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Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On August 4, 2014 No. 33445


of June 5, 2014 No. 367n

About approval of Rules on labor protection in courts of sea and river fleet

According to subitem 5.2.28 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 19, 2012 No. 610 (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 26, Art. 3528; 2013, No. 22, Art. 2809; No. 36, Art. 4578; No. 37, Art. 4703; No. 45, Art. 5822; No. 46, Art. 5952; 2014, to No. 21, of the Art. 2710), I order:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules on labor protection in courts of sea and river fleet.

2. This order becomes effective after six months after day of its official publication.


M. A. Topilin

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation of June 5, 2014 No. 367n

Rules on labor protection in courts of sea and river fleet

I. General provisions

1. Rules on labor protection in courts of sea and river fleet (further - Rules) extend to the employers (shipowners), crews of vessel of sea and river fleet swimming under the flag of the Russian Federation, being in operation, sediment, repair, reconstruction, irrespective of their type and patterns of ownership, registered in accordance with the established procedure (further - vessels), except for the courts occupied fish or similar with crafts, warships and auxiliary vessels of Navy.

2. Rules conform to requirements of the International Labor Organization Convention of 2006 "About work in sea navigation", ratified by the Federal Law of June 5, 2012 No. 56-FZ "About ratification of the Convention of 2006 on work in sea navigation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 24, of the Art. 3073) (further - the Convention).

3. Projects of again under construction and reconstructed courts shall correspond to Rules.

4. According to Rules the employer (shipowner) provides development, approval of instructions for labor protection and their availability in courts.

5. According to article 353 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 1, Art. 3; 2011, No. 30, the Art. 4590) (further - the Code) federal state supervision of observance of Rules is exercised by federal inspection of work.

6. Public control over accomplishment of Rules is exercised by authorized representatives of the relevant labor union (heads, technical and legal inspectors of work).

Control over the implementation of Rules on workplaces of members of crews of vessel will be organized by the employer (shipowner) through specialists of services (departments) of labor protection, safety of navigation, mekhaniko-ship services.

7. According to article 265 of the Code (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 1, Art. 3; 2006, No. 27, Art. 2878; 2013, 14, the Art. 1666) is forbidden to No. application of work of persons aged up to 18 years at the works provided by the List of hard work and works with harmful or dangerous working conditions in case of which accomplishment application of work of persons under 18, by the approved order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2000 is forbidden to No. 163 (The Russian Federation Code, 2000, No. 10, Art. 1131; 2001, No. 26, Art. 2685; 2011, No. 26, Art. 3803).

8. On each vessel there shall be documents on labor protection:

1) the specifications and technical documentation on labor protection;

2) accounting and reporting documentation:

register of surveys and testing of portable electric equipment;

magazine of surveys and testing of the electrowelding and gas-welding equipment;

3) documents of the controlling supervisory authorities:

certificates on shtormtrapa; acts of testing of shtormtrap, safety belts and safety ends;

cards of special assessment of working conditions;

certificates of conformity of the organization of works on labor protection;

4) documentation on training in questions of labor protection:

magazines of registration of instructing in labor protection;

the certificates confirming training and examination of requirements of labor protection;

the certificate on the termination of rates on delivery of health care for person designated responsible for delivery of health care on the vessel.

On each vessel there shall be copy of the collective agreement signed by the employer (shipowner) with primary trade-union organization or other representative body of workers (in case of its availability).

9. According to the rule 5.1.3 Conventions of court making the international flights with a gross tonnage of 500 or more register tons shall have the certificate on compliance to labor regulations in sea navigation and the declaration on observance of labor regulations in sea navigation.

10. The employment contracts signed with members of crews of vessel shall conform to requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

11. According to article 218 of the Code (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 1, Art. 3; 2006, 27, Art. 2878) at the initiative of the employer (shipowner) and (or) at the initiative of workers or their representative body on the vessel are created No. committees (commissions) on labor protection.

II. Labor protection in the courts which are in operation

Obligation and shipment's liability and command structure

12. The employer (shipowner) shall provide:

1) availability on the management system vessel labor protection (further - SUOT);

2) regular inspection of workplaces on the vessel on which technical condition health and safety of crew members depends;

3) identification, risks assessment, management of them on the vessel, informing crew members of the vessel on them;

4) safety of crew members of the vessel in case of operation of the ship equipment, tools and accomplishment of ship works;

5) availability on the vessel of person prepared in accordance with the established procedure on first aid and persons on implementation of medical care according to national and international requirements;

6) the organization of control of condition of working conditions on workplaces, and also behind the correct use of the vessel of means of individual and collective protection by crew members;

7) implementation of sanitary and household and treatment-and-prophylactic servicing of crew members of the vessel according to requirements of labor protection;

8) consideration of the offers arriving from crew of the vessel on measures for creation of safe working conditions;

9) availability of necessary documents on labor protection;

10) the organization of work of ship committees (commissions) on labor protection (in case of their availability);

11) development of process charts or instructions for safe accomplishment of characteristic dangerous ship works;

12) training in labor protection and examination of requirements of labor protection of the ship master, faces of command structure and crew members of the vessel.

