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The document ceased to be valid since August 5, 2015 according to Item 2 of the Order of the deputy. The Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 28, 2015 No. 378


of April 25, 2014 No. 133

About approval of regulations of the state services in the sphere of use of atomic energy

According to the subitem 2) article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 15, 2013 "About the state services" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve:

1) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy" according to appendix 1 to this order;

2) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities according to the Treatment of Nuclear Materials" according to appendix 2 to this order;

3) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities according to the Treatment of the Radioactive Materials, Devices and Installations Containing Radioactive Materials" according to appendix 3 to this order;

4) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities according to the Handling of the Devices and Installations Generating Ionizing Radiation" according to appendix 4 to this order;

5) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities on Provision of Services in the field of Use of Atomic Energy" according to appendix 5 to this order;

6) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities according to the Treatment of Radioactive Waste" according to appendix 6 to this order;

7) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities on Transportation, including Transit, Nuclear Materials, Radioactive Materials, Radio Isotope Sources of Ionizing Radiation, Radioactive Waste within the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan" according to appendix 7 to this order;

8) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities in the Territories of the Former Test Nuclear Test Sites and Other Territories Polluted as a result of the Carried-out Nuclear Testing" according to appendix 8 to this order;

9) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities on Physical Protection of Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Materials" according to appendix 9 to this order;

10) Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities on Special Training of the Personnel Responsible for Ensuring Nuclear and Radiation Safety" according to appendix 10 to this order.

2. (Sharipov M. B.) in the procedure established by the legislation to provide to committee on atomic energy of the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction on official publication in mass media and information system of law of Ad_let;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) within 10 working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dzhaksaliyev B. M.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

The deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A. Isekeshev

Appendix 1

to the Order of the Deputy prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the Minister of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 25, 2014 No. 133

Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy"

1. General provisions

1. The state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy" appears Committee on atomic energy of the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the service provider), including through the web portal of "the electronic government" or the E-litsenzirovaniye web portal: (further - the portal).

2. Form of rendering the state service - electronic (partially automated) and paper.

3. Result of rendering the state service - the license and (or) appendix to the license, renewal, the duplicate of the license and (or) the appendix to the license by sight activities for performance of works connected with stages of lifecycle of subjects to use of atomic energy or the motivated answer about refusal in rendering the state service.

2. The description of operations procedure of structural divisions (workers) of the service provider in the course of rendering the state service

4. The basis for the procedure (action) for rendering the state service is submission of documents according to Item 9 of the Standard of the rendering the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy" approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 28, 2014 No. 162 (further - the Standard).

Operations procedure of structural divisions (workers) when rendering the state service, the procedure (action) and the sequence of their accomplishment, including stages of passing of all procedures (actions) by each structural division:

the procedure 1 - documents are filed to office of the service provider or through the portal, are registered with assignment of registration number and date then are transferred to the first head of the service provider or his deputy. The most allowed time for implementation of this procedure - 4 hours;

the procedure 2 - the head of the service provider or his deputy transfers documents to the chief of the department of licensing and certification. The most allowed time for implementation of this procedure - 4 hours;

the procedure 3 - management of licensing and certification performs primary verification of documents and transfers them with appendix of the conclusion to the control of the analysis and inspection or management of control of materials and the international guarantees, or management of nuclear physical safety or retains. The most allowed time for implementation of this procedure - 6 working days;

the condition 1 - management of licensing and certification within 2 working days in case of factual determination of incompleteness of the submitted documents gives written refusal in further review of documents for receipt of service;

the procedure 4 - management of licensing and certification or management of the analysis and inspection, or management of control of materials and the international guarantees or management of nuclear physical safety and the mode performs the analysis of compliance of uslugopoluchatel to qualification requirements then transfers documents with appendix of the conclusion to the control of licensing and certification. The most allowed time for implementation of this procedure - 17 working days;

the procedure 5 - management of licensing and certification prepares the final decision on rendering the state service. The decision is approved by heads of all managements and transferred to signing to the head of Committee or its deputy. The most allowed time for implementation of this procedure - 4 working days;

condition 2 - in case of compliance of uslugopoluchatel to qualification requirements management of licensing and certification prepares the decision on issue, renewal of the license and (or) the appendix on implementation of activities for performance of works connected with stages of lifecycle of subjects to use of atomic energy. The decision is approved by heads of all managements and transferred to signing to the head of the service provider or his deputy;

in case of discrepancy of uslugopoluchatel to qualification requirements management of licensing and certification directs the motivated answer about refusal in the issue, renewal of the license and (or) appendix on implementation of activities for performance of works connected with stages of lifecycle of subjects to use of atomic energy according to Item 10 of the Standard;

the procedure 6 - management of licensing and certification after receipt of the final decision on rendering the state service draws up the license. The most allowed time for implementation of this procedure - 2 working days.

