of May 16, 2014 No. 964-IVQD
About introduction of amendments to the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About organization of awards and medals of the Azerbaijan Republic" in connection with approval of "Gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi"
Being guided by Item 9 of part I of article 94 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, Millie decides Majlis of the Azerbaijan Republic:
In the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About organization of awards and medals of the Azerbaijan Republic" (Sheets of the Supreme Council of the Azerbaijan Republic, 1992, No. 23, Article 996; 1993, No. 23-24, Article 676; Collection of the Legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic, 2002, No. 5, Article 251; 2003, No. 12, I book, Article 677; 2005, No. 4, Article 291; 2006, No. 10, Article 846; 2007, No. 3, Article 213; 2008, No. 6, Articles 452, 472; 2009, No. 1, Article 4, No. 5, Article 312, No. 7, Articles 514, 515, No. 12, Article 974; 2010, No. 3, Article 174, No. 11, Article 960; 2011, No. 11, Article 992; 2012, No. 7, Article 664, No. 11, Articles 1036, 1048, 1061; 2013, No. 5, of Article 460, of 478, No. 10, Article 1143, No. 12, Article 1477) in the article 2 "75 years of civil aviation of the Azerbaijan Republic (1938-2013)" to replace point with semicolon and to add new part of the following content:
"Gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi.".
Approve "The regulations on "Gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi" (are applied).
Approve "Description" of gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi" it (is applied).
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev
Approved by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 16, 2014 No. 964-IVQD
1.1. The gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi annually awards citizens of Azerbaijan and foreigners for the results achieved by them in the field of fundamental and applied science, scientific publications, opening and inventions during lifetime, and also for special merits in development of science.
1.2. Persons awarded with other awards and medals of the Azerbaijan Republic for merits specified in Article 1.1 of this provision, cannot be awarded by "Gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi" for the same merits.
The relevant structure awards with "Gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi the" of persons specified in article 1 of this provision.
"The gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi" is worn on the left side of breast, and in the presence of other awards and medals of the Azerbaijan Republic after them.
Approved by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of May 16, 2014 No. 964-IVQD
"The gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi" (further - medal) consists from cast from bronze and gilded round board with a diameter of 30 mm.
On the face of medal three circles are displayed. In the first circle along the upper arch the words "NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES of the AZERBAIJAN REPUBLIC", along the lower arch of the word of "NIZAMI of GYaNDZhEVI" are entered. The surface of the second circle is bordered with figured ornament, in the center of the third circle the Nizami Gyandzhevi image is engraved. Texts and images on the medal face convex.
On the reverse of the medal two circles are displayed. On surface of the second circle in the middle of eight-pointed star with convex corners words of "NIZAMI of GYaNDZhEVI", in the bottom of figure "1141-1209" are entered. Texts and images on the back medals convex.
4.1. The medal unites by means of hook and loop with the rectangular metal level of 20 mm x 15 mm in size having element for fixture to clothes. The level is upholstered with the silk tape divided into vertical strips of equal width of green, red and blue color according to flowers of National flag of the Azerbaijan Republic. In the middle of red strip on the face of level images of half moon of golden color and eight-pointed star are engraved. In the upper and lower parts of level golden layer with triangular ledges 1 mm wide is attached.
4.2. The block of 20 mm x 9 mm in size having element for fixture to clothes, upholstered with similar silk tape is applied to medal.
Gold medal of the Azerbaijan Republic of name of Nizami Gyandzhevi
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