13. The ship master shall provide:

1) safe working conditions, observance of requirements of regulatory legal acts (further - the NPA) on labor protection by crew members of the vessel;

2) accomplishment on the vessel of provisions acting in the SUOT ship-owning company, requirements of the federal executive body authorized on implementation of federal state supervision of observance of the labor law and others the NPA, the containing regulations of labor right, and its territorial authorities (State Labour Inspection in subjects of the Russian Federation).

14. Person of command structure designated by the ship master responsible for the organization of works on labor protection on the vessel shall:

1) to keep ship documentation of SUOT;

2) together with heads of ship services to constitute requests for providing crew members of the vessel with special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment (further - SIZ);

3) to participate together with heads of ship services and members of ship committee (commission) on labor protection (in case of its availability) in checks of condition of labor protection on workplaces of crew members of the vessel;

4) to participate in work of ship committee (commission) on labor protection;

5) to participate in work of the commission on investigation of accidents, to process documents on investigation of accidents.

15. Heads of ship services shall provide observance of Rules in the divisions and provide in them training of crew members of courts of the relevant service in safe acceptances and methods of work.

16. The captain and command structure of the vessel shall watch that:

1) mechanisms, devices, systems and the equipment of the vessel were operated according to requirements of maintenance instructions of manufacturing plants of the equipment, rules of technical operation of ship technical means and designs, requirements of Rules;

2) mechanisms, devices, systems and the equipment of the vessel were inspected, checked and tested in the terms installed by instructions of manufacturing plants of the equipment, rules of technical operation of ship technical means and designs;

3) during the operation of mechanisms and other equipment of the vessel the moving and rotating their parts, and also opening in the equipment through which in use can be allocated flame hot gases, dust, radiant warmth, were closed or protected;

4) the apertures of the deck and workplaces located at the height from 500 mm and above (the platform of management, observation), had the fixed guard railings.

17. Crew members of the vessel shall:

To report 1) to the immediate superior about the noticed defects of the ship equipment, systems, devices, ladders, the means of insurance constituting danger and also about abuses of regulations and instructions for labor protection;

2) to use safety devices and SIZ according to the performed work;

3) to fulfill requirements of instructions for labor protection for the main and combining professions and positions, and also for specific type of the performed ship works;

4) in case of accident immediately to stop impact of the external injuring factors, to give first aid to the victim, to report about event to the log assistant to the captain (the log mechanic) and, whenever possible, to keep incident on-scene situation for investigation.

System of the admission to work

18. On each vessel there shall be list of ship works of the increased danger for which receipt of permission to carrying out ship works of the increased danger to which including works belong is required:

1) carried out at height and behind board;

2) carried out in rooms with lack of oxygen or availability of harmful gases and vapors, carried out with use of the isolating SIZ;

3) connected with stay in badly ventilated enclosed space, wells, tunnels;

4) connected with check of the air circle when opening holds with various (oxidized or toxic) freights;

5) carried out in double-bottom compartments, ballast, fuel, oil tanks, reservoirs for storage of fresh water;

6) connected with electro-and gas-welding, hot work (except for welding works in specially equipped rooms);

7) carried out in exhaust paths of the main engines, in flues and chimneys of coppers require registration of permission.

19. Permission to carrying out ship works of the increased danger (further - Permission) shall contain the following data:

1) the name of ship work of the increased danger;

2) the Surname, name, middle name (further - full name) and position of the head of work;

3) time of action of Permission;

4) data on carrying out target instructing in labor protection with contractors;

5) data on survey of the equipment, tools, devices (stay in the serviceable, working condition, compliance to requirements of labor protection, date of testing);

6) data on providing working with means of individual and collective protection;

7) full name and position of the insuring person;

8) data on the notification of log service on the forthcoming work, coordination and check of communication system of the head of work and contractor of work;

9) full name of the contractor of work, time of the beginning and completion of work;

10) data on work completion, notice of watchmen on work completion.

Requirements of labor protection during the all-ship works

20. Works in courts shall be performed according to requirements of Rules, instructions for labor protection, rules of technical operation of courts, instructions of manufacturing plants for servicing of the mechanisms established on the vessel, the equipment and devices, process charts, and also documents on safe operation of mechanisms, the equipment and devices.

