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The document ceased to be valid since  September 28, 2020 in compliance the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of September 27, 2020 No. UP-6075


of August 1, 2014 No. PP-2221

About the State program on further strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mothers, children and teenagers in Uzbekistan for 2014 - 2018

(as amended on 16-10-2017)

Note that within realization of National model of health protection of mother and the child "Healthy mother - the healthy child", the State program "Year of the healthy child" in the republic is carried out the large-scale work directed to further strengthening of reproductive health of the population, strengthening of material and technical resources and personnel capacity of the medical institutions providing medical care in the sphere of maternity welfare and the childhood, implementation of modern methods of diagnostics, treatment and prevention of diseases of women, children and teenagers.

In 2009 - 2013 are equipped with the modern medical equipment of 227 obstetrical organizations of the republic, the modern perinatal centers in the Andijan, Navoiy, Samarkand, Surkhandarya, Syr Darya, Tashkent, Fergana and Khorezm regions are created, are provided to more 1,5 of one million expectant mothers in the rural zone at the expense of means of the Government budget with polyvitaminic complexes.

As a result over the last 5 years the number of the children born with anomalies of development decreased in time 1,3. Among children at the age of 6 - 15 years incidence of acute respiratory viral infections decreased on % 9,7, pneumonia - on % 49,1, bronchitis - on % 32,8, scoliosis - on % 32,7.

At the same time further strengthening of complex preventive and medical and diagnostic measures for the prevention of congenital and heritable diseases is required, to enhancement of system of patronage of health of mothers and children, especially in the rural zone, to strengthening of material and technical resources of pediatric and obstetrical organizations.

In pursuance of the State program "Year of the healthy child" and for the purpose of further strengthening and increase in the efficiency which is carried out in the country on permanent basis of work on development and strengthening of system of obstetric aid to health protection of mother and child, strengthening of role and responsibility of health care system for forming of healthy younger generation:

1. Approve the State program on further strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mothers, children and teenagers in Uzbekistan for 2014 - 2018 according to appendix No. 1, directed on:

ensuring broad and equal access to high-quality medical services in strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mothers, children and teenagers at all levels of health care system;

improvement of quality of medico-social resettlement of children with variations in development, improvement of children and disabled teenagers, creation of necessary conditions for their full participation in life of society;

strengthening of potential of medical personnel in the sphere of maternity welfare and the childhood at all levels of delivery of health care, in particular, in organizations of primary link of health care;

further development of modern infrastructure in rendering qualified, specialized and high-technology medical care to mothers, children and teenagers;

active attraction of the population to participation in actions and programs for improvement of care of mothers, newborns, children and teenagers, promotion of benefits of maintaining healthy lifestyle, creation of healthy and safe family;

enhancement of information system of health care, ensuring coordination, monitoring and assessment of interdepartmental interaction and activities in implementation of actions for strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mothers, children and teenagers.

Assign to heads of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of the areas and Tashkent, all ministries, departments and organizations contractors the personal responsibility for timely and high-quality implementation of actions provided in the State program.

2. Transform the Government commission formed by the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 13, 2009 No. PP-1096 "About additional measures for health protection of mother and the child, forming of healthy generation" to Government commission on implementation of the State program on further strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mothers, children and teenagers in Uzbekistan and to approve its structure according to appendix No. 2.

3. Assign to Government commission:

ensuring realization in each area, the area and the settlement of the actions provided in the State program and also systematic control and monitoring of their unconditional accomplishment;

the organization and carrying out broad propaganda and explanatory activities among the population, first of all youth, together with medical and educational institutions, self-government institutions of citizens and Committee of women, mass media concerning forming of healthy family, health protection of mother and the child within realization of target task "Healthy mother - the healthy child";

monitoring and coordination of activities of all interested ministries, departments and territorial authorities of management for ensuring system, purposeful and effective implementation of the actions provided by the State program;

quarterly hearing of situation and course of accomplishment of the State program on further strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mothers, children and teenagers in Uzbekistan for 2014 - 2018 on certain areas, the cities and areas and by results of these considerations entering into the Cabinet of Ministers of relevant proposals.

4. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and Tashkent, the ministries, the state committees, departments, the companies, associations and other organizations participating in implementation of the State program in two weeks to develop and approve territorial and industry programs for further strengthening of reproductive health of the population, health protection of mothers, children and teenagers.

5. To committee of women of Uzbekistan, Makhalla Fund, Social movement of youth "Kamolot" to develop and approve the joint program of specific actions for the organization on system basis of explanatory work among the population, especially women and the youth marrying concerning creation of healthy family, the birth and education of healthy children in a month.


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