of May 26, 2014 No. 541
About approval of Rules of development and adjustment, conducting necessary examinations of the investment offer, and also planning, consideration, selection, monitoring and assessment of realization of budget investments and recognition voided some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to Items 13 and 14 of Article 151, Item 6 of Article 152, Items 5 and 21 of Article 153, Item 13 of Article 154, Items 10 and 11 of Article 157, Items 3 and 4 of Article 159 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 4, 2008 the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of development and adjustment, conducting necessary examinations of the investment offer, and also planning, consideration, selection, monitoring and assessment of realization of budget investments.
2. Recognize invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix to this resolution.
3. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
K. Masimov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 26, 2014 No. 541
1. These rules of development and adjustment, conducting necessary examinations of the investment offer, and also planning, consideration, selection, monitoring and assessment of realization of budget investments are developed according to Items 13 and 14 of Article 151, Item 6 of Article 152, Items 5 and 21 of Article 153, Item 13 of Article 154, Items 10 and 11 of Article 157, Items 3 and 4 of Article 159 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and determine procedure:
1) developments and adjustments, conducting necessary examinations of the investment offer of the state investment project;
2) developments or adjustments, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility statement on the budget investment project, consideration and selection of the budget investment projects including which are not requiring development of the feasibility statement, and also assuming increase in estimated cost;
3) developments or adjustments of financial and economic reasons for budget investments, and also conducting necessary examinations and selection of the budget investments planned to realization by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities and their terms;
4) consideration and selection of the budget investments directed to realization of especially important and requiring operational realization tasks having positive offers of the Republican budget commission;
5) carrying out monitoring and assessment of implementation of the budget investment projects;
6) carrying out monitoring and assessment of realization of budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities.
2. In these rules the following concepts are used:
1) assessment (during economic examination) - the conclusions characterizing information provided in the feasibility statement on the budget investment project or in financial and economic reasons for budget investments;
2) the administrator of the budget programs (further - ABP) - the state body responsible for planning, reasons, realization and achievement of results of the budget programs;
3) budget investments - the financing from the republican or local budget directed to forming and (or) increase in the authorized capital of legal entities, creation and (or) development of assets of the state by implementation of the budget investment projects;
4) financing sources on budget investments - means republican and/or local budgets, including the borrowed funds allocated for realization of budget investments;5) effectiveness of budget investments - availability of the proofs confirmed with calculations, cost and financial performance of budget investments by means of forming and (or) increase in the authorized capital of the legal entity, and also possibility of achievement of direct and final results, availability of performance indicators and quality;
6) feasibility of budget investments - reasons for economic feasibility of implementation of budget investments by means of forming and (or) increases in the authorized capital of the legal entity and implementation of the budget investment projects, their influences on national economy and compliance of the project to documents of system of state planning;
7) the budget investment project (further - BIP) - set of the actions directed to creation (construction) new or reconstruction of the available objects, and also creation, implementation and development of the information systems realized at the expense of the budgetary funds directly by the administrator of the budget program during the certain period of time and having complete nature;
8) the economic conclusion according to the budget investment project - the conclusion of the central or local authorized body on state planning regarding economic feasibility of implementation of the budget investment project, its influence on national economy and the compliance to strategic and (or) program documents prepared based on the conclusion of economic examination of the feasibility statement on the budget investment project;
9) monitoring of the budget investment projects - set of actions for regular and systematic collection and information analysis about the course of creation (construction) new, reconstruction of the available objects, and also creations, implementations and developments of information systems from the moment of allocation of budgetary funds until commissioning;
10) assessment of implementation of the budget investment projects - set of measures for determination of extent of goal achievement of the project and compliance of actually received results to planned from the moment of commissioning of the facility or implementation and operation of information systems;
11) the specification on development or adjustment of the budget investment project - the document determining requirements to the feasibility statement on the budget investment project, qualification requirements to his potential developer, and also regulating terms and amount of works on development or adjustment of the feasibility statement on the budget investment project;
12) feasibility of the budget investment project - approachibility of indicators (direct and final) project deliverables;
13) resource and infrastructure providing the budget investment project - the indicators characterizing the planned and reached level of need for resource and infrastructure security of the project;
14) economic examination of the feasibility statement on the budget investment project - complex assessment of information provided in the feasibility statement, regarding determination of feasibility and efficiency of the project, carried out based on the conclusion of industry examination and others, the conclusions of examinations required according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
15) efficiency of the budget investment project - approachibility of the best direct result with use of required amount of budgetary funds or goal achievements of the project with use of smaller amount of budgetary funds or receipt of positive economic effect of project implementation;
16) Gant's chart - the chart used in the electronic portal of budget investments for illustration of graphical display of the sequence and duration of the project plan and the working schedule in time;
17) monitoring of budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities - set of actions for regular and systematic information collection, accounting and the analysis of realization of budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of the legal entities involved from the republican or local budget, by means of forming of the original authorized capital, acquisition of the block of shares (share) of legal entities until final realization of the specified actions;
18) assessment of budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities - set of measures for determination of extent of goal achievement and compliance of actually received results to planned from the moment of final implementation of actions;
19) economic examination of financial and economic reasons for budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities - complex assessment of information provided in financial and economic reasons, regarding compliance of actions to criteria of justification and effectiveness, carried out based on the conclusion of industry examination and required according to the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan of other conclusions of examinations;
20) the economic conclusion on budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities - the conclusion of the central or local authorized body on state planning regarding economic feasibility of implementation of budget investments, their influence on national economy and the compliance to strategic and (or) program documents prepared based on the conclusion of economic examination of financial and economic reasons for budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities;
21) strategic documents of development of legal entities - the development strategy for 10 years and development plans for 5 years of national managing holdings, national holdings, the national companies with participation of the state in the authorized capital, and also the plans of financial and economic activities of other subjects of the quasi-public sector approved in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on development and approval of development strategies on 10 years and development plans for 5 years of national managing holdings, national holdings, the national companies with participation of the state in the authorized capital;
22) the purposes of development of the legal entity - implementation of actions aimed at the development of industry, improvement of economic and social situation in industry which are not providing covering of the current losses of economic activity and financing of current expenses;
23) budget investments by means of forming and (or) increase in the authorized capital of the legal entity (further - Investments) - implementation of actions, aimed at the development of the legal entity by means of forming and (or) increases in its authorized capital from the republican or local budget;
24) the receiver of budget investments by means of forming and (or) increase in the authorized capital of the legal entity (further - the Receiver) - the legal entity who is the final receiver of means for increase or forming of the authorized capital, realizing actions at the expense of budget investments;
25) justification of budget investments by means of forming and (or) increase in the authorized capital of the legal entity - availability of the proofs documented and calculations, the amount of financing on implementation of actions, and also impossibility of financing of actions at the expense of own and borrowed funds;
