of October 14, 2014 No. 668
About enhancement of procedure for publication of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies
For the purpose of enhancement of procedure for publication of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies I decide:
1. Bring in the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of May 23, 1996 No. 763 "About procedure for publication and entry into force of acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies" (The Russian Federation Code, 1996, No. 22, Art. 2663; 1997, No. 20, Art. 2242; 1998, No. 33, Art. 3967; 2005, No. 28, Art. 2865; 2011, No. 47, Art. 6621; 2013, to No. 6, the Art. 493) change, having stated Item 9 in the following edition:
"9. Regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies within 10 days after day are subject to their state registration to official publication in "The Russian newspaper" or the Bulletin of regulations of federal executive bodies published by weekly public institution - Legal Literature publishing house of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and to placement (publication) on "The official Internet portal of legal information" (www.pravo.gov.ru).
Official publication of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies the first publication of their complete texts in "The Russian newspaper" or the Bulletin of regulations of federal executive bodies, or the first placement (publication) on "The official Internet portal of legal information" (www.pravo.gov.ru) is considered or.
Also the texts of regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies containing in the Bulletin of regulations of federal executive bodies distributed in electronic form by the federal state unitary enterprise "Scientific and technological center of legal information "System" of Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation and bodies of the state protection, and also placed on the Internet portal of "The Russian newspaper" (www.rg.ru) which functioning provides federal state budgetary institution "Editorial Office of " the Russian Newspaper "." are official.
2. To the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation after state registration of regulatory legal acts of the federal executive bodies affecting the rights, freedoms and obligations of man and citizen establishing legal status of the organizations or having interdepartmental nature to direct for placement (publication) on "The official Internet portal of legal information" (www.pravo.gov.ru) electronic copies (electronic images) of the called acts with obligatory specifying of data on their state registration.
3. To Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation together with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in 3-month time to develop and approve regulations of interaction of the called federal executive bodies in case of the direction of electronic copies (electronic images) of regulatory legal acts, the stipulated in Item 2 presents of the Decree, for their placement (publication) on "The official Internet portal of legal information" (www.pravo.gov.ru).
4. Determine that the regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies recognized by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation not needing state registration, are subject to placement (publication) on "The official Internet portal of legal information" (www.pravo.gov.ru).
Federal executive bodies within 10 days from the date of recognition of regulatory legal acts by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation not needing state registration direct their electronic copies (electronic images) for placement (publication) on the "Official Internet portal of legal information" (www.pravo.gov.ru) according to the procedure determined by Federal Guard Service of the Russian Federation in coordination with the federal executive body which issued the relevant act.
5. To the government of the Russian Federation in 3-month time to bring the acts into accord with this Decree.
6. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its official publication, except for:
a) Items 1, 2, which become effective since January 1, 2015;
b) Item 4, which becomes effective since January 1, 2016.
President of the Russian Federation
V. Putin
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