21. Each crew member of the vessel shall be trained in safe methods of servicing of the mechanisms and devices which are in its management.

22. For the purpose of maintenance according to the procedure and serviceability technical means of the vessel, devices and means of fight for survivability, the equipment and supply, individual and collective remedies, technical documentation, tools, accessories, and also rooms are distributed by the administrative document on managements among crew members of the vessel.

23. Any works on the vessel are performed only with the permission of the head works.

24. The head of work shall take the first-priority measures ensuring safety of accomplishment of ship works:

1) to provide observance of measures of safe works;

2) to instruct on labor protection in case of performance of works;

3) to provide lighting according to existing rules;

4) to be convinced of satisfactory condition of deck coverings;

5) to check correctness of use of devices, tools and individual protection equipment, and also their serviceability and reliability;

To distribute 6) working according to amount and kind of work;

To remove 7) from place of employment of persons who are not participating in this work;

8) to provide elimination of leakage of oil, fuel and other liquids around work;

9) to provide installation of barriers and the corresponding designation of dangerous places in night-time;

10) to designate place of employment safety signs, in necessary cases and before installation of signs of safety to appoint observing.

25. During storm exit, movement and works on the open deck of the vessel are allowed only according to the order of the captain. At the same time movements shall be made by group as a part of at least two people with obligatory application of life jackets, protective helmets and safety belts with the safety ends.

26. Open apertures in false boards, remove guard railings for production needs it is allowed only with the permission of the log assistant to the captain. At the same time the measures preventing fall of people overboard shall be taken including safety signs are established. Upon termination of works apertures in false board shall be immediately closed, and the removed barriers are established into place and fixed.

27. It is forbidden to scoop water because of vessel board, to step and sit down on false board, guard railing, bollards.

28. In case of repair of engines, auxiliary mechanisms, electric equipments, devices and installations it shall be powered off moving on them (or driving systems), and on the starting arrangement of these mechanisms and in other places from where it is possible to perform start-up (switchboards (further - RShch), control panels, posts of management, the cabin), plates with text "Shall be hung out not include - people work". Removal of the plate with such text is allowed only by person by whom it is hung out.

29. When opening valves and cranes of giving of vapor or hot water for safety it is necessary to be where it is possible to avoid impact of hot stream.

30. It is necessary to apply figurative accumulator lamps or portable lamps in explosion-proof execution no more than 12 V to lighting:

1) in case of survey, cleaning, measurements of level of fuel in tanks with fuels and lubricants;

2) in rooms of storage of paints and varnishes and cylinders with combustible gases;

3) during the opening and survey of cases of engines, compressors, tooth gearings, cooling machineries where accumulation of vapors of fuel, oil and gases of explosive concentration is possible;

4) in ballast tanks, cofferdams, cargo tanks, ballast tanks, double-bottom space.

31. It is forbidden to open and close klinketa, gates, cranes keys with the extended handles, counterkeys and pipes.

32. In case of removal of barriers for accomplishment of certain work type measures for the prevention of loss of fasteners shall be taken.

33. Start of mechanisms (devices) on the vessel shall be made according to the maintenance instruction of mechanisms (devices) after the prevention of persons which are close of the forthcoming start-up, and also in case of absence on mechanisms (devices) of foreign objects. The launch of the main engines of the vessel connected with provorachivaniye of rowing screws in case of the parking of the vessel in port is allowed after survey of outboard space behind stern regarding lack of watercrafts and people there.

34. In case of failure detection of safety devices or the alarm system start of mechanisms is forbidden. If in the course of operation of mechanisms defect of safety devices or the alarm system was found, mechanisms shall be stopped before elimination of violations.

35. The small damages of the case, equipment or equipment of the vessel (acting nails or screws, the unsteady fixtures or handles, roughnesses or the damages of deck covering raw and the split edges of wooden products jamming) which can become the reason of injuries and falls, shall be eliminated in case of detection.

36. Workplaces on the vessel, passes and ways of evacuation to them shall be free from freights and foreign objects, immediately be cleared of the spilled oil products and other substances causing sliding systematically to be cleared of snow and ice. Plates of floorings of machine and boiler department of the vessel shall be fixed on the place, all cuts in them are closed.

37. Illumination of workplaces on the vessel shall conform to requirements of the existing sanitary and epidemiologic rules and standard rates.

It is forbidden to take off safety caps from lamps for increase in illumination of rooms and decks of the vessel.

38. Places where the flooring is temporarily opened, shall be protected, and in night-time are lit. The removed sheets of flooring shall be laid near the place of repair and are fixed to exclude their spontaneous movement.

39. The blinking bulbs can specify availability of defects in posting or the equipment which can lead to defeats by electric current or to the fire. Defects shall be revealed and eliminated. The failed bulbs are subject to replacement.

