Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 31, 2014 No. 743

About approval of Rules of interaction of organizers of distribution of information on the Internet with the authorized state bodies performing operational search activities or safety of the Russian Federation

(as amended on 20-11-2018)

Approve the enclosed Rules of interaction of organizers of distribution of information on the Internet with the authorized state bodies performing operational search activities or safety of the Russian Federation.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2014 No. 743

Rules of interaction of organizers of distribution of information on the Internet with the authorized state bodies performing operational search activities or safety of the Russian Federation

1. These rules determine order of interaction of organizers of distribution of information on the Internet, information on whom is included in the register of organizers of distribution of information which maintaining is provided by Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (further - organizers of distribution of information), with the authorized state bodies performing investigation and search operations or safety of the Russian Federation according to the Federal Law "About Operational Search Activities" (further - authorized bodies), necessary for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to authorized bodies according to the procedure and cases which are established by the Federal Laws.

The specified interaction is performed with use of the equipment and program technical means (further - program technical means) in the information systems operated by organizers of distribution of information.

2. Bodies of the Federal Security Service, being authorized bodies, perform interaction with organizers of distribution of information when carrying out within investigation and search operations of the investigation and search operations connected with use of program technical means (including for the benefit of other authorized bodies).

3. When implementing interaction with organizers of distribution of information in case of absence at bodies of the Federal Security Service of necessary operating-technical opportunities for conducting the investigation and search operations connected with use of program technical means, the specified actions perform the law-enforcement bodies which are authorized bodies (including for the benefit of other authorized bodies).

4. The head of body of the Federal Security Service determines the authorized division of body of the Federal Security Service performing interaction with organizers of distribution of information with use of program technical means.

The notification of the organizer of distribution of information on determination of the representative on interaction of division of body of the Federal Security Service with it is performed by the head (chief) of this division.

5. Installation, connection and operation of program technical means of the organizer of distribution of information is made by the organizer of distribution of information according to the developed authorized division of body of the Federal Security Service together with the organizer of distribution of information the actions plan on implementation of program technical means in which the term of commissioning of program technical means and specifications of connection of program technical means to control center of authorized division of body of the Federal Security Service are specified, in particular.

The specified specifications are established by the head (chief) of authorized division of body of the Federal Security Service and shall contain:

the location of connection point of program technical means to information system of the organizer of distribution of information;

the location of connection point of program technical means to control center of authorized division of body of the Federal Security Service;

requirements to lines (channels) of communication connecting program technical means to control center of authorized division of body of the Federal Security Service.

The new actions plan is developed for implementation of new technology solutions, output from operation or upgrade of program technical means by body of the Federal Security Service together with the organizer of distribution of information.

5(1). The actions plan on implementation of program technical means is developed till 2 months from the date of receipt by the organizer of distribution of information of the notification from authorized division of the body of the Federal Security Service specified in item 4 of these rules.

5(2). The actions plan on implementation of program technical means is constituted in 3 copies from which the first copy is stored at the organizer of distribution of information, the second copy - at authorized division of body of the Federal Security Service, the third copy is represented the organizer of distribution of information to Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications.

5(3). Standard requirements to the actions plan on implementation of program technical means are established by the Ministry of digital development, connection and mass communications of the Russian Federation together with Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

6. The organizer of distribution of information shall perform the measures approved with the division specified in item 4 of these rules on non-admission of disclosure organizational and techniques of conducting investigation and search operations.

The organizer of distribution of information in case of interaction with authorized bodies provides in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation nondisclosure of any information on concrete facts and content of such interaction to the third parties.

7. Finding of the program technical means used within interaction of organizers of distribution of information with authorized bodies outside the territory of the Russian Federation is not allowed.


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