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of July 21, 2014 No. 206-FZ

About quarantine of plants

(as amended on 25-12-2023)

Accepted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on July 2, 2014

Approved by Council of the Russian Federation on July 9, 2014

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Purposes and subject of regulation of this Federal Law

1. The purposes of this Federal Law are ensuring protection of plants and the territory of the Russian Federation from penetration on it and distribution on it quarantine objects, prevention of damage from distribution of quarantine objects.

2. This Federal Law establishes the legal basis of regulation in the field of quarantine of plants, determines powers of federal executive bodies, and also basic rights and obligations of physical persons, including individual entrepreneurs (including foreign citizens and persons without citizenship, officials), the Russian legal entities, the foreign organizations (further - citizens, legal entities) in the field of quarantine of plants.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) acclimatization of quarantine object - education in certain territory of population of quarantine object after its penetration on this territory;

2) the act of federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision) - the document which reflects results of federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision) of quarantine products of quarantinable object and is issued by the federal executive body exercising federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision);

3) the act of quarantine phytosanitary disinfecting - the document which confirms performing quarantine phytosanitary disinfecting;

4) the analysis of phytosanitary risk - determination of capability or inability of object to be quarantine object, need of regulation of distribution of quarantine object and (or) acceptance concerning its quarantine phytosanitary measures by assessment of biological or other scientific data, economic data, performed by the federal executive body exercising federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision), according to the procedure, established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

5) fight against quarantine object - suppression of number of quarantine objects, localization of the center of quarantine object and (or) liquidation of population of quarantine object;

6) harmful organism - viable plant of any kind, grade or biological type, animal or pathogenic organism of any kind, biological type which are capable to do harm to plants or products of plant origin;

7) federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision) - the activities of the federal executive body exercising federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision), directed to identification of quarantine objects in quarantine products on quarantinable objects, ensuring compliance with quarantine phytosanitary requirements, the prevention and suppression of violations of requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of quarantine of plants, accomplishment of the international obligations and compliance with law of the import states, state members of the Customs union in the field of quarantine of plants;

8) decontamination - stage of quarantine phytosanitary disinfecting at which works on removal and conclusion of gases, vapors of pesticides for the purpose of decrease in their content to threshold limit values (levels), stipulated by the legislation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population of values, in air of working areas, production rooms, buildings, constructions, other objects of disinfecting, in quarantine products by airing, aeration are carried out;

9) examination - inspection by the official of the federal executive body exercising federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision), quarantine products, quarantinable objects for the purpose of identification of availability or absence respectively in these products on these objects of quarantine objects and (or) checks of observance of quarantine phytosanitary requirements with possibility of sampling and (or) is model;

10) temporary restrictions - acceptance of the quarantine phytosanitary measures prohibiting import to the Russian Federation to quarantine products, export from the Russian Federation of quarantine products, movement on the territory of the Russian Federation of quarantine products;

11) infection - availability in quarantine products, on quarantinable objects of the viable harmful organisms characteristic of certain type of quarantine products, for quarantinable objects;

12) contamination - the availability which is not infection in quarantine products, on quarantinable objects of harmful organisms;

13) quarantine of plants - the legal regime providing system of measures for protection of plants and products of plant origin from quarantine objects in the territory of the Russian Federation;

14) quarantine object - the harmful organism which is absent or restrictedly extended in the territory of the Russian Federation and brought in the single list of quarantine objects;

15) the quarantine certificate - the document which certifies compliance of batch of quarantine products to quarantine phytosanitary requirements and is issued by the federal executive body exercising federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision) when moving quarantine products on the territory of the Russian Federation;

16) quarantine phytosanitary safety - condition of security of the territory of the Russian Federation from the risks arising in case of penetration on it and (or) distribution on it quarantine objects;

17) quarantine phytosanitary zone - the territory in which the quarantine phytosanitary regime owing to identification of quarantine objects is introduced and is performed fight against them;

18) quarantine phytosanitary measures - requirements, obligatory for execution, the rule and procedures in the field of quarantine of plants established for the purpose of ensuring quarantine phytosanitary safety;

19) the quarantine phytosanitary mode - package of measures, the conditions for localization of the center of quarantine object and (or) liquidation of population of quarantine object directed to creation in quarantine phytosanitary zone in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of quarantine of plants and the program of localization of the center of quarantine object and liquidation of population of quarantine object for the purpose of providing quarantine of plants and prevention of further distribution of quarantine objects in quarantine phytosanitary zone;

20) quarantine phytosanitary disinfecting - procedure for destruction, removal, sterilization (deprivation of reproductive capability) of harmful organisms or deprivation of their viability;

21) quarantine phytosanitary inspection - the procedure which is carried out by the official of the federal executive body exercising federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision) for the purpose of determination of populations of quarantine objects and ensuring quarantine phytosanitary safety during the established period;

22) quarantine phytosanitary condition of the territory, quarantine products, quarantinable object - availability or absence in the territory, in quarantine products, on quarantinable object of quarantine objects;

23) quarantine phytosanitary requirements - requirements imposed to quarantine products, its import, production (including conversion), to storage, transportation, realization, destruction and to quarantinable objects;

24) liquidation of population of quarantine object - acceptance of quarantine phytosanitary measures for destruction of population of quarantine object;

25) localization of the center of quarantine object - acceptance of quarantine phytosanitary measures in the territory where quarantine object, and around this territory for prevention of distribution of such object is revealed;

26) survey - visual inspection by the official of the federal executive body exercising federal state phytosanitary quarantine control (supervision) of quarantine products, quarantinable objects for the purpose of identification of quarantine objects without sampling and (or) is model;

27) the center of quarantine object - part of the territory of the Russian Federation or foreign state or the territories of groups of foreign states on which population of quarantine object is revealed or sharp increase in number of populations of quarantine objects is revealed;

28) batch of quarantine products - quantity of the homogeneous quarantine products intended for sending by one vehicle to one destination to one receiver;

29) quarantine products - plants, vegetable products, including organic, container, packaging, including packaging materials, loads, the soil, organisms or materials which can be carriers of quarantine objects and (or) promotes their distribution and concerning which acceptance of quarantine phytosanitary measures is necessary;

30) quarantinable objects - the parcels of land of any purpose, the building, structure, construction, reservoirs, places of warehousing (room), the equipment, vehicles, containers, other objects which are capable to be penetration sources on the territory of the Russian Federation and (or) distribution on it quarantine objects;

31) landing material - fruits, compound fruits, parts of difficult fruits which are not seed material, plants or their parts used for reproduction in the vegetative way;


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