In case of the address of uslugopoluchatel with the statement on issue of the duplicate or on receipt of the license and (or) appendix to the license on paper the license and (or) appendix to the license are unpacked and certified by seal and the signature of the head of the service provider. Further the license and (or) appendix to the license go to uslugopoluchatel by means of mail service or are transferred purposely within 1 working day after signing.

Procedures 3, 4 and 5 are not performed on services of issue of the duplicate or receipt of the license and (or) appendix to the license on paper.

3. The description of order of interaction of structural divisions (workers) of the service provider in the course of rendering the state service

5. In the course of rendering the state service the following structural divisions participate:

1) office of the service provider;

2) head of the service provider and (or) his deputy;

3) management of licensing and certification;

4) management of the analysis and inspection;

5) management of control of materials and international guarantees;

6) management of nuclear physical safety and mode;

7) the structural division performing the analysis.

6. The result of the procedure (action) for rendering the state service which forms the basis for accomplishment of the following procedure (actions) and the flowchart of the description of the sequence of procedures (actions) between structural divisions (workers) are reflected in appendices 1 and 2 to these regulations.

4. The description of procedure for use of information systems in the course of rendering the state service

7. Description of the sequence of procedures (actions) of the service provider:

the procedure 1 - input by the employee of the service provider of login and the password (the procedure of authorization) in information system "The state E-licensing database (further - IS GBD of EL) for rendering the state service;

condition 1 - check in IS GBD of EL of authenticity of data on the registered employee of the service provider through login and the password;

the procedure 2 - forming of IS GBD EL of the message on refusal in authorization in connection with the available violations in data of the employee of the service provider;

the procedure 3 - the choice by the employee of the service provider of the service specified in these regulations, conclusion to the request form screen for rendering service and input by the employee of the service provider of data of uslugopoluchatel;

the procedure 4 - sending an inquiry through lock of the electronic government in the state database "Legal entities" (further - GBD YUL) or the state database "Physical persons" (further - GBD FL) about data of uslugopoluchatel;

condition 2 - verification of presence of data of uslugopoluchatel in GBD YUL/GBD FL;

the procedure 5 - forming of the message on impossibility of data acquisition due to the lack of data of uslugopoluchatel in GBD YUL/GBD FL;

the procedure 6 - filling of request form regarding mark about availability of documents in paper form;

the procedure 7 - registration of request in IS GBD of EL and processing of service in IS GBD of EL;

the procedure 8 - check by the service provider of compliance of uslugopoluchatel to conditions of issue/renewal of the license and (or) appendix to the license, and also imposed qualification requirements;

the procedure 9 - obtaining by uslugopoluchatel of result of rendering the state service created by IS GBD of EL.

8. Description of procedure for the address and sequence of procedures (actions) of uslugopoluchatel:

the uslugopoluchatel performs registration on the portal by means of the registration certificate EDS which is stored in the Internet browser of the computer of uslugopoluchatel (it is performed for the unregistered uslugopoluchatel on the portal);

the procedure 1 - input by uslugopoluchatel of the password (the procedure of authorization) on the portal for receipt of the state service;

condition 1 - check on the portal of authenticity of data on the registered uslugopoluchatel through login (individual identification number / business-identifikatsionny number) and the password;

the procedure 2 - forming by the portal of the message on refusal in authorization in connection with the available violations in data of uslugopoluchatel;

the procedure 3 - the choice by uslugopoluchatel of the service specified in these regulations, conclusion to the request form screen for rendering service and filling with uslugopoluchatel of form (data entry) taking into account its structure and format requirements, by attachment to request form of necessary documents in electronic form;

the procedure 4 - payment of service by means of payment gateway of the electronic government, and then this information arrives in IS GBD of EL;

condition 2 - check in IS GBD of EL of the fact of payment for rendering the state service;

the procedure 5 - forming of the message on refusal in required state service, due to the lack of payment for rendering service in IS GBD of EL;

the procedure 6 - the choice by uslugopoluchatel of the registration certificate of the digital signature (further - the EDS) for the certificate (signing) of request;

the procedure 7 - the certificate (signing) by means of the EDS of uslugopoluchatel of the filled form (the entered data) of request for rendering service;

the procedure 8 - registration of the electronic document (request of uslugopoluchatel) in IS GBD of EL and processing of request in IS GBD of EL;

the procedure 9 - check by the service provider of compliance of uslugopoluchatel to conditions of issue/renewal of the license and (or) appendix to the license, and also imposed qualification requirements;

the procedure 10 - obtaining by uslugopoluchatel of result of the rendering the state service created by IS GBD of EL.

Functional interaction of information systems when rendering the state service through the service provider and uslugopoluchatel is given in appendix 3 to these regulations of the state service.

Appendix 1

to Regulations of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy"

Result of the procedure (action) for rendering the state service which forms the basis for accomplishment of the following procedure (actions)

action No.








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