Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  March 8, 2014 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2013 No. 1582


of October 10, 1997 No. 1436

About rules of protection of power networks to 1000 and over 1000 V and thermal networks

According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan which is valid the law of December 23, 1995 N 2724 "About power industry", for the purpose of ensuring safety of power networks to 1000 and over 1000 V and thermal networks, and also prevention of accidents among the population the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan decides creations of optimal conditions of operation, prevention of damages of the power and thermal networks causing breaks in providing consumers with electrical and heat energy:

1. Approve enclosed:

Rules of protection of power networks to 1000 V;

Rules of protection of power networks over 1000 V;

Rules of protection of thermal networks.

2. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Acting as

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 10, 1997 No. 1436

Rules of protection of power networks up to 1000 V

1. These rules are introduced for the purpose of ensuring safety of power networks up to 1000 V, creation of normal service conditions, prevention of damages of the power networks causing breaks in providing consumers with the electric power and prevention of accidents among the population.

These rules extend to the power networks of the Republic of Kazakhstan all operating, designed and constructed and are obligatory for accomplishment in its territory by all organizations, legal (their branches and representations) and physical persons, land users and land owners.

Power networks up to 1000 V (further power networks) for the purposes of these rules are understood as current-conducting wires, the electricity transmission air-lines, air and underground cable power lines relating to them constructions.

Protection of power networks is performed by the organizations under which authority these power networks are.

Legal (their branches and representations) and physical persons shall take all measures depending on them promoting safety and safety of the power lines passing on their territory.

2. For protection of power networks up to 1000 V the parcels of land are taken away, conservation zones, minimum admissible distances from power networks to buildings, constructions, terrestrial and water surfaces are established, glades in forests and green plantings are laid.

3. Conservation zones of power networks are established:

along electricity transmission air-lines (except for branches to inputs to buildings) in the form of the land area limited to the parallel straight lines remote from projections of extreme wires to the Earth's surface (in case of their not rejected provision) on 2 meters from each party, for air cables and the self-bearing isolated wires - 1 meter;

along underground cable power lines in the form of the parcel of land limited to the vertical planes on both sides of the line from extreme cables at distance of 1 meter, and when passing cable lines in the cities under sidewalks - meter 0,6 towards buildings and constructions and on 1 meter towards carriageway;

on support of air-lines of electricity transmission in places of crossing or rapprochement with underground cables of communication or electrocables by the organizations under which authority cable lines are precautionary signs in the form of arrows in the direction of cable with indication of distance to it are established;

along underwater cable power lines in the form of the water space from surface of the water to the bottom limited to the vertical planes remote on both sides of the line from extreme cables at distance of 100 meters;

along transitions of air-lines of electricity transmission through non-navigable reservoirs (the rivers, canals, lakes and others) at distance 2 meters from each party from extreme wires in case of their not rejected provision.

4. Control of condition of the conservation zone of power networks is exercised by the organizations under which authority these power networks, in terms according to operational and other regulating documents are.

5. The parcels of land for construction and operation of power networks are taken away in accordance with the established procedure.

6. The parcels of land entering conservation zones of power networks are not withdrawn from land users and land owners and used by them for carrying out agricultural and other works with obligatory observance of requirements of these rules.

7. Minimum admissible distances from power networks to buildings, constructions and wood and shrubby plantings, and also from wires of air-lines of electricity transmission to terrestrial and water surfaces are determined by the Regulations for electrical installation approved by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in coordination with authorized State body on supervision of safe operation in the industry and to mountain supervision and are subject to obligatory observance during the designing and construction of buildings and constructions, during the cutting and cutting down of trees and bushes. For the air-lines of electricity transmission executed by air cable, glades are not created, and the distance from air cable to trees and bushes is not normalized.

8. Along air-lines of electricity transmission and on perimeter of the substations, distributing devices and switching Items which are in forests and green plantings glades according to the rules approved by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in coordination with authorized state body on forestry are laid.

9. When passing air-lines of electricity transmission through forests of scrap of the trees growing in close proximity to wires it is made by the companies, the organizations under which authority these lines are. In case of their passing through parks, gardens and other long-term plantings of scrap of trees it is made by the organizations under which authority electricity transmission air-lines are, and in case of mutual assent - the organizations on which balance there are these plantings, or citizens - owners of gardens and other long-term plantings according to the procedure, determined by the organization under which authority power lines are.

10. On the lands which are in conservation zones of air-lines of electricity transmission, the works connected with temporary flooding of lands are made under written approval between land users and the organizations under which authority these lines are.

11. In conservation zones of power networks without written consent of the organizations under which authority these networks are it is forbidden:

make construction, capital repairs, reconstruction or demolition of any buildings and constructions;

perform any mining, handling, dredging, zemlecherpalny, explosive, meliorative operations, make landing and cutting down of trees and bushes, to arrange shelters for the cattle, to construct wire barriers, lanes for vineyards and gardens, and also to make watering of the crops preventing journey of motor transport;


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