26) the investment offer - the conceptual offer proving feasibility of implementation of the state investment projects within implementation of the state, industry programs and development programs of the territories for achievement of strategic objective, reflecting ways of its achievement and possible methods of financing, including set of the relevant activities, developed by administrators of the budget programs;
27) information leaf of the investment offer - the document containing the main information on the state investment project, disclosing feasibility of its realization;
28) the economic conclusion on the investment offer - complex assessment of information provided in the investment offer, with use of the analysis of benefits and costs, carried out based on the conclusion of industry examination and other conclusions of the examinations required according to the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
29) subjects of the quasi-public sector - the state companies, limited liability partnerships, joint-stock companies, including national managing holdings, national holdings, the national companies, participant or the shareholder of which is the state, and also the affiliated, dependent and other legal entities who are affiliated with them according to legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
30) the condition suspensive - inclusion in the draft of the republican budget of the budget investments directed to realization of especially important and requiring operational realization tasks having positive offers of the Republican budget commission with condition of submission of missing documentation by administrators of the budget programs;
31) the concessionary project - set of actions for implementation of the concession realized during the limited period of time and having complete nature according to the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About concessions";
32) financial and economic reasons (further - FEO) - the document containing data on feasibility, justification and result assessment from investment of budgetary funds in the authorized capital of legal entities;
33) adjustment of financial and economic reasons - change of the set financial and economic parameters of budget investments by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of the legal entities attracting amendment and (or) change of actions, technical technology solutions, increase in the expenses provided on the approved actions;
34) participants (further - Participants) - the organizations participating in obtaining and distribution of budget investments by means of forming and (or) increase in the authorized capital of the legal entity;
35) component - the action component having complete nature;36) the marketing circle - set of active subjects and conditions in which activities of the legal entity are performed, being the final receiver of means for increase or forming of the authorized capital, realizing actions at the expense of budget investments, and influencing opportunities to establish and maintain the relations of successful cooperation with target clients;
37) the module of monitoring of budget investments of the electronic portal of authorized body on state planning (further - the electronic portal) - the information system intended for automation of accounting and monitoring of the planned and implementable budget investments;
38) the state investment project (further - GIP) - complex of the actions directed to achievement of strategic objectives of the state by implementation of budget investments and implementation of concessionary projects;
39) product - the result of economic activity provided in material and material (material product) or non-material (intellectual product) form, or in work type and (or) services, including financial;
40) the conclusion of industry examination - assessment of the investment offer of the state investment project or feasibility statement on the budget investment project or financial and economic reasons for budget investments regarding compliance to priorities of development of industry;
41) estimated cost - the construction cost of object (complex) determined according to estimate standard rates in case of development of the project documentation on construction;
42) the feasibility statement (further - the feasibility study) - the document containing data on the main technical, technology and other solutions, and also results of studying of feasibility and efficiency of the budget investment project which is carried out on the basis of the economic analysis of benefits and costs with determination of the key technical and economic parameters;
43) adjustment of the feasibility statement - change of the set technical and economic parameters of the budget investment project involving change of technical solutions and additional expenses;
44) technical and economic parameters - the main indicators provided in the feasibility statement, and also considering parameters of information system;
45) resulting effect - target condition (change of condition) of level and quality of life of the population, the social sphere, economy, public safety and other industries (spheres) of public administration caused by achievement of direct results of activities of certain state body, activities of other state bodies;
46) direct result - the quantity characteristic of amount of the carried-out state functions, powers and the rendered state services within the provided budgetary funds which achievement completely depends on the organization activity performing these functions, powers or the rendering service;
47) action - complex of the interconnected component(s) directed to accomplishment of the tasks which are carried out within implementation of budget investments.
3. Process of development, adjustment and consideration of investment offers of GIP represents the complex of actions containing the following main stages:
1) representation of ABP of investment offers in the central or local authorized body on state planning;
2) consideration and preparation of the economic conclusion on the investment offer the central or local authorized body on state planning.
4. Development of investment offers of GIP is performed by ABP.
On uniform (same) GIP development of ABP of one investment offer is allowed.
If before enforcement of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 3, 2013 "About modification and amendments in some legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning enhancement of the budget legislation" on the investment offer the PIP, the feasibility study for BIP, FEO of Investments, the concessionary offer of concessionary projects the conclusion of economic examination, experimental testimony or the economic conclusion was drawn, and also GIP is provided in the relevant budget (the type and method of financing is determined), that ABP is not required development of the investment offer of GIP, besides the authorized body on state planning can provide the additional economic conclusion to earlier issued economic conclusion on the investment offer the PIP, the feasibility study for BIP, FEO of Investments, the concessionary offer of concessionary projects.
5. GIP are subdivided into the following types:
1) budget investments which can be directed on:
creation (construction) and reconstruction of objects which can be technically difficult and (or) unique, and technically simple and (or) standard, implementation and development of information systems;
institutional development of industry (industries) by means of forming or increase in the authorized capital of subjects of the quasi-public sector;
2) concessionary projects.
6. Investment offers of GIP include the following documents:
1) information leaf of the investment offer;
2) conclusion of industry examination of the investment offer;
3) calculations for possible types and methods of financing of GIP;
4) calculations and reasons for cost of GIP (according to construction standard rates or standard rates of costs for creation, development and maintenance of information systems);
5) if the investment project does not require development of the feasibility study to the investment offer, the specification on designing in addition is submitted;
6) in case of adjustment of the feasibility study the PIP or FEO of Investments in addition is represented:
the comparative table with indication of the technical solutions and/or additional expenses assumed to change according to the feasibility study the PIP or FEO of Investments, and also the PIP or FEO of Investments approved by the feasibility study;
the act of the representative the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of body for internal control regarding target use of budgetary funds, and also about lack of violations if on the project financing is begun;
calculation reasons of cost of adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP or FEO of Investments by components and terms of their development.
7. Information leaf of the investment offer contains information on priorities of development of industry (sphere) of economy, the installed state, industry programs and development programs of the territories, general information on investment projects (project) and actions including their main indicators.
8. Information leaf of the investment offer contains:
1) data on ABP and GIP offered to realization;
2) retrospective (information on earlier allocated and mastered funds on GIP, including on the current programs);
3) marketing analysis of industry;4) the general description of GIP assumed to realization;
5) institutional scheme of management of GIP;
6) social and ecological impact;
7) alternative options of realization of GIP by possible types and methods of financing.
The information sheet of the investment offer is submitted in form according to appendix 1 to these rules.
9. The conclusion of industry examination of the investment offer contains assessment:
1) problems of current status of industry which influences its further development, and also the comparative analysis of the services operating provided and offered;
2) expected effect of realization of GIP on allied industries (spheres) of economy;
3) the alternative options considered in case of the choice of way of solving the problem with reasons for the choice of GIP as optimum way of its decision taking into account foreign experience;
4) justification of the expected institutional scheme of management of GIP (the main participants, the scheme of their interaction, distribution of benefits and costs of asset holders, the scheme of management of GIP in the investment and post-investment periods);
5) expected risks on the project (financial, operational, technical, credit, normative and legal, technological, marketing, market, commercial, ecological and social risks) and actions for their minimization;
6) compliance of the purpose and tasks of GIP with the purpose and tasks of ABP;
7) justification of amount of GIP.