40. Precautionary plates, texts and working indicators shall be easily distinguishable and accurate.

41. Heavy objects, especially if they are established over the level of the deck of the vessel, shall be reliably fixed taking into account movement of the vessel. Furniture and other objects which can fall or move in storm weather shall be appropriately fixed.

42. Doors, mouths, manholes, covers and hatches of stowage and other spaces of the vessel both in open, and in the closed condition shall be fixed reliably.

43. The ship property, replaceable spare parts, the portable tool, devices and stock of the vessel shall be at the regular place and are properly fixed. Fixture of property it is necessary to check every time after accomplishment of ship works, and also before vessel exit in flight and before storm.

44. Technical condition of false board and guard railing of the vessel needs to be controlled constantly and if necessary to repair. Weakening of fixtures of guard railings or their damage shall be immediately corrected, at the same time approaches to the damaged guard railing need to be closed.

45. The cylinders with aerosol containing flying and flammable components cannot be used or stored near naked flame or other sources of heat even if the cylinder is empty.

46. Paints and varnishes, gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids shall be stored in the special room in densely or hermetically to the closed nonflammable container.

It is forbidden to store paints and varnishes and flammable liquids in polyethylene and glass container.

47. Storage of flammable materials in the engine room is forbidden.

48. On doors of rooms in which toxic agents, paints and varnishes, oil products are stored and applied the warning safety signs shall be put. Doors of such rooms shall be closed on the lock, rooms to be ventilated.

49. In case of accomplishment of economic and household works on the vessel:

1) established in catering department, laundry, the gladilena and other sanitary and household and public places the equipment, electric devices for accomplishment of economic and household works shall be operated according to requirements of instructions of manufacturing plants;

2) in case of failure detection of the equipment for accomplishment of economic and household works or its damage it is necessary to report on person in whose management it is.

At the same time it is forbidden to eliminate defects by own efforts and to get to work with use of this equipment before elimination of the revealed defects;

3) in case of interruption in supply of the electric power to the equipment for accomplishment of economic and household works it is necessary to switch-off the starting arrangement of electric equipment;

4) the command structure of the vessel shall control and maintain serviceability and regular work of ventilation in premises of catering department, control availability and serviceability of storm fixtures in premises of catering department, in the dining room and saloon, to notify personnel of catering department on storm approach.

50. In case of accomplishment of laundry works on the vessel:

1) washing, drying and ironing of linen and special clothes are permitted only in the rooms which are specially equipped for these purposes;

2) when using manual irons or stationary ironing skating rinks it is necessary to take precautionary measures to avoid burns, to disconnect and put them in regular position every time when the user leaves the room of laundry, to provide workplace with dielectric rug;

3) replacement of cloth on clamping or ironing rolls of the drying and ironing machine shall be made in case of its stop, the switched-off electric motor and the cooled rolls;

4) when using chemicals for dry cleaning it is necessary to carry out the precautionary measures specified in the instruction for use of chemicals;

5) when drying clothes it is impossible to hang out it directly on heaters or closely to them and to dry in the engine room.

51. In bathing and shower rooms it is necessary to have either nonskid mat, or the strengthened lattices interfering sliding under shower, or rubber rug.

52. In shower and bathrooms hand-rail, the equipment and deck covering (tile or other material) shall be in good repair.

53. In case of accomplishment of harvest works on the vessel:

The used electric devices to include 1) in network and it is necessary to switch off dry hands, to make dismantling and cleaning of electric devices only after disconnection from the power supply network;

2) washing and rubbing of podvolok, highly located lamps, windows, and also the upper part of partitions should make by means of special (on extended or telescopicly the moved handles) clips for rags, sponges, brushes;

3) in case of the muscleman of the vessel cleaning of rooms at the height more than 2 m is not made;

4) it is not allowed to rise for rubbing, washing of highly located objects on the accidental and not having stability objects. In case of the parking of the vessel in port it is allowed to rise with small height of subjects to cleaning on steady (height no more than 500 mm) stools (banquette);

5) washing of surfaces of internal rooms of the vessel should be made in rubber gloves;

6) dry rubbing of electrical wiring, electric devices, lighting fixtures should be made in case of the disconnected power supply. In case of impossibility of shutdown of power supply it is necessary to put on dielectric gloves. Damp rubbing of electrical wiring should be made, having cut off power it, and - having disconnected electric devices and lamps from network.

