Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 19, 1995 No. 80-FZ

About perpetuating of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945

(as amended on 19-10-2023)

Accepted by the State Duma on April 19, 1995

Proceeding from traditions of the people of Russia to store and protect memory of defenders of the Homeland, those who gave the lives in fight for its freedom and independence,

in view of that care of participants, of veterans and the victims of war is historical debt of society and state,

considering national, liberating nature of the Great Patriotic War, participation of the people of Europe in it and other continents, need of international cooperation for the purpose of maintenance of the universal peace and consent, non-admission of manifestations of fascism in any form,

this Federal Law is adopted.

Article 1. Victory Day

Day is on May 9 national holiday - the Victory Day. The Victory Day - non-working day is also annually celebrated by military parade and artillery salute.

Military parades with attraction of arms and military equipment, use of copies of official symbol of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War - the Banner of Victory, symbol of military glory of Russia - the St.George's Ribbon are held in the capital of the Russian Federation the city of Moscow, hero towns, and also in the cities where headquarters of military districts, the fleet, general armies and the Caspian flotilla are deployed. 

The artillery salute is made in hero towns, and also in the cities where headquarters of military districts, the fleet, general armies and the Caspian flotilla are deployed.

The procedure for holding the festive processions, meetings, meetings and demonstrations devoted to the Victory Day is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 2. Guard of honor at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the city of Moscow

In the capital of the Russian Federation the city of Moscow at the Eternal flame on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier the permanent post of guard of honor is established.

Article 3. About the state awards and other distinctions connected with events of the Great Patriotic War

The procedure for transfer, accounting, storage and exposition of the state awards and other distinctions connected with events of the Great Patriotic War is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state awards.

The state awards and other distinctions connected with events of the Great Patriotic War cannot be objects of alienation, except as specified, stipulated by the legislation the Russian Federation.

Violation of the law of the Russian Federation about the state awards and other distinctions connected with events of the Great Patriotic War attracts the criminal or administrative responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 4. The state award of the Russian Federation of Marshall of the Soviet Union of G. K. Zhukov

This Federal Law establishes annual State award of the Russian Federation of Marshall of the Soviet Union of G. K. Zhukov for outstanding achievements in the field of military science and creation of military equipment, and also for the best literary works and arts devoted to the Great Patriotic War.

The size, procedure for award and delivery of the State award of the Russian Federation of Marshall of the Soviet Union of G. K. Zhukov are determined by the regulations on the State award of the Russian Federation of Marshall of the Soviet Union of G. K. Zhukov approved by the President of the Russian Federation.

Article 5. Monuments of the Great Patriotic War

The sculptural, architectural and other memorial constructions and objects immortalizing memory of events, of participants, of veterans and the victims of the Great Patriotic War, including burial of the dead in case of protection of the Fatherland in days of the Great Patriotic War and burial of the victims of the Great Patriotic War with the gravestones which are on the specified burials, monuments, steles, obelisks, elements of barrier and other memorial constructions and objects belong to monuments of the Great Patriotic War.

Federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies are responsible for preserving monuments of the Great Patriotic War, their maintenance in the condition corresponding worthy and to respect for memory of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

Preserving and restoration of monuments of the Great Patriotic War are provided with assignment from the federal budget for monuments of federal importance, budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation - on monuments of regional value and local budgets - on monuments of local (municipal) value, and also donations of physical persons and legal entities.

In the Russian Federation the monuments and other memorial constructions and objects immortalizing memory of the dead in the Great Patriotic War are constructed, remain and restored.

On monument of the Great Patriotic War the texts and designations containing information on monument of the Great Patriotic War shall be established (further - information texts and designations). Information texts and designations shall include the historical information containing data on events in honor of which monuments of the Great Patriotic War, information on feat of the dead were established in case of protection of the Fatherland and other data (including historical documents and photographic materials). Information texts and designations can also include graphical identifiers - QR codes by means of which transition to the information resources on the Internet containing the historical information, video records and other materials about the taken place events and about specified persons is provided.

The obligation on installation of information texts and designations on monuments of the Great Patriotic War is assigned to authorized federal executive bodies, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and local government bodies under which authority the corresponding monuments are.

The procedure for installation of information texts and designations on monuments of the Great Patriotic War, content of these information texts and designations, and also graphical identifiers - QR codes, the requirement to information resources on the Internet, access to which is provided by means of such identifiers, are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.


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