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of July 1, 2014 No. 500

About approval of the coat of arms, flag, corporate color and Regulations on use of the coat of arms, flag and corporate color of the State Tax Administration

(as amended on 06-07-2017)

According to parts (2) and (4) article 6 of the Law on public symbols No. 86 of July 28, 2011 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2011, Art. No. 164-165, 475), the Government DECIDES:


1) the coat of arms of the State Tax Administration according to appendix No. 1;

2) flag of the State Tax Administration according to appendix No. 2;

2-1) corporate color of the State Tax Administration, according to appendix No. 2-1;

3) Regulations on use of the coat of arms, flag and corporate color of the State Tax Administration according to appendix No. 3.

Prime Minister 

Iurie Leanca


Minister of Finance


Anatol Arapu

Appendix No. 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 1, 2014 No. 500

Coat of arms of the State Tax Administration

Рисунок 1 к Пост. Правительства от 01.07.2014 г. №500

Heraldic description

In the blue field the gold eagle crusader with dark red beak and paws holding the silver horn of plenty complete of gold coins in the right paw, and in left – the silver paper roll and the board bearing on breast crossed to chervlenye and azure, encumbered with the imposed tour head directly accompanied between horns eight-beam star, and below on the right – heraldic rose and at the left – the decreasing half moon, all gold.

The motto on gold tape capital black letters: "IN SERVICIUL CONTRIBUABILULUI" ("On service of the taxpayer")

Appendix No. 2

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 1, 2014 No. 500

Flag of the State Tax Administration

Рисунок 2 к Пост. Правительства от 01.07.2014 г. №500


The flag of the State Tax Administration of the Republic of Moldova represents rectangular panel (2:3) blue color in the middle of which the yellow eagle crusader with red beak and paws holding the white horn of plenty complete of yellow coins in the right paw, and in left – the white paper roll and the board bearing on breast crossed red and blue, encumbered with the imposed tour head directly accompanied between horns eight-beam star, and below on the right – heraldic rose and at the left – the decreasing half moon, all yellow.

External jewelry

I. To the original of flag

The original of flag is made in the single copy of 1000 x 1500 mm in size and equipped with the following external jewelry and obligatory accessories:

a) gold fringe on panel perimeter, except the party from staff which is decorated with gold scallops;

b) two gold cords attached to navershiya of staff and terminating in brushes of the same metal;

c) the three-colored tape corresponding to flowers of National flag of the Republic of Moldova terminating in gold fringe and attached by bow to staff navershiya;

d) the wooden staff length exceeding panel height in time 2,5 painted in dark red color and equipped with metal sole;

e) standard navershiy for staff of flags of public institutions of the Republic of Moldova.

II. To regular flag

The regular flag for staff is, as a rule, put on ordinary staff to which navershiya in the form of bow the simple three-colored tape in national flowers becomes attached.

Appendix No. 2-1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 1, 2014 No. 500

Corporate color of the State Tax Administration

Color: Blue

Shade: Blue-azure

In the international system of flowers:

Pantone: 660C of the following edition:

RGB 32/108/182

CMYK 87/57/0/0

# 206CB6

Appendix No. 3

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of July 1, 2014 No. 500

Regulations on use of the coat of arms, flag and corporate color of the State Tax Administration

I. General provisions

1. The regulations on use of the coat of arms, flag and corporate color of the State Tax Administration (further – the Provision) are developed according to part (4) article 6 of the Law No. 86 of July 28, 2011 on public symbols and the procedure for use of the coat of arms, flag and corporate color of the State Tax Administration establishes.

2. The coat of arms, flag and corporate color are the public symbols serving for identification of the State Tax Administration.

3. The owner of corporate public symbols is the State Tax Administration.

4. The coat of arms, flag and corporate color can be used officially as public symbols only after their registration in the General armorial of the Republic of Moldova.

5. The coat of arms, flag and corporate color use legal protection according to regulations.

6. Intentional violation of requirements of this provision, and also their profanation involve the responsibility provided by the current legislation.

7. Responsibility and control of observance of requirements of this provision are assigned to the director of the State Tax Administration.

II. Use of the coat of arms

8. The coat of arms of the State Tax Administration is established on its buildings and constructions, in office offices of employees, and also in other rooms belonging to the State Tax Administration.

9. The image of the coat of arms of the State Tax Administration can be reproduced on:

a) official seals of the State Tax Administration;

b) the official forms of the State Tax Administration and its structural divisions except for provided in Item b) parts (1) article 5 of the Law No. 32 of March 7, 2013 on the State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova;

c) objects of personal estate (transport, equipment etc.) of the State Tax Administration;


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