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The document ceased to be valid according to Item 5 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 14, 2020 No. 271

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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Tajikistan 

 On July 14, 2014 No. 548


of July 3, 2014 No. 437

About continuation and implementation of the pilot mechanism of the address public assistance to needy families and citizens

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of 01.10.2016 No. 416)

According to article 16 of the Constitutional law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan" and article 51 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About regulatory legal acts" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for appointment, financings and payments of address social benefit to needy families and citizens it (is applied).

2. Since January 1, 2016 to continue the piloted mechanism of appointment and payment of address social benefits to needy families and citizens in Shchugnansky, Rushansky, Roshtkalinsky and Ishkashim districts It is mountain - the Badakhshan autonomous region, in the cities of Khujand, Istaravshan, Kanibadam, Panjekent, Ayninskiom and Kukhistoni Mastchokhsk districts of the Sughd area, in the cities of Qurghonteppa, Nurek and Baldzhuvansk, Muminabadsk, Pyandzhsk, Farkhorsk, Hovaliigsk and Javanese areas and around Shamsiddin Shokhin of Khatlon Region in the Rasht, Tadzhikabadsky, Faizabad districts, the areas Sangvor, Lakhsh and in the city of Gissar, and since October 1, 2016 to enter the specified mechanism in the city of Khorog and the Murghab, Vanchsky and Darwaz areas of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, in the city of Buston and Zafarabadskom, Shakhristanskom districts of the Sughd area, in the cities of Kulob, Sarband and Temurmaliksky, Shaartuzsky districts and around Dzhaloliddin Balkhi of Khatlon Region, into Nurobodskom, Shakhrinavsky areas and around Rudaki.

3. For realization of the pilot mechanism of address social benefit to needy families and citizens to suspend the orders of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 2, 2007, No. 244 "About allowance payment to the needy families having children, studying at comprehensive schools of the Republic of Tajikistan" and of August 1, 2008, No. 379 "About strengthening of the public assistance to needy families and citizens" and the pilot cities and areas specified in Item 1 of this resolution.

4. "About strengthening of the public assistance to needy families and citizens" in the pilot cities and areas specified in Item 1 of this resolution for implementation of this resolution to transfer the exempted secretaries of the district (city) commissions operating according to the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 1, 2008 to No. 379 to the order of the State agency social the populations of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan are sewn up.

5. For payment of administrative expenses, and record keeping of the pilot mechanism of the address public assistance to permit the State agency of social protection of the population of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan to use no more than 3 percent from the total amounts provided in the republican budget for payment of address social benefit in the pilot cities and areas.

6. Recognize invalid the orders of the Government, the Republic of Tajikistan of November 20, 2012, No. 661 "About continuation of realization of the pilot mechanism of the address public assistance to needy families and citizens" and of November 2, 2013, No. 516 "About modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, of November 20, 2012, No. 661".

Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan

Emomalii Rahmon

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of July 3, 2014, No. 437

Procedure for appointment, financing and payment of address social benefit to needy families and citizens

1. General provisions

1. This Procedure determines conditions and rules of appointment, financing and payment of address social benefit to needy families and citizens in the Ishkashim, Roshtkalinsky, Rushansky and Shugnansky Areas of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, the cities of Khujand, Istaravshan, Kanibadam, Panjekent, Ayninsk and Kukhistoni Mastchokhsk districts of the Sughd area, the cities of Qurghonteppa, Nurek, Baldzhuvansk, Muminabadsk, Pyandzhsk, Hovalingsk, Shuroobodsk, Farkhorsk and Javanese areas of Khatlon Region, the Rasht, Tavildarinsky, Tadzhikabadsky, Dzhirgitalsky, Gissar and Faizabad districts.

2. The address social benefit is granted and paid to the needy families and citizens who are constantly living in the territory of one of the areas and cities specified in Item of 1 this Procedure, welfare which meets the criteria and standards established by the Technique of determination of needy families and citizens.

3. Needy family the living persons having the family relations conducting general economy, using common property and not having opportunity to get out independently of difficult vital conditions are recognized jointly.

4. The state agency of social protection of the population of the Ministry of Health and social the populations of the Republic of Tajikistan are sewn up (further - the Agency) performs functions on coordination of activities of social security authorities of the population of the local executive bodies of the government in implementation process of the program address social benefit to needy families and citizens, financial management and monitoring of observance of procedure for appointment, payment and targeted budget expenditure allocated for these purposes.

2. Procedure for purpose of address social benefit

5. The citizens of the Republic of Tajikistan considering themselves needy and for the objective reasons are in difficult vital conditions of which cannot independently get out, for receipt of address social benefit submit the application to department or the sector of social protection of the population of executive body of the government of the pilot area or the city (further - local social security authority) and represents it with necessary documents to jamia of villages or the settlement, management of housing and communal services or makhalinsky committee on the residence.

6. For purpose of address social benefit it is necessary to submit the following documents:

- statement for purpose of address social benefit;

- the passport copy of the applicant (the original of the passport is shown in case of filing of application;

- certificate of structure needy, families;

- data on the income and property of all family members;


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