10. If realization of GIP is offered at the expense of means of the republican budget, the conclusion of industry examination of the investment offer is carried out by the central authorized body of the corresponding industry, in case of impossibility of reference of ABP to any certain industry, the industry conclusion is carried out by ABP.
If realization of GIP, assumed to realization at the expense of means of the republican budget, affects the sphere of responsibility of other industry central state body, the specified industry central state body carries out the conclusion of industry examination of GIP.
If realization of GIP is offered at the expense of funds of the local budget or target transfers for development and the credits from the higher budget, the conclusion of industry examination of the investment offer is carried out by the industry local executive body financed from the local budget in case of impossibility of reference of ABP to any certain industry, the industry conclusion is carried out by ABP.
If GIP assumed to realization at the expense of funds of the local budget or target transfers for development and the credits from the higher budget affects the sphere of responsibility of other industry local body, the specified industry local state body carries out the conclusion of industry examination of GIP.
11. On GIP in the field of informatization the conclusion of industry examination of the investment offer of authorized body in the field of communication and informatization is required.
12. Calculations for possible types and methods of financing of GIP which include the basic parameters of financial and economic model and measure calculations of cost efficiency represented in forms according to appendix 2 to these rules.
13. Calculations of cost of development or adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP in the field of communication and informatization corresponding to standard rates of costs for creation, development and maintenance of information systems, approved by the central authorized body in the field of communication and informatizations.
14. The investment offer of GIP, including the documents specified in Item 6 of these rules are signed by the first head of state body of the corresponding industry or replacement his face, are polistno initialed by the head of the structural unit of ABP responsible for development of the investment offer and is drawn up in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official documents.
15. ABP create and represent to the central or local authorized body on state planning the investment offers of GIP including the documents specified in Item 6 of these rules.
For single system of electronic document management documents are provided in not edited graphical format.
In case of lack of single system of electronic document management the investment offer is without fail introduced on paper.
16. In case of absence in single system of electronic document management of complete document package (scanned in the PDF format) which availability is necessary for preparation of the economic conclusion, the central or local authorized body on state planning returns the investment offer of GIP ABP.
17. Adjustment of the investment offer is performed only in the following cases:
1) adjustments of the feasibility study PIP;
2) adjustments of FEO of Investments;
3) if following the results of consideration of the feasibility study for BIP, FEO of Investments, the concessionary offer of concessionary projects the economic conclusion of the central or local authorized body on state planning recommends other types and methods of realization of GIP.
The corrected investment offer is made only on the project on which change of technical and economic parameters from earlier made investment offer on uniform (same) GIP having the positive economic conclusion is supposed. On the projects which are not assuming change of technical and economic parameters, introduction of the corrected investment offer it is not required.
18. Conducting necessary examinations of the investment offer of GIP represents consideration of the documents specified in Item 6 of these rules and preparation of the economic conclusion by the central or local authorized body on state planning investment offers of ABP.
The central or local authorized body on state planning considers investment offers of ABP regarding economic feasibility, compliance of project objectives to priorities of development of industry (sphere) of economy, the installed state, industry programs and development programs of the territories, within 30 (thirty) working days and sends the economic conclusion to ABP on them.
19. Expertize on the investment offer is carried out using the analysis of benefits and costs.
The analysis of benefits and costs is characterized by assessment of the following indicators:
1) social and economic return of GIP - is estimated by criterion of straight lines and resulting effects from the investing;
2) the budget efficiency - the relative indicator of effect for the budget as a result of implementation of investments determined as the relation of the result received by the budget to costs.
3) budget costs for maintenance - post-investment expenses on contents of the created project;
4) payback of GIP - possibility of GIP provided in investment offers to generate cash flows;
5) priority of GIP - importance of realization of GIP, caused by social, strategic, political, ecological and other factors.
20. Result of the economic conclusion of the central or local authorized body on state planning is determination of possible type and methods of financing of GIP from the budget.
21. GIP is planned to realization as:
1) the PIP in case of high social and economic return, outstanding budget performance, high costs for maintenance, low payback and high priority;
2) the budget investments planned to realization by means of participation of the state in the authorized capital of legal entities in case of high social and economic return, average budget efficiency, average costs for maintenance, average return and average priority;
3) the PIP which is not requiring development of the feasibility study in case of high social and economic return, outstanding budget performance, high costs for maintenance, low payback and high priority;
4) the concessionary project in case of average social and economic return, outstanding budget performance, low costs for maintenance, high payback and low or average priority;
5) budget credit in case of low or average social economic return, low budget performance, low or average costs on maintenance, low or average return and average priority;
6) private investments in case of low social and economic return, low budget performance, low or average costs on maintenance, high payback and low priority.
22. The economic conclusion on the investment offer on GIP is prepared by the central or local authorized body on state planning in form according to appendix 3 to these rules and contains the following main data:
1) general information on the project;
2) the expected result of accomplishment of the tasks determined by the state, industry programs and development programs of the territories;
3) mechanisms and amounts of financing of GIP;
4) institutional scheme of project management;
5) availability of measurable (quantitative) indicators of direct result;
6) sales opportunity of the project from the point of view of risks assessment;
7) justification of calculations of cost of GIP;
8) conclusions.
23. ABP based on the positive economic conclusion on investment offers of GIP represent to the central or local authorized body on state planning the request about need of assignment according to the distributed budget program for development or adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP in the current year in which the positive economic decision, or in the following planned financial year and the specification is received.
24. The specification on development or adjustment of the feasibility study the PIP is constituted based on requirements to development or adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP determined by these rules.
In the draft of the specification are also reflected:
1) qualification requirements to the potential developer of feasibility study of BIP according to the legislation on public procurements;
2) scope and restrictions of obligations of developer according to the legislation on public procurements;
3) expected terms of development or adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study PIP.
25. The central authorized body on state planning following the results of consideration of investment offers creates according to them the conclusions and sends them for consideration of the republican budget commission (further - RBC) based on the positive economic conclusion on development or adjustment, and also on conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP, requests for financing of ABP, the specification.
The local authorized body on state planning following the results of consideration of investment offers creates according to them the conclusions and sends them for consideration of the budget commission based on the positive economic conclusion on development or adjustment, and also on conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP, requests for financing of ABP, the specification.
26. The conclusion according to investment offers submitted for consideration of the relevant budget commission contains the following main data:
1) name PIP;
2) the cost of development or adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP offered to financing of ABP;
3) the cost of development or adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP offered to financing by authorized body on state planning;
4) compliance of BIP state, industry programs and development programs of the territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
5) the expected result of accomplishment of tasks.
27. On BIP approved by the budget commissions, containing in investment offers, the central or local authorized body on state planning the list, development or adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study creates the PIP on which are performed at the expense of means of the appropriate distributed budget program of the central or local authorized body on state planning.
