. 942.

5. This Resolution becomes effective from the date of official publication.

6. To impose control of execution of this Resolution on department of defense, law and order and emergency situations of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Prime Minister

J. Otorbayev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 30, 2014, No. 556

Disciplinary charter of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Disciplinary charter of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - the Charter) is obligatory for execution by the staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic and is based on the principles of legality, justification, justice, feasibility, timeliness, inevitability of responsibility, personal guilty responsibility and inadmissibility of repeated or double responsibility for making of the same offense.

2. This Charter determines:

a) essence of office discipline in law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - law-enforcement bodies);

b) obligations of staff of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic on observance and maintenance of office discipline (further - the employee);

c) obligations and the rights of the chief (commander) on maintenance of office discipline;

d) obligation of execution of the order of the chief (commander);

e) the procedure for application died encouragement;

e) procedure for imposing and execution of authority punishments;

ё) procedure for appeal of authority punishments;

g) attraction to disciplinary responsibility of the chief (commander) who violated office and (or) labor rights of the employee;

h) the accounting treatment died encouragement and authority punishments;

i) the list of heads (chiefs) of system organon of internal affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic and the disciplinary rights corresponding to them.

3. Office discipline in law-enforcement bodies - conscious, strict observance by the employee the established legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Oath of the employee of law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Charter, and also orders and orders of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, orders and orders of direct and immediate superiors (commanders) of procedure and rules of accomplishment of service duties and realization of the rights granted to the employee.

4. The concept "service duties" includes functional (official) obligations on post, and also obligation on accomplishment of the main objectives facing law-enforcement bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic.

5. The office discipline in law-enforcement bodies is provided for the account:

a) the personal liability of each employee for accomplishment of the service duties;

b) observance by the employee of procedure and rules of accomplishment of service duties and realization of the rights granted to it, regulations of law-enforcement body (division), conditions of the contract on service signed with the employee in law-enforcement bodies, rules of wearing uniform;

c) strict execution by the employee of orders and the orders of the chief (commander) made in accordance with the established procedure and not contradicting the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;

d) observance by the employee of the restrictions set for the staff of law-enforcement bodies by regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic;

e) maintenance by the employee of the skill level required for accomplishment of service duties;

e) responsibility of the chief (commander) for condition of office discipline among subordinates;

ё) implementation of daily control from direct and immediate superiors (commanders) of accomplishment by subordinates of service duties;

g) education of employees in the spirit of selfless devotion to the people, forming at them high moral, strong-willed and business qualities, conscientious attitude to accomplishment of service duties;

h) reasonable application by chiefs (commanders) concerning subordinate measures of encouragement and authority punishments;

i) respect chief (commander) of honor and advantage of subordinates.

Chapter 2. Obligations and the rights of employees on observance and maintenance of office discipline

6. The employee shall:

a) nobility and observe service duties, procedure and rules of their execution and realization of the rights granted to it;

b) execute orders and orders of chiefs (commanders) made in accordance with the established procedure and which are not contradicting the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;


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