Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  June 23, 2022 according to the Order of the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 13, 2022 No. 8

It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On June 17, 2014 No. 2595


of May 23, 2014 No. 95

About approval of Rules of registration of courts

 According to the Charter of inland water transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 25, 1997 No. 106 and Regulations on the Uzbek agency of road and river transport approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 10, 2004 No. 118, I order:

1. Approve Rules of registration of courts, according to appendix.

2. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.


V. Ismailov



to the Order of the chief of the Uzbek agency of road and river transport of May 23, 2014 No. 95

Rules of registration of courts

These rules according to the Charter of inland water transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 25, 1997 No. 106 and Regulations on the Uzbek agency of road and river transport approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 10, 2004 No. 118 establish order of registration of the courts which are operated on inland waterways of the Republic of Uzbekistan, maintaining the ship register, assignment of identification numbers and issue of the Vessel's certificate.

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. In these rules the following determinations are used:

identification number - number which is assigned to each vessel in the ship register;

the vessel - the self-propelled or non-self-propelled floating construction used for the purpose of navigation, including the vessel mixed (the river - the sea) swimmings, the ferry boat, dredging and dnoochistitelny dredges, the floating crane and other technical constructions of this sort;

The vessel's certificate - the certificate on the property right to the vessel and one of the main documents of the vessel obligatory to availability on the vessel.

2. The self propelled vessels operated on inland waterways with propulsion units at least 75 hp and dumb boats with a gross tonnage at least 80 register tons, except the public vessels, sports courts and courts belonging to citizens are subject to entering into the ship register of shipping inspection Karakalpak Republican, Surkhandarya and the Tashkent Uzbek agency of road and river transport of regional territorial departments (further - shipping inspection).

3. Also other floating crafts which are accessories of any vessel specified in Item 2 of these rules are not subject to registration of the boat.

4. Registration of courts is made on system of records about the vessel and the owner in the ship register.

5. Is within the competence of shipping inspection:

documents acceptance, provided for registration of the vessel;

check of compliance of the documents submitted for registration of the vessel to legal acts;

verification of presence of earlier registered and granted Vessel's certificates;

registration of the vessel;

issue of the Vessel's certificate;

maintaining the ship register.

Chapter 2. Registration of courts

6. The organizations after acquisition of the vessel entering the list of the courts specified in Item 2 of these rules, in the procedure established by the legislation (including the vessels received according to the unmanned lease agreement), irrespective of their technical condition, within 10 days shall file petition according to appendix 1 to these rules in the relevant shipping inspectorate for registration, in the place of their stay.

7. To the statement for registration of the vessel the copy of the certificate on state registration of the legal entity and one of the following documents confirming vessel accessory is provided:

the copy of the relevant order on acceptance of the vessel on the balance of the organization or other document confirming the property right to the vessel;

copy of the purchase and sale agreement of the vessel;

copy of the lease agreement;

the copy of the cargo customs declaration (for the vessel acquired abroad);

copy of the judgment.

8. By reorganization of the legal entity constituent documents of again arising legal entities (or the changed constituent documents of the existing legal entities), the taken place state registration and documents confirming the property right or other corporeal right to the vessel are submitted.

9. For consideration of the application and registration of the vessel collection in the amount of one minimum wage established in the Republic of Uzbekistan is levied. Collection goes to the settlement account of shipping inspection.

10. Texts of documents shall be written is legible, names of the legal entity, the place of its stay shall be specified completely.

11. The documents having erasures or additions, the crossed-out words and not stipulated corrections, and also documents with the considerable damages which are not allowing to interpret unambiguously their content are not allowed to acceptance.

12. The documents necessary for registration of the vessel are represented by the applicant to shipping inspection personally, or through mail service with receipt of the notice on obtaining, or in electronic form. The documents submitted in electronic form are supported by the digital signature of the applicant.

13. The receipt is issued to the applicant or the notification on receipt of documents for registration of the vessel with their list and specifying of date of their obtaining goes in electronic form.

14. The shipping inspectorate within ten days from the date of receipt of the registration application of the vessel, considers it and examines the vessel for determination of compliance of the provided data specified in the statement with the actual parameters of the vessel.

15. Vessels are registered in the location of the legal entity.

16. In registration of the vessel it can be refused the following cases:

the vessel which the applicant asks to register is not included into the list of the courts listed in Item 2 of these rules;

representation by the applicant in an inadequate way of the processed documents or submission of documents not in full;

availability in the documents submitted by the applicant, the doubtful or distorted data.

17. In case of decision making about refusal the notification in writing with indication of cause of failure goes to registration of the vessel no later than one working day from date decision making to the applicant and the copy of the notification is filed in case of documents.


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