28. The list, development or adjustment, and also conducting necessary examinations of the feasibility study the PIP containing the name and the amount of financing on each project affirm the order of the central authorized body on state planning or the act of local executive body which preparation is performed by the central or local authorized body on state planning.
29. Procedure for development or adjustment to the feasibility study the PIP, having architectural, town-planning and construction concepts in structure, are determined by these rules and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on architectural, town-planning and construction activities.
Procedure for development or adjustment to the feasibility study the PIP in the field of informatization are determined by these rules taking into account standard rates of costs for creation, development and maintenance of the information systems approved by the central authorized body in the field of communication and informatization.
Procedure for development or adjustment to the feasibility studies the PIP assuming innovative and/or space activities or other activities are determined by these rules.
30. Development of the feasibility study the PIP is performed if project implementation is provided in documents of system of state planning.
31. The PIP is the purpose of development of the feasibility study the reasonable choice of the project decision which will provide feasibility and efficiency of the project, on the basis of consideration and the analysis of alternative versions of project decisions.
32. The cost of BIP assumed to financing from means of government external loans and joint financing of external loans from means of the republican budget, in case of need joins expenses on technical assistance, goods, training, consulting services in management, maintenance, institutional development, supervision of project construction.
33. On the projects which do not have realization analogs in the Republic of Kazakhstan data taking into account the international experience are applied.
34. The feasibility study the PIP corresponds to the following structure:
1) summary of the feasibility study PIP;
2) Section "Marketing";
3) Section "Technical and technological";
4) Section "Ecological" (environmental impact assessment);
5) Section "Institutional";
6) Section "Financial and economic";
7) Section "Social";
8) Section "Risk analysis";
9) general conclusions;
10) appendices to the feasibility study the PIP according to the forms provided in appendices 4-14 to these rules and also the initial documents for development of the feasibility study the PIP submitted depending on specifics of the project according to these rules.
In the feasibility study the PIP depending on specifics of the project is allowed inclusion of additional Sections and appendices.
35. In the Summary of the feasibility study the PIP:
1) the short characteristic of BIP in form according to appendix 4 to these rules is specified;
2) social and economic and other conditions of the project are described existing political (with indication of legal and other orders, regulatory legal acts);
3) the possible options of goal achievement and indicators of project deliverable including considered at stage of the investment offer are specified;
4) results of technical and economic estimates on the basis of the available materials and researches, and also the requirements and conditions stated in task for its development are specified.
36. The Section "Marketing" feasibility study PIP reflects the analysis of the existing and perspective demand for products (goods, works, services) assumed by the project in the considered region or social and economic need of the project.
This Section contains:
1) demand analysis, including assessment and reasons for amounts, types and the prices, on products (goods, works, services):
which is made and will be made without project implementation;
which is supposed to be made as a result of project implementation, and also quantitative parameters of solvent demand;
2) the analysis of social and economic need of the project with indication of the legal basis;
3) the analysis, including assessment and reasons for amounts, types and goods prices, the works, services which are purchased within project implementation (in the investment period), and also possibilities of requirements satisfaction of the project with appendix of the corresponding price lists, price offers and other supporting documents;
4) the analysis, including assessment and reasons for amounts, types and goods prices, the works, services which are purchased in the operational period (in the post-investment period), and also possibilities of requirements satisfaction of the project with appendix of the corresponding price lists, price offers and other supporting documents;
5) the used sources of information and technique of carrying out marketing researches;
6) price lists and price offers are represented at least from two suppliers of goods, works and services.
Price analysis covers the following goods:
1) purchase of which is proved to requirements, specified in the technical and technological analysis;
2) characteristics of which conform to requirements, specified in the technical and technological analysis;
3) the cost of consulting services (development of the software, project management, certification) are confirmed by calculations and value assessments of resources.
37. The Section "Technical and technological" feasibility study PIP includes the analysis of various technical technology solutions of project implementation, their benefit and shortcomings, reasons for the chosen option taking into account the analysis provided in the marketing Section.
This Section contains:
1) the analysis of possible options of site areas, reasons for the choice of location of the project with submission of information on arrangement concerning sources and suppliers of raw materials, target groups and the main beneficiaries, and also about alternative options of location of the project. On projects in the sphere of defense submission of information on alternative options of location of the project is not obligatory. On projects in the sphere of informatization, the analysis of possible options of placement of the server hardware of the project, including the national server center of state bodies, regional data-processing centers, server premises of the private organizations or in case of need own server room is provided;
2) description of scale of the project and settlement reasons for capacity of the project, dynamics of mastering of capacity of the project;
3) reasons for the choice of technologies and the equipment, information on technological compatibility with already used equipment, optimum ratio the price quality, alternative options of the choice of technologies and the equipment, use of the innovative equipment, use by the project of the quality standards;
4) information on security of the project with necessary engineering, transport and telecommunication infrastructure with reasons for the chosen decisions (on energy saving, warm, to water supply, the sewerage) and schemes, and also in case of need information on commissioning;
5) the schedule of project implementation (including on technological stages) with breakdown of financing on project components in form according to appendix 5 to these rules;
6) the used information sources.
The Section "Technical and technological" feasibility study PIP on projects also contains in the sphere of construction:
1) the main architectural and construction decisions including:
basic architectural, space-planning and constructive concepts, including: justification of planning solutions, rational use of the parcels of land, effective blocking of buildings, special attention on availability of the nature dangerous phenomena (seismicity, prosadochnost, karsts, landslides) around construction, compliance of basic architectural and composite decisions to town-planning conditions of surrounding building is paid. Key parameters most technically of difficult buildings and constructions include space-planning and constructive (construction) decisions, and their design features. Need for construction products and materials;
2) reasons for the choice of versions of the transport scheme, on-site ways and highways with assessment of observance of required fire-proof and sanitary and hygienic gaps between buildings and constructions, including industrial and other function;
3) the short characteristic and reasons for the chosen technology on the basis of the analysis of possible options of engineering procedures (schemes), structure and production structure;
The Section "Technical and technological" feasibility study PIP on projects also contains in the sphere of informatization:
1) the list of the automated functions, processes and their consumers (scheme use-case);
2) the analysis of possible options of architecture of information system (centralized, decentralized, corporate);
3) analysis of options of realization of information system (integration and implementation of ready decisions, own development, application of ready and own decisions);
4) scheme of nodes (computing means) and placements of program components of information system;
5) scheme of telecommunications and requirements to communication channels;
6) reasons for requirements to computing capacities and amounts of storage and quantity of computing means on the basis of quantitative indices of scale and capacity of the project, scheme of nodes;
7) general description of architecture of system;
8) description of components of system and their interrelations;
9) the description of departmental and interdepartmental information systems which will be affected by implementation of this project, and also actions which need to be held on the party of these systems for successful project implementation, with appendix corresponding written the notification of the parties affected by project implementation;
10) the description of the state information systems and their components which can become irrelevant as a result of project implementation;
11) the description of expected interaction and project integration with basic components of "the electronic government", interdepartmental information systems and databases, departmental information systems and databases, including:
description of subjects of information interaction;
the description of the applied standards of exchange to data;
the description of electronic state services within the created information systems, including:
description of groups of receivers of implementable electronic state services (physical persons, legal entities);
the current and historical indicators of demand of the electronic state services realized within the project on the scale of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
measure description of efficiency of the state services before their transfer to electronic type, including the number of required documents, waiting time for submission of documents, the term of rendering service;
the description of the flowing and planned business process of provision of electronic state services;
types of implementable electronic state services (information, interactive, transactional);
channels of provision of implementable electronic state services by receivers (physical persons, legal entities);
requirement description of information security.
