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of July 2, 2014 No. 176

About measures for further enhancement of corporate management system in joint-stock companies

(as amended on 09-12-2020)

 According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 7, 2014, for the purpose of enhancement of corporate management in joint-stock companies, and also further market development of securities the Cabinet of Ministers decides No. UP-4609 "About Additional Measures for Further Enhancement of the Investment Climate and Business Environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan":

1. Approve Regulations on requirements to corporate websites of joint-stock companies, according to appendix No. 1 and enact it since January 1, 2015.

2. Make changes and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.

3. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan R.S.Azimov.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Shavkat Mirziyoyev

Appendix No. 1

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 2, 2014 No. 176

Regulations on requirements to corporate websites of joint-stock companies

I. General provisions

1. This Provision is developed according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 7, 2014 No. UP-4609 "About Additional Measures for Further Enhancement of the Investment Climate and Business Environment in the Republic of Uzbekistan" and determines requirements to corporate websites of joint-stock companies (further - society) and information obligatory for placement on these websites.

2. The corporate website of body of the economic board created in the form of joint-stock company shall conform to also Main requirements to the official website of bodies of the public and economic board, public authorities on places approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 31, 2013 No. 355.

II. Information which is subject to obligatory placement on the corporate website of society

3. Treat information which is subject to obligatory placement on the corporate website of society:

subject and purposes of activities of society;

the charter of society, including changes and amendments to it, and the approved business plans of society;

information on the development strategy of society;

organizational structure of society, name of its structural divisions, branches, representations, affiliated and dependent economic societies, numbers of their phones, addresses (post and electronic), data on procedure for their work;

reference information about heads (the director and the chairman of the board) of society;

data on vacant workplaces, employment conditions and requirements to candidates;

data on the collegiate and advisory bodies (the commissions, councils, committees and another) formed by society or its governing bodies;

list of affiliates of society;

internal documents of society concerning corporate management, including the code of corporate governance approved by general shareholder meeting (in case of its availability);

the essential facts in activities of society which are subject to disclosure according to article 44 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the security market";

vote results according to the decisions made at general shareholder meeting (are published within thirty days from acceptance date of these decisions);

information on holding general shareholder meeting, date, time, venue, agenda;

prospectuses of the issue of securities, and also the quarterly and annual statements of society which are subject to disclosure according to the legislation on the security market;

data on the public events held by society (meetings, meetings, meetings, press conferences, seminars and briefings, "round tables", official visits), press releases and other information on daily activities;

the list of products (the rendered works and services) made by society and the information about them;

data on open tenders (tenders) and auctions held by society and its organizations for delivery of goods (performance of works, rendering services);

urgent data on the main indicators characterizing financial and economic condition of society and dynamics of its development, state-of-the-art reviews of information nature about activities of society and also information on efficiency of activities of society, including on accomplishment of key performance indicators of executive body;

data on the added and paid dividends for the last three years, including information on the size of debt, contact and other information for receipt of dividends by shareholders;

the conclusion of auditing organization by results of check of annual financial and economic activities;

information on acquisition of the shares by society;

the requirement about obligatory specifying of the reference to the corporate website of society when using by other persons of the information materials containing in it;

to post other data which society will consider necessary on the corporate website societies.

4. Placement on the corporate website of society of information from other sources is allowed only when specifying source of information.

III. Requirements for maintaining the corporate website of society

5. The corporate website of society shall have:

the convenient and simple interface with classification of the placed information on groups;

the user interface of the website of society shall provide evident representation of structure of information placed on it, bystry and logical transition to Sections and pages; possibility of feedback with society, acceptance of addresses from legal entities and physical persons;

possibility of archiving, recovery and duplication of the placed information;

possibility of subscription to updates of the corporate website by e-mail and by means of the popular automated formats of delivery of updates and news.

6. Access to information of society posted on the corporate website within rendering basic information services to them shall be free and free.

Except basic information services, society can render through the corporate website of society additional services on paid basis in the procedure established by the legislation.

7. Society the decision of the head of executive body determines person responsible for forming, placement, and also updating of information containing on the corporate website of society.


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