of June 11, 2014 No. 107
About approval of Standard standard rates of number of heads, specialists, employees and industrial and production personnel, the organizations performing oil transportation and water supply
According to Item 2 of Article 117 of the Labor code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also Rules of approval, replacement and review of standard regulations and standard rates on work of the corresponding fields of activity by state bodies approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 19, 2007 No. 166-p, PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve enclosed:
2. To provide to development department of the oil industry of the Ministry of oil and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) the direction on official publication of this order within ten calendar days after its state registration in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan in mass media;
3) the direction of the copy of the order on the paper and electronic medium on official publication in information system of law of Ad_let in time, not exceeding ten calendar days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) publication of this order on official Internet resource of the Ministry of oil and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Oil Minister and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
U. Karabalin
It is approved Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan June 20, 2014 |
T. Duysenova |
Approved by the Order of the Oil Minister and gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 11, 2014 No. 107
1. These standard standard rates of number of heads, specialists and employees of the organizations performing oil transportation and water supply (further - standard rates) serve for determination and reasons for necessary number of heads, specialists and employees of the organizations performing oil transportation and water supply.
2. Are the basis for development of standard rates:
1) matrixes of functions;
2) technical and economic indicators of the organizations performing oil transportation and water supply on pipelines;
3) the analysis of the operating management structure, the actual arrangement of workers.
3. In case of development of standard rates are used:
1) Standard standard rates of number of heads, specialists and employees of the organizations (the companies, the companies) performing the oil transportation and waters approved by the order of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 9, 2009 No. 15;
2) the analysis of values of the costs of time established by cards of self-photos of the working day of heads, specialists and employees on the carried-out amount of works;
3) relevant provisions about structural divisions and job descriptions of workers.
4. Standard rates are expected all carried-out management functions with use of economic-mathematical methods according to appendix 1 to these standard rates.
5. The standard rates calculated on each management function include the heads, specialists and employees occupied with accomplishment of this or that function at the level of management of the organization and are determined depending on the following factors:
1) payroll number of personnel of the organization, people;
2) annual transportation load of oil, millions of tons and water supply, millions of cubic meters;
3) extent of oil and water supply systems, kilometers;
4) cost of fixed assets, millions of monthly settlement indicators;
5) amount of capital construction and capital repairs, millions of monthly settlement indicators;
6) payroll number of personnel of central office of the organization, people;
Total 7) annual export volume and import with the partner country, one million tons;
8) the number of delivery and acceptance points in the territory of the partner country, units.
6. Standard rates are provided by formulas (linear and linearly - logarithmic dependence) and tables for various fixed values of the accepted factors. For determination of normative number on specific measure values (factors) it is necessary to interpolate between the next values of factors which are available in the table, or to carry out calculation for the dependence equation according to appendix 2 to these standard rates.
7. In case of fractional value of the standard rate of number on each function of size with 0,5 will also more be rounded to the whole value, - are rejected by less 0,5.
8. The normative number of heads, specialists and employees in general on the organization is determined by summing of values of normative number by each function.
9. Within standard rates of number the first head of the organization has the right to complete departments, managements or departments (services) uniting several functions, or the normative number of heads, specialists and employees determined by one function to distribute on several divisions.
10. The coefficient - 1,2, considering the number of foreign specialists is applied to the organizations with foreign participation to standard rates of number of heads, specialists and employees.
11. In content of the normalized management functions the performed main works are specified. The auxiliary works which are not listed in the work content, but being component of these management functions as regulations of time are considered and separately are not normalized.
12. The names of professions of workers and positions of employees provided in standard rates correspond to Single wage rate books of works and professions of workers and the Job evaluation catalog of positions of heads, specialists and other employees approved by the order of the Minister of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 21, 2012 No. of 201-o-m.
13. Depending on form of corporate management and pattern of ownership, the name of positions according to table 1 of Appendix 1 to these standard rates can be formulated according to the approved management structure of the organization according to the nomenclature of positions of employees existing in the republic.