Reflection in the technical and technological Section feasibility study PIP at least two possible options of goal achievement and indicators of project deliverable by which the comparative analysis is carried out is obligatory and reasons for the chosen option are represented.
In case of the choice of project decisions it is necessary to consider results of the carried-out environmental impact assessment and to provide acceptance of such option which does the smallest harm to the environment and health of the person.
38. The Section "Ecological" (environmental impact assessment) of the feasibility study the PIP contains information on impact on the environment of the made project decisions in quantitative and value term, including assessment of ecological damage from project implementation, and also about compliance of project decisions to the approved ecological standard rates and about expected actions for reduction of negative impact from project implementation.
In case of the choice of project decisions only those decisions which correspond to ecological standard rates are chosen or are above the existing standard rates.
39. The Section "Institutional" feasibility study PIP contains the institutional scheme of the project, including:
1) the institutional scheme of the project in form according to appendix 6 to these rules;
2) the scheme of project management with indication of the legal basis.
If necessary on project participants the full legal name, country of source, form of business, the authorized capital, founders and shares of their participation, year of education, core activities, experience of projects implementation in this sphere and other information is specified.
40. The Section "Financial and economic" feasibility study PIP contains:
1) calculation of investment costs, distribution of needs for financing for stages, components and sources of financing of the project, if necessary expenses on input of objects in operation (commissioning);
2) calculation of operating costs;
3) reasons for the scheme of financing with indication of sources (the republican/local budget, borrowed funds), conditions and the amounts of financing (including in breakdown of financing by years), on the basis of the analysis of alternative options;
4) current financial status of project participants (in case of need);
5) the financial analysis of the project including:
calculation of cost, rates, selling price of products (goods, works, services);
calculation of sales returns and net profit;
summary calculation of cash flow;
calculation of the net discounted income (Net present value - NPV), internal regulation of profitability (Internal rate of return - IRR), the discounted and simple payback periods;
sensitivity analysis of the net discounted income (NPV) and internal regulation of profitability (IRR) on key parameters (the sales volume, the price it is sold, investment and operating costs), calculation of breakeven point of the project;
6) the economic project analysis including:
the analysis of social and economic situation with the project and without project, including calculations of expected costs at the expense of budgetary funds in case of not project implementation;
the analysis of the smallest costs or cost efficiency analysis or measure calculation of cost efficiency of the project, including assessment of economic benefits and costs, calculation of the economic net discounted income (Economic net present value - ENPV) and economic internal return rate (Economic internal rate of return - EIRR);
sensitivity analysis of the economic net discounted income (ENPV) and economic internal return rate (EIRR) on key parameters (sales volume, investment and operating costs) (in case of availability of these indicators);
7) the used information sources.
On the projects which are not assuming receipt of direct cash inflows from sales of goods, works and services carrying out financial analysis of the project is not required.
In case of measure calculation of financial and cost efficiency of the project the PIP is applied information on basic parameters of financial and economic model of the project on form according to appendix 7 to these rules to the feasibility study.
Measure calculations of financial performance of the project are represented in form according to appendix 8 to these rules.
Analysis results of sensitivity of the net discounted income (NPV) and internal return rate (IRR) of the project are represented in form according to appendix 9 to this Procedure.
Indicators of the analysis of the smallest project costs are represented in form according to appendix 10 to these rules.
Indicators for cost efficiency analysis of the project are represented in form according to appendix 11 to these rules.
Measure calculation of cost efficiency of the project is represented in form according to appendix 12 to these rules.
Analysis results of sensitivity of the economic net discounted income (ENPV) and economic internal return rate (EIRR) of the project are represented in form according to appendix 13 to this Procedure.
Indicators and calculations in appendices shall be proved in the feasibility study the PIP.
On projects in the field of informatization is obligatory carrying out measure calculation of cost efficiency of the project, including assessment of economic benefits and costs, calculation of the economic net discounted income (ENPV) and economic internal return rate (EIRR);
41. The Section "Social" feasibility study PIP contains the analysis of security of the project with qualified personnel, including:
1) information on availability of qualified personnel in the investment and post-investment periods of the project;
2) information on need of training and retraining of workers and specialists (in case of need);
3) information on regulations of labor protection and safe engineering;
4) justification of the project from the point of view of welfare and demographic characteristics of the population;
5) the used information sources.
42. The Section "Risk analysis" feasibility study PIP contains:
1) information on the used methods of identification and risks assessment;
2) the list of the identified risks (commercial, technical and technological, ecological, institutional, financial, social and others), possible to approach in the investment and post-investment periods of the project, with representation of results of determination of probability of approach of risks and damage from approach of risks, and also expected measures for decrease in risks. Information on project risks is provided in form according to appendix 14 to these rules.
43. General conclusions of the feasibility study contain the PIP:
1) reasons for the choice of the most optimal variant of project implementation;
2) the main shortcomings and advantages of the chosen project implementation option;
3) the key technical and economic parameters (indicators) by the chosen option:
place of project implementation;
result indicators (direct and final);
project components;
total cost of the project, with breakdown of financing by years and components.
44. Appendices to the feasibility study the PIP according to the forms provided in appendices 4-14 to these rules and also can include the additional information: the charts, drawings, district maps and other materials, documents confirming and opening information provided in the feasibility study the PIP.
45. On projects in the sphere of construction of appendix to the feasibility study the PIP also include the cartographic and other graphical materials, including the scheme of the situational plan with placement of construction object and specifying of places of accession it to engineering networks and communications, schemes of the master plan of object proving the sizes of the parcel of land, and also the scheme, drawings (outline sketches) of the relevant technology, architectural and space-planning decisions.
46. On projects which implementation is supposed due to external borrowing the feasibility study contains the appendices proving the cost and need of the following components of loan: consulting project management services, to supervision of construction, institutional development.
Contains this appendix:
1) comparative market research of local (domestic) and international (foreign) management consultants project and to supervision of construction, availability of the appropriate international certificates and work experience;
2) the analysis of amount of works and the expected results, terms, charge rates for services and financing sources;
3) reasons for necessary number of consultants (if the project provides hiring of individual consultants) and the specialization required them;
4) the draft of the specification on involvement of consultants;
5) the used information sources.
In case of development of the feasibility study the PIP which implementation is supposed due to external borrowing provision of price lists and price offers is not required.
