of July 2, 2014 No. 98
About the Instruction about order of registration or refusal in registration of the declaration for goods
According to Item 3 of article 190 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union the Board of the Eurasian economic commission solved:
1. Approve the enclosed Instruction about order of registration or refusal in registration of the declaration for goods.
2. Ceased to be valid according to the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of 24.07.2018 No. 122
3. This Decision becomes effective since July 1, 2015
Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission
V. Khristenko
Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of July 2, 2014 No. 98
1. This Instruction determines order of registration or refusal in registration of the declaration for goods (further – DT).
2. DT moves the customs applicant or the customs representative to customs authority, competent to register DT according to the legislation of state members of the Customs union.
3. Date and time of giving of DT are fixed by customs authority in the magazine of registration of declarations for goods in written and (or) electronic type with use of information technologies. If DT is given in the form of the electronic document, the customs authority informs the customs applicant or the customs representative on date and time of giving of DT in electronic form with use of information technologies.
4. When giving DT the customs authority checks availability or lack of the bases for refusal in registration of DT, stipulated in Item 4 articles 190 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union. After conducting the specified check the customs authority registers or refuses registration of DT no more than 2 hours from the moment of giving of DT in time. If DT is given to customs authority or arrived in the form of the electronic document in information system of customs authority less than in 1 hour prior to the end of time of its work, registration or refusal in registration of such DT is made no later than 2 hours from the moment of the beginning of working hours of this customs authority.
5. In the absence of the bases for refusal in registration of DT the customs authority registers DT in the magazine of registration of declarations for goods in written and (or) electronic type with use of information technologies by assignment of the registration number created according to the procedure, No. 257 determined by the Decision of the Commission of the Customs union of May 20, 2010 "About declaration form on goods and procedure for its filling".
6. In case of customs declaration of goods with use as ATA cornet DT, and also transport (transportation), business and (or) other documents with submission of the written application or inventory (further respectively - the statement, the list) the customs authority fixes date and time of giving of cornet of ATA (the statement, the list) and in the absence of the bases for refusal in registration of the specified documents in time, stipulated in Item the 4th this Instruction, registers ATA cornet (the statement, the list) in the magazine of registration of cornets of ATA (declarations on goods, statements, lists) in written and (or) electronic type with use of information technologies by assignment of registration number. Registration number is assigned to the statement or the list according to the procedure, similar and it is specified to the procedure established for assignment of registration number DT in the upper left corner of each copy of the application or in the corresponding line of each copy of the list.
7. In the presence of the bases for refusal in registration of DT (the statement, the list) the customs authority draws up refusal in registration of DT (the statement, the list) with obligatory specifying of the reasons and dates of refusal in registration of DT (the statement, the list). In case of customs declaration of goods in writing the refusal in registration of DT (the statement, the list) is drawn up on the back 2 copies of DT (the statement, the list) with indication of surname and initials of the official of customs authority and certified it by the signature with putting down of print of personal number seal. If for registration of refusal in registration on the back DT is not enough place, such refusal is drawn up on the sheets of format A which are in addition enclosed to DT 4, which are its integral part. In case of customs declaration of goods electronically data on refusal go to the customs applicant or the customs representative in electronic form with use of information technologies to registration of DT. In the presence of the bases for refusal in registration of cornet of ATA by customs authority the refusal in registration of cornet of ATA with obligatory specifying of the reasons and dates of refusal in registration of cornet of ATA, and also with indication of surname and initials of the official of customs authority which assures him the signature with putting down of print of personal number seal and hands to the customs applicant or the customs representative together with ATA cornet is in writing drawn up.
8. Data on refusal in registration of DT (cornet of ATA, the statement, the list) are fixed by customs authority in the magazine of registration of declarations for goods (cornets of ATA, statements, lists) in written and (or) electronic type with use of information technologies.
9. In case of refusal in registration of DT (the statement, the list) given in writing, 1 copy of DT (the statement, the list) remains in customs authority, the remained DT copies (statements, the list) return to the customs applicant or the customs representative. On DT copy (statements, the list) which remains in customs authority, the customs applicant or the customs representative puts down date and time of receipt of refusal in registration of DT (the statement, the list) with indication of surname and initials of person who received such refusal and assures him the signature.
10. If data on refusal are sent to the customs applicant or the customs representative in electronic form with use of information technologies to registration of DT, date and time of their receipt are fixed by the information system used by these persons, and information on the specified date and time goes such persons to customs authority in electronic form with use of information technologies according to the procedure, established by the legislation of state members of the Customs union.
11. The form and procedure for maintaining magazines of registration of declarations for goods, cornets of ATA, statements and lists are determined by the legislation of state members of the Customs union.
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