It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
May 27, 2014
No. 543/25320
of April 16, 2014 No. 218
About approval of the Regulations on alienation by the National Bank of Ukraine of the property acquired in property on account of debt repayment on the credits
According to Articles 7, of 15, of 56, of 71 Law of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", other acts of the legislation of Ukraine and regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine, for the purpose of ensuring the property acquisition acquired in property by the National Bank of Ukraine on account of debt repayment on the credits provided to banks of Ukraine, the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve Regulations on alienation by the National Bank of Ukraine of the property acquired in property on account of debt repayment on the credits which is applied.
2. The property acquired by the National Bank of Ukraine in property on account of debt repayment on the credits provided to banks of Ukraine and on the credits on which the right to claim and providing passed to the National Bank of Ukraine is subject to alienation in the shortest possible time.
3. To legal department (Novikov V. V.) after state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to bring contents of this resolution to the attention of territorial administrations of the National Bank of Ukraine.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the vice-chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine Rychakivskaya V. I.
5. The resolution becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
Chairman of National Bank
Approved by the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of April 16, 2014 No. 218
1. This Provision is developed according to the Laws of Ukraine "About the National Bank of Ukraine", "About banks and banking activity", "About assessment of property, property rights and professional estimative activity in Ukraine", "About assessment of lands", "About public purchases", the Land code of Ukraine, other regulatory legal acts, including regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine (further - National Bank).
2. This Provision determines procedure for the property acquisition acquired in property by National Bank on account of debt repayment on the credits provided to banks of Ukraine and on the credits on which the right to claim and providing passed to National Bank.
3. In this Provision the following basic concepts are used:
1) close persons are persons who jointly live, are connected by general life and have the mutual rights and obligations with the subjects specified in subitems 3, 4 Items 29 of the Section IV of this provision (except persons whose mutual rights and obligations with the subject have no nature of family), including persons who jointly live, but are not married, and also - irrespective of the specified conditions - the husband, the wife, the father, mother, the stepfather, the stepmother, the son, the daughter, the stepson, the stepdaughter, the brother, the sister, the grandfather, the grandmother, the great-grandfather, the great-grandmother, the grandson, the granddaughter, the great-grandson, the great-granddaughter, the son-in-law, the daughter-in-law, the father-in-law, the mother-in-law, the father-in-law, the mother-in-law, adoptive parents or adopted, the guardian or the custodian, person who is under guardianship or custody of the specified subject;
2) the website of the organizer of the electronic biddings - electronic resource on which organizational and methodical materials, information messages about the electronic biddings are placed registration of participants, submission of applications for participation in the electronic biddings are performed, access for observers of the electronic biddings is provided, to the held electronic auction and results of their carrying out are reflected;
3) the agreement on interaction on the organization of realization of property - the agreement signed between National Bank and the organizer of the electronic biddings / the specialized organization by agreement of the parties (if fee of the organizer of the electronic biddings and/or the specialized organization is performed independently by the buyer of property) and provides provision of services on the organization and carrying out the electronic biddings / auction, and in case of need storages and/or protection of property, its assessment, reviewing of the valuation report of property, provision of realtor and surveyor services;
4) the purchase agreement - the agreement signed between National Bank and the organizer of the electronic biddings / the specialized organization for the results of the procedure of purchase also provides provision of services on the organization and carrying out the electronic biddings / auction, and in case of need storages and/or protection of property, its assessment, reviewing of the valuation report of property, provision of realtor and surveyor services;
5) step of the electronic biddings / auction - the allowance fixed by the organizer of the electronic biddings / the specialized organization on which during the electronic biddings / auction the minimum increase in starting and each following price of lot is performed. The step of the electronic biddings / auction is determined by the document regulating procedure for carrying out the electronic biddings / auction;
6) lot - individually certain unit of the property exposed for sale at the electronic biddings / auction;
7) property - the real and personal estate acquired in property by National Bank on account of debt repayment on the credits provided to banks of Ukraine and on the credits on which the right to claim and providing passed to National Bank;
8) multilot - lot containing various types of property;
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The document ceased to be valid since February 1, 2018 according to Item 1 of the Resolution of Board of the National Bank of Ukraine of January 23, 2018 No. 4