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of June 30, 2014 No. 116

About approval of General regulations on legislative metrology

(as amended of the Order of the Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Moldova of 13.06.2016 No. 117)

Based on litas. d) item (2) Art. 2 of the Law on metrology No. 647-XIII of 17:11. 1995, with subsequent changes and amendments, the Law on registers No. 71-XVI of 22.03.2007 and according to the recommendation of the standing technical working group created by the order of the Ministry of Economics No. 4 of 20:01. 2011, I ORDER:

1. Approve General regulations on legislative metrology of RGML 19:2014 "National system of metrology. The state register of the measuring instruments allowed for use in the Republic of Moldova" according to appendix.

2. Cancel the regulating document RG 29-03-19-99 "The state register of measuring instruments" from the date of publication of this order in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova

3. Transfer this order:

- for placement on the website of the Ministry of Economics;

- To national institute of metrology for publication in the specialized magazine "Metrologie" and placements on the website.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy minister Mr. Dumitra Godorozhu.

Deputy. Prime Minister, Minister of Economic Affairs

Valeriu Lazer 

General regulations on legislative metrology of RGML 19:2014 "State register of the measuring instruments having the certificate of approval of type"

I. Scope

1. These regulations establish the basic principles and procedure for maintaining the State register of the measuring instruments having the certificate of approval of type (further - the State register).

2. Provisions of these regulations extend to the measuring instruments used in areas of public interest, imported or made, including small batches or in single copies, and also to standard samples for which the certificate on approval of type is issued (further – the certified standard samples).

II. Terminology

3. Terms according to the Law about metrologiya No. 19 of March 4 2016, with subsequent changes and amendments, the Law on registers No. 71-XVI of March 22, 2007 and SM SR Ghid ISO/CEI 99 the International dictionary on metrology (VIM) with the following amendments are applied to the correct interpretation of these regulations:

The state register of the measuring instruments having the certificate of approval of type (The state register) - set of documentary information (the accounting document) in manual type and in the automated information systems (in electron type) in which measuring instruments and the certified standard samples allowed for use in the Republic of Moldova used in the field of public interest are registered.

registration – entering into the State register of data on the measuring instruments used in areas of public interest and the certified standard samples allowed for use in the Republic of Moldova which were put on metrological trials for the purpose of approval of type and have the Certificate of approval of type.

III. General provisions

4. The state register is official data source, the measuring instruments intended for registration used in areas of public interest and the certified standard samples approved in National system on metrology.

5. Owner of the state register is the state.

6. The owner of the state register is the central body for metrology, the central industry body of public management under the Government, responsible for quality infrastructure, - the Ministry of Economics.

7. Holder and the registrar of the state register is the National institute of metrology (further - NIM).

8. The state register is created and kept for the purpose of:

1) accounting of the approved types of the measuring instruments and the certified standard samples made or imported in the Republic of Moldova;

2) creations of fund of official details in manual and in electronic form about measuring instruments and the certified standard samples;

3) providing with details physical persons and legal entities, and also national metrological authorities of the countries which signed agreements on mutual recognition of results of metrological testing for the purpose of approval of type.

9. The state register consists of three parts:

1) Part I. The measuring instruments entered in "The state register of the measuring instruments having the certificate of approval of type"

2) Part II. The certified standard samples entered in "The state register of the measuring instruments having the certificate of approval of type"

3) Part III. The measuring instruments imported by small batches or in single copies entered in "The state register of the measuring instruments having the certificate of approval of type"

IV. Maintaining the state register of the measuring instruments having the certificate of approval of type

10. Maintaining the State register is performed by National institute of metrology which bears responsibility for:

1) registration of the types of the measuring instruments used in the areas of public interest having certificates of approval of type and the certified standard samples, allowed for use in the Republic of Moldova;

2) creation of fund of official details about measuring instruments and the certified standard samples entered in the State register;

3) document storage of the State register, and also materials based on which registration is made;

4) providing the interested physical persons and legal entities with official details from the State register;

5) modification of the State register;

6) publication in the periodic specialized magazine "Metrologie" and on the website, information on the measuring instruments used in areas of public interest and the certified standard samples brought in / excluded from the State register.

11. The state register is kept in state language. The register can be translated into other language according to the Law on functioning of languages in the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

12. Manual registration in the State register shall be made so that the possibility of its erasure (deleting, destruction) by mechanical, chemical or any different way without leaving of visible traces of erasure was excluded (deletings, destructions).

13. The records entered in the State register shall be clear and accurate, not contain reducings for avoidance of discrepancies.

14. Books of the State register (in manual type) for direct registration shall be strung together, and sheets are numbered. The number of sheets is specified on the last page and is certified by the sign manual of the head of NIM.

15. Replacement of sheets in the book of the State register of registration by their withdrawal and gluing in of new sheets is forbidden.


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