54. In case of performance of works using chemicals on the vessel:

1) in case of technical operation of the ship equipment for sink, disinfecting and disinfection chemicals shall be stored in the specially allotted rooms equipped according to project technical documentation. The personnel using chemicals shall be trained in safe acceptances and methods of work with chemicals, to apply individual protection equipment of integument, sight and respiratory organs;

2) onboard the vessel there shall be instruction for use of chemicals developed and approved in accordance with the established procedure by the employer (shipowner) containing data on physical and chemical properties, toxic effect of medicine on human body, questions of production sanitation and security measure;

3) chemicals needs to be stored in own packaging or in other packagings supplied with the corresponding labels with their name.

Chemicals shall be stored in the closed, well ventilated room;

4) it is necessary to apply SIZ;

5) is forbidden to be accepted aboard the vessel, to use the chemicals which are in container without informative label, the instruction for their use.

55. The deck covering in gyms (cabins) shall not be slippery.

The zone of the swimming pool should be equipped with the precautionary signs and texts forbidding swimming alone and also diving to the pool. In case of storm warning the pool shall be drained.

Providing crew members of the vessel with special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment

56. SIZ are issued to crew members of the vessel according to Cross-industry rules of providing workers with special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 1, 2009 No. 290n (registration No. 14742) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 10, 2009, with the changes made by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of January 27, 2010 No. 28n (registration No. 16530) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 1, 2010, and Standard regulations of free issue of special clothes, special footwear and other individual protection equipment to the workers occupied at works with the harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, and also at the works performed in special temperature conditions or connected with pollution approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2009 No. 357n (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 1, 2009, registration No. 14683), collective agreement.

57. Crew members of the vessel in the course of execution of log service and accomplishment of ship works shall use SIZ.

58. The employer (shipowner) of the vessel shall provide regular washing and repair of SIZ.

59. Before each application of SIZ shall be inspected. In case of survey it is necessary to pay attention to lack of pollution and external injuries.

60. Responsibility for completeness and the organization of the correct storage of SIZ is assigned to heads of ship services.

61. Crew members of the vessel shall be trained in methods of use of SIZ and are informed on restrictions in case of their use.

62. Wearing footwear without backs, including in time, free from watches, is forbidden on the vessel.

63. In case of performance of works at height, behind board, cargo operations, repair work and mooring transactions in courts SIZ shall be applied to protection of the head.

64. At entrance to the engine room availability of SIZ on duty of organ of hearing shall be provided.

Requirements of labor protection during the works in the closed, remote, badly ventilated rooms

65. All closed, remote and badly ventilated rooms (further - the closed rooms) on the vessel (cargo holds, fuel and ballast tanks and tanks, pumping and compressor departments, space of double bottom, cofferdams, dry compartments, box-shaped Kiel, fecal tanks, subdeck corridors, rooms for storage of cylinders with the compressed gases, battery rooms, rope boxes, premises of the gas-generating station of inert gases, rooms of storage of carbonic acid and other gases intended for fire extinguishing or inertization) constitute danger in connection with lack of the atmosphere of these rooms of oxygen (less than 20%) or availability of flammable or toxic gases.

66. Descent and work in the closed rooms are permitted under the leadership of the senior (chief) mechanic or the senior assistant of the captain (on their management) with registration of Permission.

67. At least two mouths in case of their availability (manholes, hatches) shall be open for access to the closed room. One of mouths is used for ventilating hoses, systems of compressed air, figurative lighting. Other mouth is intended for entrance (exit) of people.

68. Before work in the closed rooms they shall be ventilated, and transactions on transfer or cargo transfer shall be suspended.

69. The decision on ventilation method (natural, regular forced, figurative fans) shall be accepted by the works manager.

70. After aeration of the closed rooms of the vessel in them the tool analysis of structure of the air circle on percentage of oxygen (further - the analysis) which shall make at least 20%, and for presence of harmful gases, vapors, aerosols which shall not exceed threshold limit value (further - maximum allowable concentration) shall be made.

71. The analysis shall be carried out by the trained person, the used gas analyzers shall be confided. The analysis is made at various levels indoors from its basis.

72. Work shall be organized so that on everyone working in the closed room was observing which shall be at mouth (manhole, the hatch) out of this room.

73. It is necessary to provide communication between the log assistant (the log mechanic) and observing.

74. Observing shall be in the place appointed to it and constantly keep in contact with working during its stay in the closed room, using the signals specified in appendix to Rules. Each signal repeats accepted it. At the disposal of observing there shall be set of the isolating SIZ and the first-aid kit. If the tank, the tank are not decontaminated, observing 1 m from mouth of the tank, the tank is forbidden to be at distance closer.

75. The crew members of the vessel entering the closed rooms shall be provided to SIZ, safety belt with zaplechny straps and safety leash which second end shall be at observing and be used as alarm.

76. Work of crew members of the vessel in the closed rooms without observing is forbidden.

77. The head of work shall carry out to entrance of crew members of the vessel to the closed room with them and observing target instructing in labor protection which is registered in the magazine of registration of instructing in labor protection.

