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of August 29, 2014 No. 245

About approval of regulatory legal acts on implementation of the Budget code of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 22.05.2018 No. 382)

1. Approve:

Regulations on procedure for cash planning and cash management of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 1;

Regulations on procedure for issue of permissions to payment of expenses to state-financed organizations and receivers of budgetary funds according to appendix No. 2.

2. To the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the interested ministries and departments to bring the regulatory legal acts adopted by them into accord with this resolution in a month.

3. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan R. S. Azimov.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Sh. Mirziyoev

Appendix No. 1

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of August 29, 2014 No. 245

Regulations on procedure for cash planning and cash management of the Government budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan

I. General provisions

2. In this Provision the following basic concepts are used:

cash planning - the planning and regulation of turnover of the means of the Government budget passing through the Single treasurer account, performed by creation of cash plans of the republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the republican budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional budgets of areas, the city budget of the city of Tashkent and budgets of areas and the cities on sources and the amount of receipts and also by the sizes, the directions of expenditure and their purpose;

The single treasurer account (further - EKS) - the special bank account managed by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan on which the income and other receipts are enlisted and from which expenses of budgets of the budget system are paid;

cash management of the Government budget - management of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan of Treasury of the means of the Government budget which are on EKS for the purpose of ensuring timely payment of expenses of state-financed organizations and receivers of the budgetary funds receiving means from the Government budget.

3. Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, management of Treasury on the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and the city of Tashkent, departments of Treasury on areas and the cities (further - treasurer divisions) perform cash planning and cash management of the Government budget, being on EKS, by creation of annual and monthly forecasts of receipts of the income and expenses of the Government budget.

Document forms on implementation of cash planning and cash management of the Government budget and terms of their representation by the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - GNK), the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the State Customs Committee), and also the bodies performing according to the legislation tax collection, other obligatory payments, administrative penalties and financial sanctions in treasurer divisions are determined by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

II. Cash planning and cash management of the Government budget

4. Cash planning of the income and expenses of the Government budget is performed, respectively, for:

republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Treasury of the Ministry of Finance;

the republican budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional budgets of areas, the city budget of the city of Tashkent and budgets of areas and the cities - territorial treasurer subdivisions.

4-1. Cash planning the current financial year is constituted with breakdown on months on the basis of the following data:

about the indicators provided in annual list of the income and expenses of the Government budget;

about monthly distribution of receipts of the income administered by GNK in the Government budget the current financial year;

about monthly distribution of receipts of the income administered by the State Customs Committee in the republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the current financial year;

about monthly distribution of receipts of the income administered by certain administrators of the income of the Government budget in the Government budget the current financial year;

about monthly distribution of receipts of the income administered by the Ministry of Finance in the republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the current financial year;

about the forecast of cash payments for expenses of the Government budget for the current financial year;

about the forecast of cash revenues for covering of temporary cash gaps to the current financial year.

4-2. Cash planning for month is constituted with breakdown on days on the basis of the following data:

about the indicators provided in annual list of the income and expenses of the Government budget for the corresponding month;

about distribution of receipts of the income with disaggregation on the working days administered by GNK in the Government budget for the corresponding month;

about distribution of receipts of the income with disaggregation on the working days administered by the State Customs Committee in the republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the corresponding month;

about distribution of receipts of the income with disaggregation on the working days administered by certain administrators of the income of the Government budget in the Government budget for the corresponding month;

about distribution of receipts of the income with disaggregation on the working days administered by the Ministry of Finance in the republican budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the corresponding month;

about the forecast of cash payments for expenses of the Government budget for the corresponding month;

about the forecast of cash receipts for covering of temporary cash gap for the corresponding month.

4-3. The cash plan is constituted and kept by treasurer divisions in the Information system of the Ministry of Finance (further - IS "MFRU") on the basis of information and data presented in the paper and electronic form by GNK, the State Customs Committee and also other chief managers of the income by areas and the cities.

4-4. The annual cash plan the following financial year is constituted annually till December 25 of the current financial year.

The monthly cash plan is constituted monthly no later than the 1st following month under report, the accruing result since the beginning of the current financial year. At the same time indicators of the cash plan for current month shall correspond to indicators of the cash plan for the current financial year on current month taking into account the changes in the course of maintaining the cash plan made to it.

4-5. Maintaining the cash plan is performed by means of modification of its indicators based on actual receipts and payments within a month.


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