14. Standard rates consider preparatory and final time, time for servicing of workplace, time for rest and personal needs.
15. Standard rates provide the payroll number determined taking into account coefficient of the planned absences: on labor and additional vacations, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan, in connection with pregnancy, childbirth and due to illness, on accomplishment of the state and public duties.
16. Standard rates are applied with amendments according to explanations to them. Amendments are applied only to those standard rates for which they are established.
17. Limits of the numerical indicators used in case of application of standard rates in which it is specified "to" should be understood inclusive.
18. The normative number of personnel is calculated only on the objects which are in operation, or temporarily suspended waiting for resumption of work.
19. Standard rates of number of cleaners of service, production premises and swampers are calculated according to the existing standard standard rates of number.
20. In standard rates position "(chief) manager" according to the accepted classification of heads, specialists and other employees is referred to professional category.
21. Functions of workers are regulated by Regulations on structural division, job descriptions of workers, acts of the employer and the collective agreement.
22. In the work heads, specialists and employees of structural divisions are guided by regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, rules and regulations of technical operation, safe engineering, production sanitation and other documents.
23. Functions of employees of structural divisions are performed with use of the automated SAP R/3, system of electronic document management "Lotus Notes", and also electronic mail service of "Microsoft Outlook" based on the personal computers connected among themselves by local information networks.
24. The organizational specifications accepted in these standard rates provide:
1) rational organization of workplaces;
2) timely obtaining working necessary information, carrying out necessary consultations and instructing;
3) observance of rational work-rest schedule;
4) ensuring the established sanitary standards.
25. Workplaces of workers are equipped with the computer table (with prefix) providing convenient placement on it of office equipment and objects of the labor, and in table boxes - storage of the relevant documents and office supplies.
1. Management
26. Approximate structure of works.
Management of all types of activity of the organization.
Organization of work and effective interaction of production units and other structural divisions of the organization.
Ensuring accomplishment by the organization of the established quantitative and qualitative indexes, obligations to the government budget, consumers and banks.
2. Administrative providing
27. Approximate structure of works.
The organization of work on creation and providing safe working conditions of employees of the organization, injury prevention and occupational diseases, decrease in environmental pressure from productive activity, to non-admission of the fires on production facilities of the organization and control of observance of requirements of industrial safety.
Control of observance in divisions of the organization of the current legislation, instructions, rules and regulations on labor protection, safe engineering, production sanitation, fire-proof protection and environmental protection.
Control of timeliness of testing, checks and the correct operation of the equipment, observance of schedules of measurements of the air circle, production noise, vibration and another, accomplishment of instructions of state supervision bodies behind observance of regulations and standards of safe engineering.
Briefings of workers and examination on labor protection, safe engineering, production sanitation, fire-proof protection and environmental protection.
28. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
29. Approximate structure of works.
Plan development on work and the salary, enhancement of labor organization, production management, payment systems and work incentives of employees of the organization, control of correctness of application in branches and organizations of the organization of systems of the tariff charges, salaries, allowances, surcharges and coefficients to the salary, and also correctness of tariffing of works and establishments of categories to workers.
Calculation and control of observance of normative number of workers, development of the staff list of the organization.
Registration of acceptance and dismissal of workers according to the procedure, the established labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Accounting of payroll of employees of the organization.
Storage and filling of service records.
Maintaining documentation on personnel problems.
Monitoring of movement of personnel, identification of the reasons of staff turnover and development of actions for their elimination.
Maintaining time keeping of working hours.
Control of condition of registration of personnel in branches and representative offices of the organization.
Maintaining the statistical reporting under registration of personnel.
Organization of certification and other types of assessment of the professional training level of employees of the organization.
Organization of preparation and advanced training of personnel. Organization of work on social problems.
30. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
31. Approximate structure of works.
Development and program implementation of ensuring complex safety of the organization.
Analysis of security status of production facilities of the organization.
Ensuring protection of the property/non-property benefits and rights of the organization against illegal encroachments.
Inspection of systems of technical safety of objects.