78. In case of receipt of signal "I cannot independently leave" or in the absence of the answer to signal from working in the closed, remote room insuring at the hatch (mouth) shall lift the victim upward and report immediately on it on the works manager.

79. In case of impossibility of the rise working in the closed space descent to the room for rendering the help to it it shall be made with observance of requirements of Rules (in the presence of the second person of - the insuring, safety belt with rope, using SIZ). The head of work personally controls the course of accomplishment of these works.

80. In case of situation, excellent from regular, observing shall not enter the closed room until there arrives the help. The alarm ends of rope used in emergency shall be accurately designated, and the given signals are clear to all people involved.

81. In tanks and tanks from under oil products figurative accumulator lamps of explosion-proof execution with tension of 12 Century shall be applied to lighting. The tool and devices excluding sparking in case of blow shall be used to work in these rooms.

82. The working tool, devices, materials used in the closed rooms shall be delivered to work location in special bags, toolboxes, canvas sacks.

83. In need of work in the closed rooms with lack of oxygen or availability of toxic gases works should be performed in the isolating individual protection equipment of respiratory organs (further - SIZOD) or in hose gas masks with forced air supply.

84. In case of application of the isolating SIZOD for ensuring works in the closed rooms the following conditions shall be satisfied:

1) the SIZOD blower shall be established in the place where in air there are no hazardous substances and enough oxygen;

2) for all the time of operation of the SIZOD blower about it there shall be specially nominated person ensuring smooth operation of the blower.

In case of the termination of its work it is necessary to pass immediately to the manual drive and at the same time to give the command working to leave the room;

3) about mouth of the tank or the tank there shall be two sets of the masks attached to the blower, two safety belts with safety leash, two sets of SIZ (coveralls and footwear), operational accumulator lamp in explosion-proof execution;

4) observing shall be constantly at mouth of the tank or the tank, not to let go safety (alarm) rope, to hold it constantly tense and to keep in contact with working in the tank or the tank.

85. In case of indisposition at working in the closed space all works in it shall be stopped, and working are evacuated from the closed space. Works in the closed room can be continued after establishment of the reasons of indisposition at working and their elimination.

Requirements of labor protection in case of movement on the vessel

86. Access to the vessel shall be provided through outboard ladder or staircases of proper design, the corresponding height of freeboard of the vessel. Means for access to the vessel and approaches to it shall be lit.

87. For technical condition of outboard ladders it (is similar) and their correct installation the senior assistant of the captain bears responsibility, in case of its absence - the log assistant to the captain.

88. Outboard ladders and staircases shall be tested at least once in 5 years and also in case of their repair. At least once a year by ship administration survey of safety grids on suitability to further use with execution of the ship act shall be made.

89. Carrying out testing shall be carried out by the organization having the license for work on testing of outboard ladders, is similar.

90. Defects of access facilities on the vessel, and also snow, ice or lubricant should be deleted without delay.

91. In installation site of outboard ladder (staircases) there shall be lifebuoy with bulb of automatic inclusion and rope at least 30 m long.

92. Any gap between the mooring and the vessel in locations of access facilities shall be blocked by safety grid which shall support side parts of ladder (staircases) on distance of at least 1,5 of m and shall be fixed on the vessel and the mooring.

It is allowed to wrap ladder in grid (the grid is established under all march of ladder and its edge fasten for hand-rail). The grid shall have marking ring where serial number, month and year of production is specified.

93. The stationary ship devices and mechanisms creating obstacles to safe movement on the vessel shall have warning labels, markings (safety signs) and the corresponding illumination, lighting.

94. Stacking of deck load should be made so that it did not interfere with safe movement on the vessel and carrying out ship works.

95. Rise and zavalivaniye of masts shall be made according to the order of the log assistant to the captain by means of mechanical devices.

96. It is forbidden to be under mast during its zavalivaniye and rise.

97. Works on replacement of rigging, distinctive lamps shall be made in case of the filled-up masts.

98. By preparation and use of outboard ladders and staircases:

1) safe access to the vessel in ports shall be provided with installation of outboard ladder, staircases and installation of podtrapny grid which shall move along with movement of the vessel during inflow and outflow or when moving along the mooring;

2) access facilities on the vessel shall be placed so that to exclude movement of freights over them;

3) access facilities on the vessel shall not be located at distance less than 2 m to crane way to avoid their damage by the crane moving on this way;

4) any gleam more than 150 mm between barrier of ladder or staircases and cut in vessel false board through which the person can fall, it shall be protected;

5) ladder and skhodnya shall be equipped and established so that irrespective of inflow or the draft of the vessel the corner between ladder and horizontal did not exceed 55 ° and safety of transition from the lower step or the platform of ladder on the mooring was ensured;

6) if skhodnya relies on vessel false board, it is necessary to provide safe access facility from the deck of the vessel on flooring staircases and back. In case of support staircases on the mooring staircases shall be established or protected with skating rink (wheels) of support for exception of possibility of hit of leg of the person between skating rink (wheel) and the surface of the mooring.

