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of November 6, 2014 No. 200

About the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general processes

According to Item 30 of the Protocol on information and communication technologies and information exchange within the Eurasian Economic Union (appendix No. 3 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) the Board of the Eurasian economic commission solved:

1. Determine that the standard list of the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade (further – the integrated system) general process, includes the following documents:

rules of information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated system of general process;

regulations of information exchange between participants of general process in case of realization by means of the integrated system of general process;

the description of formats and structures of the electronic documents and data used for realization by means of the integrated system of general process;

procedure for accession to general process.

2. Approve the enclosed Requirements to standard structure of the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process.

3. The technological documents included in the standard list specified in Item 1 of this Decision are created according to the Requirements approved by this Decision and taking into account methodical recommendations and technical requirements to designing and the description of the general processes accepted by the Eurasian economic commission.

4. This Decision becomes effective from the effective date Agreements on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014.

Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission 

V. Khristenko

Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 6, 2014 No. 200

Requirements to standard structure of the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process

I. General requirements to standard structure of technological documents

1. The documents included in the standard list of the technological documents regulating information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade of general process (further respectively – technological documents, the integrated system), contain following general for them Sections (in that order):

"General provisions";


"Basic concepts" (in the presence).

2. Data on regulatory legal acts according to which the technological document is developed are provided in the Section "General provisions".

3. Data on purpose of the technological document are provided in the Section "Scope", the field of its application is determined.

4. The concepts used in the technological document and their determinations are given in the Section "Basic concepts".

5. Availability of other Sections in technological documents is determined by the field of their application and assignment taking into account specifics of each of them.

6. Information in technological documents can be provided in text, tabular style, and also in the form of schemes and charts.

II. Requirements to standard structure of rules of information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated system of general process

7. Rules of information exchange in case of realization by means of the integrated system of general process (further – rules of information exchange) contain the generic description of general process, including the description of the procedures performed within this general process.

8. In addition to Sections, stipulated in Item 1 these Requirements, rules of information exchange contain the following Sections (in that order):

"The main data on general process";

"Information objects of general process";

"Responsibility of participants of general process";

"Reference books and qualifiers of general process" (in the presence);

"Procedures of general process";

"Operations procedure in emergency situations".

9. In the Section "Main Data on General Process" tasks of general process, participants of general process, the main procedures are determined.

10. The list of the main information objects and (or) information resources, the data about (from) which is provided in the Section "Information Objects of General Process" are transferred in process of information exchange between participants of general process, with indication of their names, unique specification symbols and determinations.

11. The Section "Responsibility of Participants of General Process" joins regulations on disciplinary responsibility of officials and the staff of authorized bodies of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further respectively – state members, the Union) and the Eurasian economic commission, participating in information exchange, for timeliness and completeness of transfer of data if such responsibility is provided by the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014, international treaties within the Union or acts of bodies of the Union.

12. The Section "Reference Books and Qualifiers of General Process" joins in rules of information exchange if in case of realization of general process reference books and (or) qualifiers are applied to coding of information used in the course of information exchange. The list of the used reference books and qualifiers with their short description is provided in the Section.

13. The Section "Procedures of General Process" contains the description of the procedures performed within general process grouped according to tasks of general process. The Section may contain subsections depending on the number of the selected groups of the procedures performed within general process (further – groups of procedures).

In case of the description of each procedure the transactions which are carried out by participants of general process within the procedure and their sequence are specified, and also the detailed description of each transaction with determination of conditions of its accomplishment and the achieved results is provided.


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