Participation in plan development of liquidation of emergency situations, conducting office investigations.
Development and coordination of the regulating documentation and organizational and methodical materials on safety issues of the organization, according to the international standard on information security of ISO/IEC 27001:2005.
Participation in identification of prerequisites and factors of possible drawing economic damage.
The analysis of the materials prepared by the organization for the open publication (Articles, reports, advertizing, etc.) regarding contents in them of information, component the office, commercial, and also protected by the law other mystery of the organization.
32. Approximate list of positions: head of service, manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
33. Approximate structure of works.
Legal support of organization activity.
Legal examination of outgoing documents of the organization of legal nature.
Legal examination of drafts of orders, orders, agreements, internal documents of the organization.
Participation in development of the documents regulating internal organization activity.
Preparation of actions for declaration on behalf of the organization, and also preparation of responses on the actions for declaration shown to the organization.
Representation and protection in accordance with the established procedure property and other legitimate rights and interests of the organization, including in courts, law enforcement and other state bodies.
Legal support of process of purchases by the organization of goods, works and services.
Participation in project development of regulatory legal acts.
Explanation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legal advice bureau of employees of the organization for organization activity and its structural divisions.
34. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), legal adviser (main, leading).
35. Approximate structure of works.
Assessment of adequacy and system effectiveness of internal control in the organization, assessment of completeness of application and efficiency of methodology of risks assessment and procedures of risk management in the organization, assessment of observance of requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international agreements, internal documents of the organization, and also accomplishment of instructions of authorized state bodies, decisions of bodies of the organization and assessment of the systems created for the purpose of observance of these requirements.
Assessment of adequacy of the measures applied by structural divisions of the organization to ensuring achievement of the objects set for them within strategic objectives of the organization, assessment of implementation and respect for the accepted principles of corporate management, the corresponding ethical standards and values in the organization, efficiency evaluation of obtaining by relevant organs and structural divisions of the organization of information on the questions connected with risks and internal control, monitoring of execution of recommendations of the external auditor by the organization.
36. Approximate list of positions of employees: head of service, manager (main), auditor (leading).
37. Approximate structure of works.
Control of financial and economic activities of structural divisions of the organization, accomplishment of business plans by them, respect for financial discipline, safety of assets, reliability of reporting data, financial accounting condition. Strengthening of financial discipline, identification of the reasons and conditions promoting formation of losses, shortages and making of plunders.
Identification and mobilization of the available organization activity reserves, increase in efficiency and quality of work directed to strengthening of regime of economy in use of financial and tangible assets of the organization.
38. Approximate list of positions of employees: head of service, manager (main).
39. Approximate structure of works.
Information support of organization activity, forming, maintenance and protection of positive corporate image of the organization in mass media.
Prevention of distribution through mass media of unchecked, inappropriate reality and the negative information about the organization.
Development and strategy implementation of the organization for public relations directed to forming, maintenance and protection of corporate image of the organization.
Collection and information analysis about political, economic and social situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, and also materials of mass media about organization activity, and about situation in oil and gas complex which can influence organization activity.
Information collection in the relevant structural divisions of the organization and preparation for the publication in mass media of materials about organization activity.
The organization and carrying out the promotional and informational shares directed to maintenance and strengthening of image of the organization.
40. Approximate list of positions of employees: head of service, manager (main).
41. Approximate structure of works.
Timely processing of the arriving and sent correspondence, its delivery to destination, control of completion dates of documents and their correct registration.
Documents acceptance, their registration, accounting and transfer to the relevant structural divisions.
Printing and reproduction of in-house documents.
42. Approximate list of positions: manager of office (chief), report clerk, registrar, manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
43. Approximate structure of works.
The organization of development of state language in work and clerical work of the organization.
Creation of necessary organizational, material conditions for free and free acquisition of state language by all staff of the organization.
Organization and carrying out rates for studying of state language.
Training of employees of the organization in state language.
Providing with necessary literature, textbooks, visual aids.
Enhancement of content, forms, methods and tutorials.