Wheels or skating rink staircases should be established on rather plain surface in the absence of the obstacles or deepenings capable to limit freedom of movement of skating rink (wheel);

7) responsibility for providing safe provision of outboard ladder, staircases and condition of guard railing is assigned to the log assistant to the captain;

8) the watchman at ladder shall provide observance of priority of movement on ladder, movement exceptions "in leg", simultaneous stay on platforms more than two people, and also counter movement on one-line ladders;

9) with not turning not evolvent steps in case of tilt angle to the horizon more than 30 ° it is necessary to stack on outboard ladder on all its length the removable flooring having cross levels. The flooring shall be fixed;

10) movement of people with freight weighing more than 20 kg is allowed on staircases and ladders if they have inclination to the horizon less than 30 °;

11) installation of transitional bridges and staircases shall be with tilt angle no more than 30 ° to the horizon;

12) in case of defect of ladder access to it shall be blocked and hung out prohibition sign "Pass is forbidden".

99. In case of movement on the vessel:

1) all crew members shall be careful and be attentive in order to avoid balance loss, in particular in storm weather.

It is necessary to provide firm support for legs and to hold one hand free for support for hand-rail or handrail.

In case of movement on vertical ladders, shtormtrapa, descent and rise in arbor transfer of freight is forbidden;

2) hand-rail, steps of ladders, floorings of staircases, decks of passes and workplaces, underfoot lattices shall be always cleared of oils, water, snow, ice and everything that can lead to sliding;

3) it is necessary to go down and climb vertical ladder on one. In winter time for movement on vertical ladder it is necessary to use only dry mittens;

4) all passes and approaches to workplaces shall be free from foreign objects; plates of floorings shall be always laid on the place and are fixed, cuts on them are closed, lattices, all their rods, racks and hand-rail shall be fixed on the regular place.

100. In case of movement on ladders on raid or in the sea:

1) when landing to the vessel, disembarkation from it or change on raid or in the sea it is necessary to use outboard ladder;

2) is in exceptional cases allowed to be used shtormtrap;

3) when using for change of people of load-lifting devices (arrow or the crane) the proper durability of container is provided;

4) when using for change of people of load-lifting devices life jackets shall be in public put on;

5) descent of outboard ladder on raid is allowed only during landing and disembarkation of people, in other cases it shall be in horizontal position;

6) when landing of people is made through the pontoons unmoored to vessel board, outboard ladders it is allowed not to lift during the entire period of finding of the protected pontoons at board, the lowered ladder shall have log sailor.

101. In case of movement on shtormtrapa on the vessel:

1) shtormtrapa shall not be used for any other purposes, except ensuring access from the vessel on the watercraft with lower freeboard or on ice;

2) shtormtrap before its use it shall be checked by the boatswain, at the same time it is necessary to be convinced of what shtormtrap has accession number and date of testing, the term of testing did not expire, there are no breaks at least of one of locks of bowstrings, all rail-posts are on places and they are parallel each other, on rail-posts there are no cracks or chips, there is no shift of benzfir-trees and the rerotting or burned down lock;

3) shtormtrap it shall be suspended so that two of its suspended rope from each party were as far as it is possible, are equally tense and fixed on the vessel and rail-posts were in horizontal position, twisting was excluded;

4) fixture of shtormtrap shall be made by bowstrings for eyes, ducks, butts and other strong ship designs, but not for rail-posts;

5) shtormtrap shall hang completely developed, reach the lower rail-post water level or the deck of the vessel and not to be located under drain opening in vessel board at distance of less 1,5 of m from it;

6) safe access shall be provided since both ends of ladder, as since its upper end on the deck of the vessel, and from the barge or other watercraft, or ice by the lower end of shtormtrap;

7) at installation site of shtormtrap in need of transition through false board or guard railing should be fixed falshbortny ladder or other equivalent device;

8) when using shtormtrap it is necessary to exclude possibility of contact of the person with the acting part of the vessel or other objects;

9) stay on shtormtrapa more than one person is not allowed;

10) in case of rise and descent on shtormtrapa safety belts with the attached safety rope which fastens, gets out or potravlivatsya by the allocated crew member of the vessel so that to hold the person in case of its possible fall in water shall be in public put on.

Responsibility for observance of this requirement is born by the log assistant to the captain;

11) the log assistant to the captain shall watch that he in case of ice accretion shtormtrap was replaced.

