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of July 28, 2014 No. 639

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for appointment and payment of monthly grants to high-class athletes

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of 25.07.2016 No. 908)

Based on the Law No. 330-XIV of March 25, 1999 on physical culture and sport (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 1999, Art. No. 83-86, 399), with subsequent changes and amendments, and for the purpose of support of member athletes of the national team who achieved outstanding results at national and international competitions DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for appointment and payment of monthly grants to high-class athletes it (is applied).

2. To high-class athletes to perform provision of monthly grants within the budgetary funds approved for these purposes in the budget of the Ministry of youth and sport since 2014 fiscal years.

3. Recommend, as necessary, to bodies of local public authority and local/regional councils in 30-day time to develop and approve local regulations on establishment and payment of other grants from own means, including special, for remuneration of the athletes participating in competitions of the national level.

4. Declare invalid the Order of the Government No. 184 of March 9, 2009. "About support of athletes of the national teams of the teams or teams participating in national competitions" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009 No. 53-54, of the Art. 230).

5. To impose control over the implementation of this Resolution on the Ministry of youth and sport.

Prime Minister

Iurie Leanca


minister of youth and sport


Octavian Bodishtyanu

Minister of Finance

Anatol Arapu

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 28, 2014 No. 639

Regulations on procedure for appointment and payment of monthly grants to high-class athletes

I. General provisions

1. This Provision provides procedure for establishment and payment of monthly grants to the high-class athletes who are members of the national team, citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

2. The right of high-class athletes to monthly grant is established by the Ministry of youth and sport in c compliance this Provision.

3. Payment of monthly grants to high-class athletes is performed by the Ministry of youth and sport by means of the selected payment service provider.

II. Procedure for establishment of monthly grant

4. High-class athletes, members of the national team, citizens of the Republic of Moldova who won medals or achieved outstanding results in individual or team sports at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the World Cups of Europe (adults, youth) or on the World Universiade only on the Olympic sports, have the right, based on the statement and in the presence of the consent of the central industry body, to monthly grant.

5. The right to grant is established on the basis of the petition of profile federation which contains the following documents:

1) the individual application signed by the applicant (athlete);

2) the copy of the protocols confirming the achieved results;

3) copy of the identity certificate;

4) the standard contract approved by the order of the minister of youth and sport, signed by the member of the national team.

6. Owing to consideration of document package the Ministry of youth and sport the order establishes the right to grant, its size and date with which it is paid.

III. Size of monthly grant

7. The size of monthly grant is established depending on sporting achievements.

8. Payment of monthly grant is performed since January 1 in the amount up to:

1) 25000 lei – for gold medal at the Olympic and Paralympic Games;

2) 20000 lei – for silver medal at the Olympic and Paralympic Games or gold medal in the World Cup (adults);

3) 15000 lei – for bronze medal at the Olympic and Paralympic Games or silver medal in the World Cup (adults) or gold medal in the European championship (adults);

4) 12000 lei – for bronze medal in the World Cup (adults) or silver medal in the European championship (adults) or gold medal on the World Universiade;

5) 10000 lei – for 4-8 places at the Olympic and Paralympic Games or bronze medal in the European championship (adults) or silver medal on the World Universiade or 4-5 places in the World Cup (adults);

6) 8000 lei – for 9-12 places at the Olympic and Paralympic Games or 6-8 places in the World Cup (adults) or bronze medal on the World Universiade or gold medal in the World Cup (youth) or gold medal in the World Cup (students);

7) 7000 lei – for 13-16 places at the Olympic Games or 4-6 places in the European championship (adults) or 4-6 places on the World Universiade or 2-3 places in the World Cup (students) or silver medal in the World Cup (youth) or gold medal in the European championship (youth);

8) 6000 lei – for 9-12 places in the World Cup (adults) or 7-8 places in the European championship (adults) or bronze medal in the World Cup (youth) or silver medal in the European championship (youth);

9) 5000 lei – for 13-16 places in the World Cup (adults) or 9-12 places in the European championship (adults) or 4-7 places in the World Cup (youth) or bronze medal in the European championship (youth) or gold medal in the World Cup (juniors);

10) 3500 lei – for 8-10 places in the World Cup (youth) or 4-6 places in the European championship (youth) or 2-3 places in the World Cup (juniors) or gold medal in the European championship (juniors);

11) 3000 lei – to participants of the last Olympic Games or for 2-3 places in the European championship (juniors).

9. Monthly grants are provided to high-class athletes for a certain period of time as follows:

1) for four years - to medallists of the Olympic and Paralympic Games;

2) for two years - to medallists of the World Cups and Europe (adults) and the World summer Universiade which is held time in two years;

3) for one year:

a) to medallists of the World Cups and Europe (adults) which are carried out annually;

b) to medallists of the World Cups (students);

c) to the high-class athletes who achieved special results according to Item 8.

IV. Final provisions

10. Grants can be cancelled in case:

1) withdrawal from sport;

2) disqualifications of the athlete by profile federation;

3) sanctions for violation of anti-doping rules.

11. The disputes connected with establishment and calculation of sports grants are solved the Ministry of youth and sport. Decisions of the Ministry of youth and sport can be disputed in court according to the current legislation.


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