Control over compliance with law about languages in structural divisions and branches of the organization.
The organization and accomplishment of complete translations of normative and legal acts and other documents from state language into Russian and from Russian on state language.
Editing complete translation from Russian in state language and from state language into Russian.
44. Approximate list of positions: head of service, manager (chief), chief specialist (translator), leading expert (translator), specialist (translator).
45. Approximate structure of works.
Creation of proper conditions for functioning of structural divisions of the organization, by providing with organizers, the main and auxiliary inventory stocks, and also operation of office buildings of the organization.
Ensuring safety of economic stock, its recovery and replenishment. Control of respect for purity in rooms, their condition and taking measures to timely repair of rooms.
Providing workers with office supplies and objects of economic use.
Organization of works on social security of employees of the organization.
Transport servicing of employees of the organization.
Organization of work on timely providing with fuels and lubricants, for timely carrying out maintenance and automotive maintenance.
Rational use and effective operation of motor transport.
46. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
47. Approximate structure of works.
Coordination of operational interaction of the organization with the gas and oil producing organizations and other consumers of services.
Determination of limits of oil transportation and water supply for consumers.
Coordination of acceptance and supply of oil, water supply by consumers of services;
Preparation and release of routing orders on acceptance and supply of oil on trunk oil pipeline system.
The solution of operational issues on oil transportation and water supply.
Carrying out inventory count of oil on trunk oil pipeline system.
Monitoring of movement of the Kazakhstan oil and cash flows on payment of transportation of the Kazakhstan oil on trunk oil pipeline systems of the Commonwealth countries of the independent states and the Baltic.
Monitoring and coordination of transfer of oil in seaports.
Coordination of conditions of oil transportation with consumers of services.
Creation and analysis of the forecast of medium-term and long-term amounts, directions of transportation Kazakhstan oil-extracting organizations.
Carrying out analysis of condition and tendency of development of the directions of oil transportation.
Collection and information analysis on oil prices in the world markets, creation of statistic reports on dynamics of the change in price for oil, information on technical condition, handling capacity and degree of load of oil pipelines.
Generalization of results of marketing researches of the markets of hydrocarbonic raw materials and products of its conversion, introduction of offers on feasibility of implementation of this or that scheme of oil transportation.
Negotiation with the Kazakhstan oil organizations for realization of new routes for the purpose of development of infrastructure of the organization and the conclusion of the relevant contracts with oil producers.
The analysis of plans of expansion and development of petrotransport systems in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Commonwealth countries of the independent states and foreign countries.
48. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
49. Approximate structure of works.
Control of activities of the central control offices of branches of the organization and providing optimum operating modes of objects of oil pipelines, water supply systems, acceptance, oil transportation and water supply.
Control of work of oil pumping and water pumping points, Items of heating, delivery and acceptance points with observance of the technological modes and behind respect for the set technology for filling oil in cistern cars and the tanker.
Control of conducting operational accounting of availability of oil, free reservoir of reservoirs, movements and qualities of oil and water.
Collection and the analysis of the organization of information necessary for control and management for acceptance, oil transportation and water supply arriving from branches.
Control of conducting operational accounting of availability and quality of oil and water. Coordination of operational interaction with the gas and oil producing organizations.
50. Approximate list of positions of employees: chief dispatcher, dispatcher.
51. Approximate structure of works.
Control over the implementation of the actions, plans, agreements and decisions of the organization aimed at providing accident-free and reliable operation of bulk distribution lines, production facilities of the basic and auxiliary purpose behind ensuring effective protection of bulk distribution lines and constructions of reservoir parks from corrosion, timely carrying out diagnostic works on production facilities of the organization and processing equipment of trunk oil pipelines and conduits, creation and accomplishment of plans of organizational and technical actions for preparation of production facilities for work during the flood and autumn and winter periods, observance of optimum heathydraulic operating modes of trunk oil pipelines, control of consumption of boiler and oven fuel. Organization and control of works on aviation patrol of bulk distribution lines.
