of June 6, 2014 No. 145
About approval of programs - "road maps" for financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic
For the purpose of ensuring financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic due to unconditional implementation of measures for deepening of diversification of productions, the maximum loading and effective use of production capacities, the accelerated replacement morally and physically obsolete equipment, decrease in cost and increase in competitiveness of products the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Take into consideration that SAC Uzkimyosanoat, NHK Uzbekneftegaz, SAC of Uzbekenergo together with Goskomkonkurention, the Ministry of Economics and the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan the programs - "road maps" for financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic providing are developed:
measures for effective and rational use of the existing fixed assets of the companies, including due to upgrade, technical and technological updating of the existing productions with mobilization of all available reserves and the maximum loading of their capacities;
decrease in cost of products by optimization of production processes and the areas, reducings technological losses and specific consumption rates of raw materials and materials per unit of products;
organizational and technical actions for economy of fuel and energy resources, implementation of modern energy-saving technologies, and also information and communication technologies and electronic devices regarding enhancement of system of accounting of consumption of energy resources;
actions for replenishment of current assets by optimization of cash flows, restructuring of financial liabilities, reducing debit and creditor debts and enhancement of system of settlement for delivered goods;
providing reliable and uninterrupted supply of fuel and energy resources to industries of economy and the population of the republic due to timely realization of scheduled preventive repair work and creation of necessary backlog of spare parts, consumable materials, and also alternate fuel resources (fuel oil, oven fuel, coal and petrocoke) for the organization of smooth operation of the generating capacities;
diversification of production of mineral fertilizers and polyethylene products due to expansion acting and creations of new capacities at the companies of the chemical industry with attraction of direct investments.
2. Approve:
programs - "road maps" for financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic according to appendices No. No. 1 - 12;
the target parameters predicted following the results of 2014 for the realization account of programs - "road maps" for financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic according to appendix No. 13.
3. SAC Uzkimyosanoat, SAC of Uzbekenergo in coordination with the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trades of the Republic of Uzbekistan in decade time to develop and submit in the Cabinet of Ministers for approval network schedules of implementation of the investment projects included in programs - "road maps" for financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic according to appendix No. 14.
4. Assign to heads SAC Uzkimyosanoat, NHK Uzbekneftegaz, SAC of Uzbekenergo and the relevant companies the personal responsibility for timely implementation of actions, and also accomplishment of the target forecast parameters provided by adopted agendas - "road maps" on financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic.
5. Goskomkonkurention, to the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide:
together with heads SAC Uzkimyosanoat, NHK Uzbekneftegaz, SAC of Uzbekenergo implementation of actions, adopted agendas - "road maps" on financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic, having paid special attention to questions of optimization of idle assets and restructuring of financial liabilities, and also replenishments of current assets of the companies, including at the expense of credit resources of commercial banks;
on the basis of the critical analysis system monitoring of the course of implementation of actions, provided in programs - "road maps", with introduction quarterly into the working group of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of the relevant information.
6. To the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan, head of working group Ibragimov G. I.:
provide quarterly consideration at meetings of the Complex of the course of realization of adopted agendas - "road maps" on financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic, with acceptance of additional measures for acceleration of accomplishment of the provided actions;
on the basis of the critical analysis of accomplishment of actions following the results of 2014 to report results of realization of adopted agendas - "road maps" on financial and economic improvement of unprofitable, economically insolvent and low-profitable enterprises of the chemical industry and fuel and energy complex of the republic at meeting of Presidium of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
7. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan G. I. Ibragimov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh. Mirziyoyev
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of June 6, 2014 No. 145
№ |
Actions for achievement of target reference points |
Realization terms |
Contractors |
The expected result |
The main indicators of the company following the results of 2013: |
The expected results achieved following the results of 2014 taking into account program implementation - "road map": | ||
I. Creation of new capacities with diversification of production of mineral fertilizers | |||
1.1. |
Production organization of NPK fertilizers capacity of 240 thousand tons and polypropylene sacks on 25 - 50 kg capacity of 5 million pieces a year (estimated cost 45, 5 million dollars). |
December, 2015. |
SAC Uzkimesanoat, JSC Samarkandkime, institute of Uztyazhneftegazkhimproyekt, JSC |
Creation of production on release of products, highly liquid and demanded in the internal and external markets. Products - 184,8 of one billion bags. in year, export of 42 million dollars, creation of 250 new workplaces. |
II. Actions for ensuring accomplishment of forecast parameters of balance of production and distribution of mineral fertilizers in 2014 | |||
2.1. |
Financing of future deliveries nitrocalcium - phosphatic fertilizer to agricultural industry on the grain yield eve and cotton of 2014. |
The I quarter 2014. |
Fund for calculations for agricultural |
Receipt of funds: |
2.2. |
Ensuring production of nitrokaltsiyfosfatny fertilizer with raw material resources: |
SAC Uzkimesanoat, GP "NGMK", joint Stock Company |
Production in 2014 only 81 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers. |
2.3. |
Production of 81 thousand tons of mineral fertilizers: |
SAC Uzkimesanoat, JSC Samarkandkime |
Production of products on the amount of 42,8 of one billion bags. Increase in loading of capacities in 3,2 of times. |
2.4. |
Realization of technical actions for conversion of fosforitovy ore (12 - 14% of P2O5) instead of fosforitovy flour (determination of the technological mode) in connection with transition of KFK to production of one type of the fosforitovy concentrate processed on JSC Ammofos-Maksam. |
II-III quarters 2014. |
SAC Uzkimesanoat, JSC |
Development of conversion of fosforitovy ore with low content of useful substances. |
2.5. |
Ensuring conversion of fosforitovy raw materials (including fosforitovy ore with content of 12 - 14% of P2O5) in amount of 44,1 of one thousand tons. |
The II half-year 2014. |
JSC Samarkandkime, SAC |
Ensuring release of 38,7 of one thousand tons of phosphoric fertilizers or 7 thousand tons in 100% of the item of century. |
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