of July 24, 2014 No. UP-4636
About measures for further enhancement of system of ensuring execution of the legislation
In recent years in Uzbekistan considerable work on ensuring rule of law, legality in rule-making and law-enforcement activities, to transformation of judicial system of law into the reliable mechanism of protection of human rights and freedoms is carried out.
The complex measures for further enhancement of organization-legal bases of ensuring compliance with the legislation and forming of uniform law-enforcement practice directed to elimination of the reasons and conditions promoting abuses and other offenses in activities of state bodies are taken.
The Head department created in structure of the Ministry of Justice on control of compliance with law carries out certain work on forming of uniform law-enforcement practice by identification of system offenses, their elimination and accountability of guilty officials, and also developments of suggestions for improvement of the legislation and law-enforcement practice.
At the same time, the analysis of the carried-out work in this sphere confirms need of further enhancement of system of law enforcement, unconditional realization of the principle of inevitability of punishment and non-admission of adoption of the illegal acts by bodies of the public and economic board.
Realization of the above-stated tasks requires acceptance of immediate measures on further increase in efficiency of supervision of execution of the legislation, strengthening of responsibility of officials of state bodies in the sphere of departmental rule-making and unconditional execution of regulatory legal acts.
For the purpose of further enhancement of system of ensuring execution of the legislation, increase in efficiency of control of compliance of legal acts of state bodies to requirements of the current legislation:
1. Create in structure of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan Head department on supervision of execution of the legislation (further - Head department), in structures of prosecutor's offices of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, the city of Tashkent and the prosecutor's offices equated to them - territorial departments of Head department, having provided at the same time:
abolition in structure of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of Head department on control of compliance with law and its territorial departments with transfer of the released 88 established posts to structure of bodies of prosecutor's office for completion of again formed Head department and its territorial departments;
transfer to structure of Head department and its territorial departments, respectively, Management on protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, interests of society and state of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its territorial departments.
2. Abolish one position of the deputy attorney general of the Republic of Uzbekistan and enter position of the deputy attorney general of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the chief of Head department on supervision of execution of the legislation.
3. The main objectives of Head department to determine:
implementation of supervision of execution of acts of the legislation by bodies of the public and economic board, law enforcement and monitoring bodies, executive bodies on places, the companies, organizations, the organizations, and also compliance of the legal acts of the Constitution adopted by them and to the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
ensuring effective supervision of strict observance of requirements of acts of the legislation in the sphere of protection of political, economic, social and other rights and freedoms of citizens;
realization of effective measures on ensuring strict compliance with the law in the sphere of social and economic development, including agricultural industry, protection of the rights and interests of subjects of entrepreneurship;
timely consideration of appeals of physical persons and legal entities, acceptance of effective measures on recovery of their violated rights;
implementation of measures of legal impact, directed to non-admission and elimination of violations of the law, and also the facts of any, subjective, selective interpretation in application of precepts of law;
implementation of effective measures on identification and eradication of the reasons and conditions promoting making of offenses including by preparation of offers on further enhancement of the legislation and law-enforcement practice.
4. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 08.08.2016 No. UP-4815
5. To the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
in a month to approve regulations on Head department and its territorial departments taking into account the tasks provided by this Decree;
in two-month time to provide completion of newly created divisions by highly qualified personnel, first of all from number of persons employed of the abolished Head department on control of compliance with law of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan by results of their certification;
provide placement, creation of material and technical resources of Head department and its territorial departments, their equipment with the computer equipment, means of communication necessary for the organization of effective work;
organize effective interaction of Head department with other state, including law enforcement and monitoring bodies on timely accomplishment of the assigned tasks;
bring internal organization-legal acts into accord with requirements of this Decree.
6. To the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
provide in accordance with the established procedure transfer to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the vehicles, the computer equipment fixed to Head department on control of compliance with law and its territorial departments;
together with the interested ministries and departments to introduce in accordance with the established procedure in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this Decree in a month;
bring internal organization-legal acts into accord with requirements of this Decree.
7. To the Ministry of Finance, the Prosecutor General's Office, the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two weeks to bring according to requirements of this Decree of change in expense budgets and staff lists of the Prosecutor General's Office and Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
8. Recognize invalid:
Item paragraph two 3, appendices No. No. 1 - 4 to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 11, 2004 No. UP-3406 "About Additional Measures for Ensuring Execution of the Laws Directed to Reforming in Agricultural Industry";
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The document ceased to be valid since May 1, 2017 according to Item 11 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 18.04.2017 No. UP-5019