52. Approximate list of positions: department director (deputy), manager (main), manager-technologist, linear part manager, conduit manager, electrochemical protection manager, specialist (main, leading).
53. Approximate structure of works.
Forming and carrying out single technical policy of the organization in the field of reconstruction and development of complexes technical and software of automated process control systems. Participation in plan development of implementation of the new equipment and advanced technology and ensuring their accomplishment. Development of perspective plans and feasibility statements on new projects regarding the "Implementation of System of Dispatching Control and Control of Pipelines" project (SCADA) on objects of the under construction and reconstructed bulk distribution lines of the organization. Control of observance of schedules of scheduled preventive maintenance of objects of the organization. Organization of works on metrological support of processes of transportation and oil storage.
54. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
55. Approximate structure of works.
Receipt of licenses and permissions by types of telecommunication services. The analysis and elimination of causes of infringement of the modes of operation, the idle times, other losses on production connected with unsatisfactory operation or refusal, and also misuse and operation of means of communication and data transmission. Control of observance by telecom operators of schedules of planned scheduled works of means of communication and data transmission. Execution of requests for acquisition of the equipment of communication and data transmission of the measuring equipment, spare parts, cable products. Participation in plan development of implementation of the new equipment and advanced technology, and also ensuring their accomplishment. The methodical help to branches and structural divisions concerning technical and technological policy on communication industry. Creation and the analysis of reports on the done work on technological communication.
56. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
57. Approximate structure of works.
Complex assessment of possible transport routes, opportunities of the existing system of oil pipelines (conduits) and preparation of offers on its development and expansion. Preparation of provisional project solutions on construction new, upgrade and modernization of the existing objects of the organization. Ensuring development of the design estimates on new construction, reconstruction, upgrade and modernization of the existing objects of the organization with involvement of the specialized project organizations. Participation in process of development of annual and perspective plans on upgrade, modernization and expansion of the existing objects of the organization.
58. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
59. Approximate structure of works.
The organization of works on planning and control of development of the design estimates, creation of specifications on designing of again under construction objects and constructions, on reconstruction and expansion of the operating objects, the analysis of condition of capital repairs and capital construction in branches, determination of priority on capital repairs and capital construction. Control of observance of project decisions, terms of construction and requirements of normative and technical documents, including qualities of installation and construction works, construction costs, reconstruction, expansions, modernization of production facilities.
60. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
61. Approximate structure of works.
Plan development and balances of material logistics of structural divisions of the organization. Marketing researches, forming of commercial offers. Identification and establishment of the most rational forms of supply. Carrying out commercial negotiations. Participation in preparation and conclusion of economic contracts with suppliers and producers. The analysis of competitive documents of potential suppliers and preparation of the conclusions for the contest committee. Control of timely and high-quality obligation fulfillment under agreements. Studying of operational information and promotional materials according to offers of the commercial organizations. Customs clearance of the goods arriving in the organization.
62. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
63. Approximate structure of works.
Organization of all necessary works on carrying out purchases, including tenders, control of preparation, coordination and conclusion of agreements. Creation of the reporting under process of purchases and conducting the corresponding correspondence. Ensuring carrying out offsets on debts of the organization. Check and data analysis about execution of agreements of the organization.
Monitoring of local content, control and check of calculations of local content.
Carrying out clearing and factoring transactions on debts of the organization.
64. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
65. Approximate structure of works.
Implementation, management and enhancement of risk management system, identification, assessment and monitoring of risks of business processes, development of internal documents on risk management system. Organization of implementation and enhancement of the principles of corporate management. Development of plans/programs of implementation of actions for implementation and enhancement of internal control systems and enterprise system of risk management, and also control of their execution. Control of condition of risks, observance of the most admissible limits of risks and execution of actions for risk management. Tracking of the external factors influencing risks of the organization.
66. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
67. Approximate structure of works.
Carrying out single policy in the field of improvement of quality of the services rendered by the organization, labor and environmental protection by development, implementation, maintenance in working order and permanent improvement of the integrated system of management according to requirements of the international standards ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:1999. Development, coordination, review and conversion of documents the integrated system of management of the organization. Planning and carrying out internal audits by the integrated system of management: creation, coordination and approval of programs, schedules of audits by the integrated system of management. The analysis of results of internal and external audits by the integrated system of management. The organization of works on carrying out certified and supervising audits as the integrated system of management.
68. Approximate list of positions of employees: head of service, manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
69. Approximate structure of works.
Development of the development strategy of the organization and control of its realization. Increase in system effectiveness of strategic planning and corporate organization development. Preparation of offers and the analysis of feasibility of participation of the organization in the operating and new petrotransport assets in the Republic of Kazakhstan and beyond its limits. Ensuring process of functioning of the balanced scorecard in the organization. Carrying out marketing researches and studying of prospects of development of the world markets of sale of hydrocarbonic raw materials. Determination of the most optimal variants of use of petrotransport infrastructure of the organization. Determination of potential partners and partners in the domestic market, and also establishment of business relations with the foreign organizations for attraction of oil in trunk oil pipeline system of the organization. Development and coordination of strategy for the separate business directions. Coordination of offers on forecasts of the main macroeconomic indicators influencing organization development.
70. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
71. Approximate structure of works.
Ensuring efficiency and enhancement of asset management system of the organization. Ensuring integrated and system approach to implementation of investing activities of the organization. Ensuring process of release and share placing of the organization. Development and implementation of actions for enhancement of asset management system of the organization. Monitoring of execution of plans and programs of the organization regarding asset management of the organization. The analysis of financial and economic efficiency of investment projects of the organization and creation of the conclusions on them. Development and updating of the consolidated financial and economic model of the organization and models of investment projects of the organization.
72. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
73. Approximate structure of works.
The organization of effective communications between management of the organization and investment community for the purpose of maintenance and strengthening of reputation of the organization as investment and attractive organization. Preparation and coordination of implementation of strategy of the organization in the field of investor relations. Ensuring complete and timely informing investment community on organization activity, events and plans which are subject to disclosure can significantly be affected share value, with use of all available channels of exchange of information. Providing feedback between investment community and management of the organization. Rendering analytical support in case of development of strategy of the organization and the conclusion of large deals on acquisition and asset sale or attraction of financial resources in the capital markets by informing management on opinion of investment community. The organization of cooperation with Kazakhstan stock exchange joint-stock company and provision of information by it according to the listing rules approved by this society.
74. Approximate list of positions of employees: head of service, manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
75. Approximate structure of works.
Financial and economic reasons for investment projects. Coordination of process of business planning in the affiliated organizations. Coordination of financial productive activity of the affiliated organizations. Asset management of the organization. Development and deployment of systems of the budget management, managerial accounting, separate accounting on costs, assets and the income of the organization. Maintenance of separate accounting. Coordination of implementation process of strategic initiatives in the organization. Development and deployment of the actions plan on organization development strategy implementation. Development of the Program for cost reduction of the organization. Financial market monitoring of borrowing and financial instruments. Work with the international financial institutions. Maintenance of credit rating of the organization. Provision of information on the existing credit agreements. Analysis of financial and economic organization activity.
76. Approximate list of positions of employees: department director (deputy), manager (main), specialist (main, leading).
77. Approximate structure of works.
Control of timely carrying out inventory count of money, inventory stocks, fixed assets and intangible assets of the organization, control of availability, movement and use of material and financial resources, the organization of calculations for the salary with employees of structural divisions, ensuring documentary reflection on the accounts of financial accounting of the organization of transactions linked with movement of money, preparation of calculations and declarations on payable taxes and their timely submission to tax authorities, participation in development of the budget of the organization, creation and submission of the consolidated statements to tax authorities and other authorized bodies.
78. Approximate list of positions of employees: chief accountant (deputy), specialist (main, leading), accountant (leader), manager (main).
79. Approximate structure of works.
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The document ceased to be valid since January 1, 2016 according to Item 1 of the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 9, 2015 No. 704