47. For confirmation of the set feasibility studies PIPS technical and economic parameters is subject economic and to other examinations, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan.
48. According to the feasibility study the PIP in the sphere of construction state examination of projects is performed by the legal entity authorized by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
49. The examination of the feasibility study the PIP having architectural, town-planning and construction concepts in structure is carried out according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on architectural, town-planning and construction activities and the state standard rates.
50. Economic examination of the feasibility study of republican BIP is performed by the legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP.
51. Economic examination of the feasibility study of local BIP, and also the feasibility study for the projects planned to financing at the expense of target transfers for development and the credits from the republican budget is performed by the legal entities determined by local executive bodies on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP.
52. Economic expertize of the feasibility study the PIP is carried out based on the provided feasibility study the PIP and the corresponding positive conclusions of examinations of the feasibility study the PIP required depending on specifics of the project namely:
1) state examination;
2) conclusion of industry examination;
3) state environmental assessment;
4) state scientific and technical examination;
5) state sanitary and epidemiologic examination.
53. On BIP, depending on specifics of the project the following initial documents are required:
1) assuming construction activities, the conclusions of industry, state, ecological and sanitary and epidemiologic examinations on the feasibility study the PIP, and also copies of documents of the feasibility studies attached to task for development the PIP, including specifications, decisions of local executive bodies on withdrawal of the parcels of land on the projects assuming construction of new objects (with appendix in need of calculations of losses of owners of the parcels of land and land users, losses of agricultural and forestry and landscape production depending on type of the withdrawn grounds) and copies of the corresponding documents of title on real estate on the projects assuming reconstruction of the existing objects are required;
2) in case of availability of costs for commissioning of the facility the conclusions of industry authorized state body and state examination on costs for commissioning of the facility (commissioning) according to departmental standard rates are required;
3) in the field of informatization the conclusions of industry examination and authorized body in the field of informatization and communication are required;
4) assuming innovative and/or space activities, the conclusions industry and state scientific and technical examinations are required.
Requirements to the conclusions specified in this Item are established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
54. The conclusion of authorized body in the field of communication and informatization contains assessment:
1) feasibility study compliance PIP to the specification on development of the feasibility study PIP;
2) problems of current status of industry. In this Section the problem in industry which is solved by realization of the created BIP is determined;
3) the planned efficiency of realization of BIP on strategic and operational indicators of organization activity of the applicant according to the provided efficiency measure values;
4) technology and technical solutions. This Section contains assessment of conformity of technical characteristics of the equipment which is purchased within the project, to the purpose, tasks and capacity of the feasibility study the PIP, assessment of the offered options of realization of architecture of the project, and also assessment of the choice of the equipment on its compliance to the state and international standards, technological compatibility with already used equipment;
5) compliance of BIP to technical requirements and standards for integration of the decision with basic components of the electronic government. In this Section recommendations about integration of BIP with the state interdepartmental information systems are also described;
6) efficiency and feasibility of automation of processes of provision of the state services by means of BIP. In this Section influence of BIP on the organization activity of the applicant directed to provision of the state services entering its competence and also to the state services provided by other state bodies and organizations is estimated;
7) the sequences, feasibility and effectiveness of realization of the created ABP BIP within the existing information systems;
8) the created information systems and the BIP components on compliance to requirements of information security;
9) alternative options, in particular the cost of ownership of the project, use of the ready decisions and outsourcing considered in case of the choice of way of solving the problem with reasons for the choice of BIP as optimum way of its decision includes also the analysis of all considered alternative options of decisions;
10) possible risks in case of realization of BIP and action for their minimization.
55. The conclusion of industry examination and the conclusion of the state scientific and technical examination of BIP provide assessment:
1) feasibility study compliance PIP to the specification on development of the feasibility study PIP;
2) problems of current status of industry which influence its further development;
3) the existing political, social and economic, legal and other conditions in which realization of BIP is supposed;
4) the indicators existing and predicted (for lifecycle of BIP) demand for products/services or social economic need, taking into account the available competition in this region;
5) distributions of benefits and costs from realization of BIP;
6) the technology, technical solutions made in the feasibility study the PIP, including the schedule of realization of BIP;
7) price decisions, including ratio optimality assessment the price quality on all components of the investment and operating costs given in the feasibility study the PIP, comparison of planned prices on goods, works and services with the corresponding market prices;
8) the alternative options considered in case of the choice of way of solving the problem with reasons for the choice of BIP as optimum way of its decision;
9) possible options of situation in industry (sphere) of economy, in case of realization of BIP and without that;
10) justification of costs for commissioning of the facility according to the departmental standard rates approved by industry authorized state body.
56. If realization of BIP is offered at the expense of means of the republican budget, the conclusion of industry examination of the investment offer is carried out by the central authorized body of the corresponding industry, in case of impossibility of reference of ABP to any certain industry, the industry conclusion is carried out by ABP.
If realization of BIP, assumed to realization at the expense of means of the republican budget, affects the sphere of responsibility of other industry central state body, the specified industry central state body carries out the conclusion of industry examination of BIP.
If realization of BIP is offered at the expense of funds of the local budget or target transfers for development and the credits from the higher budget, the conclusion of industry examination of the investment offer is carried out by the industry local executive body financed from the local budget in case of impossibility of reference of ABP to any certain industry, the industry conclusion is carried out by ABP.
If BIP assumed to realization at the expense of funds of the local budget or target transfers for development and the credits from the higher budget affects the sphere of responsibility of other industry local body, the specified industry local state body carries out the conclusion of industry examination of BIP.
57. The conclusion of industry examination is signed by the first head of state body or person replacing it and drawn up in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official documents.
58. When conducting economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP, depending on specifics of BIP, additional examinations on the questions which are not covered by the carried-out expertizes can be requested.
Conducting additional examinations on the questions which are not covered or not completely covered by the carried-out expertizes is provided to ABP.
Treat additional examinations:
1) No. 1029 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 26.09.2014
2) state examination;
3) state environmental assessment;
4) state scientific and technical examination;
5) sanitary and epidemiologic examination;
6) other examinations of authorized state bodies.
59. Requests on submission of necessary information and/or conducting additional examinations on the questions which are not covered or not completely covered by the carried-out expertizes go to the relevant ABP, the copy of request - to the central or local authorized body on state planning within 15 (fifteen) working days from the date of receipt of complete document package specified in Items 52-55, 58 of these rules.
60. ABP provide necessary information to the legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP within 10 (ten) working days from the moment of receipt of request in the form of the official letter with indication of possibility of prolongation of conducting economic examination for the term of no more than 10 (ten) working days or notify on need of additional terms for submission of information, but no more than 25 (twenty five) working days.
In case of prolongation of term of conducting economic examination the legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP notifies the central or local authorized body on state planning on prolongation of conducting economic examination with appendix of the letter of ABP.
From the date of sending an inquiry and before submission of necessary information terms of conducting economic examination stop.
61. Economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP planned to realization in the territory of other states, and also which is not providing construction activities is carried out on the basis of the feasibility study the PIP and the conclusions of industry examination.
Also for economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP the examinations required according to the legislation of the states in the territory of which realization of BIP, and the corresponding regulatory legal acts regulating these activities is supposed are represented. Ensuring transfer of the corresponding examinations and required regulatory legal acts, in case of need, is performed by ABP.
62. The PIP the positive conclusion or the negative conclusion, or the conclusion on completion are result of economic examination of the feasibility study.
The positive conclusion of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP is submitted on the feasibility study the PIP, structure and content which corresponds to these rules, and also there are prerequisites to feasibility and efficiency of the project.
The negative conclusion of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP is submitted on the feasibility study the PIP which results of assessment show on impracticability and/or inefficiency of the project, or other types and methods of realization of GIP are determined.
The conclusion on completion are represented on the feasibility study the PIP which content does not correspond to these rules and in case of impossibility to establish availability of prerequisites to feasibility and/or efficiency of the project.
63. The conclusion of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP assumed to financing from means of government external loans and joint financing of external loans from means of the republican budget, also contains expense estimation on technical assistance, goods, training, consulting services in management, maintenance, institutional development, supervision of project construction.
64. Economic expertize of the feasibility study the PIP is carried out within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of receipt of complete document package to the legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP following the results of which the corresponding conclusion goes in the procedure established by the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the central or local authorized body on state planning.
65. The conclusion of economic examination of the feasibility study includes the PIP:
1) Section "Short Characteristic of the Project";
2) Section "Assessment of Structure of the Project Documentation";
3) Section "Information on Feasibility of the Project";
4) Section "Assessment of Availability of Prerequisites to Feasibility of the Project";
5) Section "Assessment of Availability of Prerequisites to Efficiency of the Project";
6) Section "Assessment of Project Risks Analysis";
7) Section "General Conclusions on the Project".
66. In the Section "Short Characteristic of the Project" the following information according to the feasibility study the PIP is specified:
1) name of the project;
2) name ABP;
3) project implementation period;
4) purpose and project tasks;
5) result indicators (direct and final);
6) place of project implementation;
7) scale and capacity of the project;
8) target groups, including main beneficiaries;
9) project components;
10) total cost of the project with breakdown of financing by years;
11) sources and form of financing of the project.
67. The Section "Assessment of Structure of the Project Documentation" contains:
1) the list of the documents and materials taken into account when conducting economic examination:
the documents submitted for consideration for conducting economic examination;
regulatory legal acts;
2) notes to structure and contents of the submitted documents.
68. The Section "Information on Feasibility of the Project" contains:
1) information on project compliance to documents of system of state planning (compliance on the realization period, financing sources);
2) information on feasibility study compliance the PIP to the investment offer according to which there is positive economic conclusion of authorized body on state planning.
69. The Section "Assessment of Availability of Prerequisites to Feasibility of the Project" contains:
1) assessment of demand analysis or social and economic need of the project (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations);
2) assessment of the analysis of commodity markets, works, the services which are purchased within project implementation (in the investment period) and in the operational period (in the post-investment period) (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations, and also the provided price lists, commercial offers and other supporting documents);
3) assessment of the chosen technical technology solution of project implementation provided in the feasibility study (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations);
4) assessment of information on impact on the environment of the made project decisions (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations);
5) assessment of the institutional scheme of the project (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations);
6) assessment of the scheme of financing (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations);
7) assessment of the analysis of security of the project with qualified personnel (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations).
Determination of feasibility of the project consists in confirmation of the fact that the technical and economic parameters and project decisions specified in the feasibility study are approved, approved and/or assessed positively by the corresponding conclusions of examinations.
70. The Section "Assessment of Availability of Prerequisites to Efficiency of the Project" contains:
1) assessment of calculations of investment costs (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations);
2) assessment of calculations of operating costs (on the basis of the conclusions of the corresponding examinations);
3) assessment of financial analysis of the project (if necessary);
4) assessment of economic project analysis.
71. The Section "Assessment of Project Risks Analysis" contains assessment of the analysis of commercial, technical and technological, environmental, institutional, financial, social and other risks provided to the feasibility study the PIP.
72. In the Section "General Conclusions on the Project" are specified:
1) key technical and economic parameters:
place of project implementation;
project objective;
result indicators (direct and final);
project components;
total cost of the project, with breakdown of financing by years and components;
2) the main conclusions on the project:
risk analysis assessment;
assessment of availability of prerequisites to feasibility of the project;
assessment of availability of prerequisites to efficiency of the project;
3) the conclusion on the project (the positive conclusion or the negative conclusion, or the conclusion on completion).
73. The conclusion of economic examination corresponds to the following criteria of quality:
1) compliance of structure of the conclusion to provisions, stipulated in Item 65 (structure of the conclusion) these rules;
2) compliance of contents of the conclusion to the provisions established by Items 66-72 (content of structure) of these rules.
74. Adjustment of the feasibility study the PIP with the subsequent conducting necessary examinations is carried out in case of change of the set technical and economic parameters of the budget investment project involving change of technical solutions and additional expenses.
Adjustment of the feasibility study with conducting the subsequent examinations is not required in case of redistribution of the budget inside or between actions, and also cost categories for the projects realized within the signed contracts on loans between the Republic of Kazakhstan and international financial institutions, ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan if the total cost of the project remains invariable and there is approval of the above-stated changes from the relevant international financial institutions.
75. The expenses connected with adjustment of the feasibility study and the subsequent conducting necessary examinations of republican BIP are performed at the expense of means of the republican budget.
The expenses connected with adjustment of the feasibility study the PIP realized at the expense of the local budget, and also local BIP planned to financing at the expense of target transfers for development from the higher budget and the subsequent conducting necessary examinations are performed at the expense of means of the corresponding local budget.
76. Consideration of the corrected feasibility study the PIP is performed by the central or local authorized body on state planning according to the procedure established by these rules and the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
77. After carrying out adjustment of the feasibility study the PIP and examinations of the corrected feasibility study the PIP, necessary according to these rules, ABP their originals send the PIP to the central or local authorized body on state planning, with provision of the electronic version of the corrected feasibility study, including financial and economic model on the project.
For single system of electronic document management documents are provided in not edited graphical format.
78. For consideration of the corrected feasibility study for BIP, ABP provide to the central or local authorized body on state planning the following documents:
1) the letter request signed by the first head of state body - the administrator of the budget programs or replacement his face, with indication of the technical solutions and additional expenses assumed to change, with appendix of the corresponding comparative table signed by the first head of state body or replacement his face;
2) the conclusion of industry examination of authorized body of the corresponding industry confirming feasibility of change of technical solutions and prediscretion of additional expenses, signed by the first head or replacement his face and drawn up in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official documents;
3) the conclusion of the relevant authorized state body depending on specifics of the project represented in the form of the official letter signed by the first head or replacement his face and confirming justification and reliability of expected parameters of change of technical solutions and prediscretion of additional expenses;
4) the corrected feasibility study the PIP;
5) the conclusions of examinations and required documents for the corrected feasibility study the PIP, BIP, necessary depending on specifics, according to Items 52 and 53 of these rules;
6) the conclusions of examinations and documents according to the feasibility study the PIP considered earlier in case of receipt of the positive conclusion of the central or local authorized body on state planning (according to the approved initial feasibility study the PIP);
7) copy of the relevant proposal of the budget commission.
