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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On September 30, 2014 No. 34192


of July 29, 2014 No. 462

About approval of the Procedure for submission of data on the income, expenses, about property and obligations of property nature the citizens applying for replacement of positions in the organizations created for accomplishment of the tasks set for the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the workers replacing these positions

(as amended of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of 24.08.2016 No. 542)

According to the subitem "b" of Item 22 of the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2013 No. 309 "About measures for realization of separate provisions of the Federal Law "About Anti-corruption" (The Russian Federation Code, 2013, No. 14, Art. 1670; No. 23, Art. 2892; No. 28, Art. 3813; 49, of the Art. 6399) I order to No.:

1. Approve the enclosed Procedure for submission of data on the income, expenses, about property and obligations of property nature as the citizens applying for replacement of positions in the organizations created for accomplishment of the tasks set for the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the workers replacing these positions (further - the Procedure).

2. To personnel department and organizational development (K. E. Kottsev) to bring the Procedure to the attention for employees of the organizations created for accomplishment of the tasks set for the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and to provide control of timely submission of data on the income, expenses, on property and obligations of property nature by them.

3. I reserve control of execution of this order.


A. V. Ulyukaev


to the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2014 No. 462

Procedure for submission of data on the income, expenses, about property and obligations of property nature the citizens applying for replacement of positions in the organizations created for accomplishment of the tasks set for the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the workers replacing these positions

1. This Procedure establishes the procedure of representation by the citizens applying for replacement of the positions included in the List of the positions replaced based on the employment contract in the organizations created for accomplishment of the tasks set for the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in case of appointment to which citizens and in case of which replacement workers shall represent data on the income, on property and obligations of property nature, and also data on the income, on property and obligations of property nature of the of the spouse (spouse) and minor children, No. 510 approved by the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2013 (registration No. 30001) (further - the List of positions is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 23, 2013), and also the workers replacing these positions:

data on the income, on property and obligations of property nature, and also data on the income, on property and obligations of property nature of the of the spouse (spouse) and minor children (further - data on the income);

data on the expenses, and also data on the expenses of the spouse (spouse) and minor children (further - data on expenses).

2. Data on the income of the citizens applying for replacement of the positions provided by the List of positions (further - citizens), and also data on the income and data on expenses of the workers replacing these positions as of December 31 of accounting year (further - workers), are represented in form of the reference approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2014 No. 460 "About approval of form of the certificate of the income, expenses on property and obligations of property nature and introduction of amendments to some acts of the President of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2014, No. 26, the Art. 3520) (further - the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2014 No. 460):

a) citizens - in case of appointment in the organization created for accomplishment of the tasks set for the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation (further - the subordinated organization);

b) workers - annually, no later than April 30 of the year following for reporting.

3. Data on expenses are represented by the workers replacing positions which replacement involves obligation to represent data on the income, in the presence of legal basis, the stipulated in Clause 3 Federal Laws of December 3, 2012 to No. 230-FZ "About control of compliance of expenses of persons replacing the state positions, and other persons to their income" (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 50, Art. 6953; 2014, No. 52, Art. 7542; 2015, No. 45, Art. 6204). In that case data on expenses are reflected in appropriate section of the certificate of the income, expenses, on property and obligations of property nature which form is approved by the Presidential decree of the Russian Federation of June 23, 2014 No. 460 (further - the certificate of the income, expenses, of property and obligations of property nature).

4. The citizen represents:

a) data on the income gained from all sources (including the income still to place of employment, pension, benefits, other payments) for the calendar year preceding year of submission of documents for replacement of position, and also data on the property belonging to it on the property right and on the obligations of the property nature as of the first preceding month of submission of documents for replacement of position (on reporting date);

b) data on the income of the spouse (spouse) and the minor children received from all sources (including the salary, pensions, benefits, other payments) for the calendar year preceding year of submission of documents by the citizen for replacement of position, and also data on the property belonging to it on the property right and on their obligations of the property nature as of the first preceding month of submission of documents by the citizen for replacement of position (on reporting date).

5. The worker represents:

a) data on the income gained for the accounting period (from January 1 to December 31) from all sources (including monetary pay, pensions, benefits, other payments), and also data on the property belonging to it on the property right and on the obligations of property nature as of the end of the accounting period;


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