of July 17, 2014 No. 139
About the state and municipal services
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 25, 2014
1. This Law establishes the basic principles of provision of the state and municipal services, regulates legal relationship in this sphere between contractors and consumers of the state and municipal services, and also determines procedure for forming of registers of the state and municipal services, standards of their provision.
The procedure for use of architecture of electronic control for provision of the state and municipal services is electronically determined according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About electronic control".
2. Operation of this Law does not extend:
- on the sphere of provision of services by the state and municipal companies and the services provided by the public and local government offices each other;
- on the state higher educational institutions having special status.
The services provided by the state and municipal companies and the services provided by the public and local government offices each other are performed on contractual basis according to the civil legislation.
3. Activities of state bodies, local government bodies, other public and local government offices for realization of functions of the state supervision, control and licensed requirements to activities for provision of the state and municipal services do not belong and regulated in other procedure established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
1. The legislation on provision of the state and municipal services is based on the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, the law regulating administrative activities and consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic adopted according to this Law.
In case of collisions with other regulatory legal acts having equal legal force with this Law in the absence of contradictions with regulatory legal acts with higher legal force regarding provision of the state and municipal services provisions of this Law are applied.
2. In the sphere of the state and municipal services regulations come in the procedure established by the law into force of international treaties which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic are applied.
In this Law the following concepts are used:
administrative regulations of the state and municipal service - the document regulating terms and the sequence of ministerial procedures (actions) of the contractor of the state or municipal service necessary for provision of the state and municipal service including interdepartmental interaction in case of its availability;
the basic register of municipal services - the approved minimum list of the municipal services provided to physical persons and legal entities by local government offices on free and paid basis according to the powers established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
the state service - result of the activities of public institutions performed within their competence on execution of request of physical persons and legal entities and directed to realization of the rights, satisfaction of legitimate interests of consumers of the services, or fulfillment of duties resulting from the civil relations;
the public or local government office - the organization created by state body or local government body for implementation of managerial, welfare or other functions of non-commercial nature and financed by it fully or partially;
the additional list of municipal services - the approved list of the municipal services provided to physical persons and legal entities by local government offices on free and paid basis which is created over the basic register of municipal services taking into account features of each administrative and territorial unit, proceeding from opportunities of the local budget;
single window - method of the organization and provision of the state and municipal services in one place, beginning from filing of application before receipt of results of rendering service in one organization;
the unified register of the state services - the systematized list of the state services provided to consumers by public institutions on free or paid basis approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the procedure, determined by this Law;
request for provision of the state or municipal service - any action of physical person or legal entity, committed personally or by proxy the representative, its declaration of will allowing to determine on the receipt of the state or municipal service expressed in the form established by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
the contractor of the state or municipal service - the public and local government offices providing the state and municipal services in request of physical persons and legal entities within the competence;
the paragraph the eleventh ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 17.07.2024 No. 122
the local register of municipal services - the approved list of the municipal services provided to physical persons and legal entities by local government offices on paid and free basis in the territory of specific administrative and territorial unit;
municipal service - result of the activities of local government offices performed within their competence on execution of requests of physical persons and legal entities directed to realization of the rights, satisfaction of legitimate interests of consumers of the services, or fulfillment of duties resulting from the civil relations;
the organization responsible for standardization of the state or municipal service - the organization developing the standard of the state or municipal service, determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic or the corresponding local kenesh by development of standards of the municipal services entering the additional list of municipal services;
quality evaluation of provision of the state and municipal service - research of achievement of realization of resulting effects or observance of the corresponding standards established by this Law, subjects providing the state or municipal services;
the consumer of the state or municipal service - the physical person or legal entity which performed directly or through the representative request for provision of the state or municipal service to the contractor of the state or municipal service;
the standard of the state and municipal service - the document containing the systematized set of requirements imposed to the state or municipal service approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic or the corresponding local kenesh determining the procedure of interaction of the contractor of the state or municipal service with the consumer of service;
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