79. The central or local authorized body on state planning within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of document package checks them for completeness and compliance of structure of the corrected feasibility study the PIP to these rules and returns their ABP in case of absence:
1) documents which availability is necessary according to Item 78 of these rules;
2) in the feasibility study the PIP of Sections which availability is necessary according to these rules.
In case of document package compliance to provisions of these rules the central or local authorized body on state planning no later than the term established by this Item sends the letter to the corresponding legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP about need of conducting economic examination of the corrected feasibility study the PIP, with appendix of document package of the submitted ABP for review of the corrected feasibility study the PIP.
80. In case of development of the feasibility study on adjustment of BIP allocated without observance of the procedures established by the budget legislation according to Item 11 of Article 153 of the Budget code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, provision of documentation for conducting the economic examination specified in the subitem 6) of Item 78 of these rules is not required.
81. Economic expertize of the corrected feasibility study the PIP is carried out within 30 (thirty) working days from the date of receipt of complete document package specified in Items 77 and 78 of these rules, to the corresponding legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP.
82. Economic expertize of the corrected feasibility study the PIP is carried out according to the procedure established by these rules and the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP.
83. The structure and contents of the corrected feasibility study the PIP correspond to provisions of paragraph 1 of Chapter 3 of these rules, with reduction in appropriate sections of the feasibility study the PIP of reasons and calculations for the technical solutions and additional expenses assumed to change in comparison with earlier approved feasibility study the PIP.
84. The structure and contents of the conclusion of economic examination of the corrected feasibility study the PIP correspond to provisions of paragraph 2 of Chapter 3 of these rules.
85. Consideration of BIP is performed by the central or local authorized body on state planning on the basis of the feasibility study developed according to these rules and the conclusions of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP.
86. After development and conducting examinations of the feasibility study the PIP required according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ABP send their originals and copies to the central or local authorized body on state planning with submission of the electronic version of the feasibility study the PIP, including financial and economic model on BIP which are polistno initialed by the head of the structural unit of ABP responsible for development of the feasibility study the PIP.
For single system of electronic document management documents are provided in not edited graphical format.
87. The economic conclusion on BIP is obligatory form of complex assessment of the economic analysis of BIP which is represented in form according to appendix 15 to these rules and is carried out within 45 (forty five) working days after introduction of complete document package specified in Items 52-55, 58, of 85 these rules where for the economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP performed by the corresponding legal entity certain Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies 30 (thirty) working days are taken away.
88. The central or local authorized body on state planning within 5 (five) working days from the moment of receipt of document package returns their ABP in cases:
1) lack of examinations which availability is necessary for conducting economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP;
2) absence in the feasibility study the PIP of Sections which availability is necessary according to these rules.
89. The central or local authorized body on state planning considers BIP based on the conclusion of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP and sends the economic conclusion to ABP on them.
90. The central or local authorized body on state planning within 5 (five) working days sends the letter to the legal entity determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP about need of conducting economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP with appendix of originals of the feasibility study and the corresponding examinations from the date of receipt of complete document package according to the feasibility study the PIP.
91. The conclusion of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP goes the corresponding legal entities determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan or local executive bodies on implementation of economic examination of the feasibility study the PIP to the central or local authorized body on state planning.
92. In the cases provided in Item 88 of these rules, and also in case of need completions of the feasibility study for BIP, ABP within 50 (fifty) working days repeatedly introduce modifed documents according to the procedure, provided in Items 52-55, 58 of these rules.
93. The feasibility study including corrected by the feasibility study and the design and estimate documentation the PIP who received the positive decisions of the corresponding examinations affirm ABP or authorized state bodies according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on architectural, town-planning and construction activities and the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
94. Selection of BIP and removal at consideration of the relevant budget commission are performed by the central or local authorized body on state planning in case of representation of ABP of the documents specified in Article 66 of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan within forming of the list of priority budget investments.
95. The central or local authorized body on state planning is considered by BIP of ABP regarding their security with financial resources, for availability of supporting documents and submit the conclusion on them for consideration of the budget commission taking into account the positive economic conclusion on the investment offer of GIP, the economic conclusion on BIP according to the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The conclusions of the central authorized body on state planning according to the budget requests to the budget programs aimed at provision of target transfers at the development and budget credits to local executive bodies are created on the basis of offers of the central authorized body in the sphere of regional development taking into account recommendations of the commission on questions of regional policy.
96. Based on the approved feasibility study the PIP, the positive economic conclusion on BIP and the positive decision of the relevant budget commission of BIP joins in the draft of the relevant budget.
97. The PIP are implemented according to their approved in accordance with the established procedure by the feasibility study.
On BIP implemented within the signed loan agreement of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan ratified by the Republic of Kazakhstan if in the loan agreement other procedure is established than provided in the budget legislation and the approved feasibility studies, then the realization of BIP is enabled according to the procedure determined by the loan agreement.
98. The construction activities provided within realization of BIP are performed according to approved in accordance with the established procedure by the design and estimate documentation.
99. Consideration of BIP which are not requiring development of the feasibility study is performed by the central or local authorized body on state planning on the basis of the economic conclusion on the investment offer of GIP as a part of the budget requests ABP.
100. Selection of BIP which are not requiring developments of the feasibility study and removal at consideration of the relevant budget commission is performed by the central or local authorized body on state planning in case of representation of ABP of the documents specified in Article 66 of the Budget Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan within forming of the list of priority budget investments.
101. The list of BIP which are not requiring development of the feasibility study is developed by authorized body for architecture, town planning and construction and affirms the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
102. Are attached the land management project about provision of the right to the parcel of land to BIP assuming construction activities (with appendix in need of calculations of losses of owners of the parcels of land and land users, losses of agricultural and forestry and landscape production depending on type of the withdrawn grounds).
103. The central or local authorized body on state planning is considered by BIP of ABP which are not requiring development of the feasibility study regarding their security with financial resources, for availability of supporting documents and submit the conclusion on them for consideration of the budget commission taking into account the positive economic conclusion on the investment offer of GIP according to the budget legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The conclusions of the central authorized body on state planning according to the budget requests to the budget programs aimed at provision of target transfers at the development and budget credits to local executive bodies are created on the basis of offers of the central authorized body in the sphere of regional development taking into account recommendations of the commission on questions of regional policy.
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In this section, we’ve tried to describe in detail the features and capabilities of the system, as well as the most effective techniques for working with the database.
You also may open the section Frequently asked questions. This section provides answers to questions set by users.
The document ceased to be valid since March 5, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 10, 2015 No. 49