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The document ceased to be valid since April 9, 2019 according to item 4 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2019 No. 341


of August 27, 2014 No. 863

About approval of Rules of the notification of boundary bodies on intention to cross frontier of the Russian Federation the Russian courts having the right to numerous crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation without passing boundary, customs (regarding making of the customs transactions connected with arrival (departure) of courts) and other types of control

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 29.03.2016 No. 243)

According to article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "About Frontier of the Russian Federation" the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the enclosed Rules of the notification of boundary bodies about intention to cross frontier of the Russian Federation the Russian courts having the right to numerous crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation without passing boundary, customs (regarding making of the customs transactions connected with arrival (departure) of courts) and other types of control.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2014 No. 863

Rules of the notification of boundary bodies about intention to cross frontier of the Russian Federation the Russian courts having the right to numerous crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation without passing boundary, customs (regarding making of the customs transactions connected with arrival (departure) of courts) and other types of control

1. These rules establish the notification procedure of boundary bodies about intention to cross frontier of the Russian Federation the Russian courts having the right to numerous crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation without passing boundary, customs (regarding making of the customs transactions connected with arrival (departure) of courts) and other types of control (further - the Russian vessels), decreasing from the Russian ports or maritime terminals for the purpose of merchant shipping in internal sea waters, in the territorial sea, exclusive economic zone and (or) on the continental shelf of the Russian Federation with the subsequent arrival in the Russian ports or maritime terminals, and is equal in other cases established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. The captain of the Russian vessel, the shipowner or person authorized by it (further - the applicant) not later than 4 hours to exit of the Russian vessel from port or maritime terminal from which departure of the Russian vessel for the purpose of numerous crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation is planned sends on fax connection or by e-mail (contact information of boundary bodies is posted on the website on the Internet) to boundary body for the location of the specified port or maritime terminal (the nearest boundary body) the notification on intention to cross frontier of the Russian Federation in form according to appendix (further - the notification).

The notification otherwise, established by the Government of the Russian Federation, goes the applicant not later than 10 working days to exit of the Russian vessel from port from which departure of the Russian vessel for the purpose of numerous crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation is planned, and is confirmed by it not later than 4 hours to each exit of the Russian vessel from port for present purposes.

The Russian vessel can perform numerous crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation only for the purpose of implementation of the activities specified in the notification in the area (areas) and terms which are declared in the notification.

3. Are applied to the notification:

a) the plan of transition of the Russian vessel and (or) data on the area of implementation of activities and the planned vessel route to the specified area;

b) muster roll;

c) the passenger manifest (in the presence of passengers).

4. If from boundary body confirmation about receipt of the notification did not arrive, the applicant within one hour after its direction checks receipt of this notification by boundary body for telephone communication.

5. In case of refusal from intention to cross frontier of the Russian Federation the applicant without delay on fax connection or by e-mail informs on it boundary body to which the notification was sent, and checks obtaining by boundary body of the specified information on telephone communication.

6. In case of each subsequent departure of the Russian vessel for implementation of the activities specified in the notification, the applicant not later than hour to exit of the specified vessel informs boundary body on lack of change of the data specified in the notification.

In case of change of the data specified in the notification, the applicant directs the new notification according to the procedure, provided by Items 2 - 4 these rules.

At the time of exit of the Russian vessel from port or maritime terminal the ship master on fax connection or by e-mail notifies boundary body for the location of port or maritime terminal (the nearest boundary body) on change of the muster roll or passenger manifest.

7. In case of change of time of exit of the Russian vessel from port or the maritime terminal specified in the notification, the applicant not later than hour till time specified in the notification informs on it on telephone, fax connection or by e-mail boundary body and checks obtaining by boundary body of the specified information, at the same time the direction of the renewed notification is not required.

8. In case of change in the course of swimming of the plan of transition and (or) the area of implementation of activities and the planned route to the specified region of the Russian vessel specified in the notification the captain of the Russian vessel without delay informs on it on telephone, fax connection or by e-mail boundary body and checks obtaining by boundary body of the specified information, at the same time the direction of the renewed notification is not required.

9. In case of change during swimming of the geographical coordinates of the place of crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation declared in the notification the captain of the Russian vessel without delay informs on it boundary body for the place of crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation.

10. In case of the actual crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation the captain of the Russian vessel transfers to boundary body (division of boundary body) for the place of crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation, for radio communication, fax connection or e-mail information on the Russian vessel, time and geographical coordinates of the place of crossing of frontier of the Russian Federation by it. The corresponding entry in the logbook is made by the captain or other face of command structure of the Russian vessel.


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