102. When using of elevators:

1) in passenger elevators rise and lowering of hand luggage and small ship property (weighing up to 50 kg) is allowed;

2) on each elevator in cabin and at mine doors where landing of people or loading of freight is made, instructions for use of the elevator shall be hung out;

3) in case of survey of the equipment in the machine room of the elevator and in the upper blocks the main switch of power supply of the elevator shall be switched off and on it the plate with text shall be hung out: "Not include! People work";

4) in case of failure of the elevator all doors of its mine shall be closed and on them it is necessary to hang out the warning signs "The Elevator Does Not Work";

5) operation of the passenger (passenger-and-freight) elevator in storm conditions is forbidden, and also in case of 7,5 trim ° and list 10 °, and also the defective elevator.

103. In case of acceptance and disembarkation of the pilot:

1) on the pilot motor boats equipped with the filling-up guard railing during the course the barrier shall be in working provision;

2) during acceptance of the pilot motor boat finding of the log sailor on the deck of the receiving vessel is allowed only with the permission of the captain (the log shift assistant to the captain).

Irrespective of weather conditions the log sailor shall be dressed in safety vest.

The ship master (the log shift assistant to the captain) shall monitor safe acceptance and disembarkation of the pilot, work of the log sailor and to timely warn them about danger;

3) the pilot elevator or ladder shall be used to acceptance and disembarkation of pilots.

The outboard ladder should be used under favorable weather conditions;

4) on the site of the deck of the pilot motor boat the mat, rug shall be laid and fixed in the place of disembarkation (acceptance) of the pilot before disembarkation (acceptance) of the pilot if the deck in this place has no antiskid covering;

5) in winter time the place of disembarkation (acceptance) of the pilot shall fall down sand;

6) the pilot shall climb (to go down) shtormtrap only when providing it with safety means;

7) during rolling transition from the pilot motor boat to pilot (outboard) ladder shall be made at the time of the highest provision of the pilot motor boat (the boat, the vessel) at board of the served vessel;

8) on the pilot motor boat the place of disembarkation (acceptance) of the pilot shall have log sailor ensuring safety of the pilot and also to be available lifebuoy with tench at least 30 m long;

9) in the course of raising (descent) of the pilot aboard (from vessel board) on it the life jacket automatically working in case of fall of the person in water, safety belt shall be put on;

10) the place of transition of the pilot from the motor boat to the vessel shall be lit, racks are established and fixed;

11) pilot shtormtrapa shall be used only for landing and disembarkation of pilots. Use of pilot shtormtrap for other purposes is forbidden;

12) safe and convenient access to the vessel shall be provided to the pilot;

13) in courts where the distance from water level to the place of entrance on the vessel or descent from the vessel exceeds 9 m, access from pilot shtormtrap to the vessel (and vice versa) shall be performed by means of outboard ladder in combination with pilot shtormtrap or the mechanical pilot elevator, or other safe and convenient means;

14) installation of pilot shtormtrap, and also landing and disembarkation of the pilot shall be made under observation of the log assistant to the captain having means of communication with the tradable bridge;

15) before approach of the pilot motor boat at the place of statement of pilot shtormtrap shall be prepared:

pilot shtormtrap;

falshbortny ladder (if it is structurally provided);

lifebuoy with the self-lit fire and rope at least 30 m long;

safety belt with the safety end;

two falrep with a diameter at least 30 mm;

figurative chandelier (if stationary illumination of outboard space is not provided in installation site of pilot shtormtrap);

16) before landing (disembarkation) of the pilot the log assistant to the captain meeting (seeing off) the pilot shall check availability of the property listed in the subitem 15 of this Item of Rules and also:

to make sure visually of serviceability of pilot shtormtrap and reliability of its fixing;

check reliability of fixture of falshbortny ladder and the racks fixed in the place of entrance on the vessel (if it is provided);

check reliability of fixing of falrep (falrepa move when it is demanded by the pilot);

to include deck lighting from the place of entrance on the vessel to entrance to internal rooms, and also illumination of pilot shtormtrap and space behind board in that place where will rise by the vessel in dark time (to go down) the pilot. If together with pilot shtormtrap the outboard ladder is used, then it shall be lit at all its length;

17) when when landing (disembarkation) of the pilot the safety belt with the safety end is used, its second end passed through duck shall be in hands at the meeting sailor;

18) when for landing (disembarkation) of the pilot the mechanical pilot elevator is used, pilot shtormtrap it shall be established near the elevator and to be ready to immediate use so that to it access from the elevator in any point of rise was provided;

19) when using pilot shtormtrap in combination with outboard ladder its lower platform shall be in horizontal position and it is reliable to adjoin to vessel board.


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