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of June 3, 2014 No. 262

About measures for optimization of activities of bodies of the border service, bodies and divisions for emergency situations

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of 28.02.2018 No. 91-dsp)


For the purpose of optimization of activities of bodies of the border service, bodies and divisions on emergency situations I decide:

1. Transfer till August 1, 2014 the number of staff of the separate aviation group of bodies of the border service which is deployed in airfield of Ozerka in Postavsky district of the Vitebsk region in number of 84 units to bodies and divisions for emergency situations.

The established posts transferred according to part one of this Item are subject to inclusion in the number of staff of the public aviation rescue institution "AVIATION" of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (further - GAASU "AIRCRAFT").

2. Determine that:

2.1. the military personnel of the separate aviation group of bodies of the border service which is deployed in airfield of Ozerka in Postavsky district of the Vitebsk region with whom the contract providing obligation of passing of military service on officers positions at least five years after the termination of organizations of education and military faculties of the organizations of secondary vocational and higher education performing training on specialties (the directions of specialties, specializations) for military forming which refused transfer in bodies and divisions for emergency situations and dismissed with respect thereto from military service is signed compensates in accordance with the established procedure the money spent for their training, food, providing with regimentals and accommodation in the hostel and also other expenses connected with their training;

2.2. behind persons transferred to service (work) in GAASU "AIRCRAFT" right to use by the provided premises of the state housing stock for service in bodies and divisions for emergency situations in the settlement in the location of such premises remains.

3-5. For office use.

6. Make additions and changes to the following presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus:

6.1. in the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 28, 2001 No. 780 "About the number of deputy ministers of internal affairs, the Minister of Defence, the Chairman of Committee for State Security, the Chairman of the State boundary committee" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2002, No. 4, 1/3355; 2004, No. 90, 1/5582; 2007, No. 235, 1/8939; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 13.04. 2013, 1/14193):

to add the name of the Decree after words of "Minister of Defence" with words ", the Minister of Emergency Situations";

in Item 1:

the paragraph one after words of "Minister of Defence" to add with words ", the Minister of Emergency Situations";

add Item with subitem 1.21 of the following content:

"1.21. in the Ministry of Emergency Situations - four deputy ministers, including one first;";

6.2. for office use;

6.3. in the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of April 12, 2013 No. 168 "About some measures for optimization of system of state bodies and other state organizations, and also the number of their workers" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 13.04. 2013, 1/14193; 30.11. 2013, 1/14649; 30.01. 2014, 1/14788):

Item 2 after words of "Ministry of Defence" to add with words ", the Ministry of Emergency Situations";

paragraphs of the third or sixth of subitem 6.3 of Item 6 - for office use;

to exclude line item from appendix 2 to this Decree

"Ministry of Emergency Situations



7. To provide to Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:

7.1. transfer in 2014:

the assignments provided in the republican budget on financing of the separate aviation group of bodies of the border service which is deployed in airfield of Ozerka in Postavsky district of the Vitebsk region for content of bodies and divisions for emergency situations;

in accordance with the established procedure in operational management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the premises of the state housing stock occupied by the military personnel (civil personnel) of bodies of the border service transferred to service (work) in GAASU "AIRCRAFT";

7.2. financing of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from the republican budget for 2015 and the next years taking into account realization of provisions of this Decree.

8. To the state boundary committee and the Ministry of Emergency Situations till August 1, 2014 to take measures for implementation of this Decree, including:

8.1. provide in the procedure established by the legislation transfer to operational management of GAASU "AIRCRAFT" of buildings (constructions), vehicles, aircrafts, the equipment and other property necessary for functioning of airfield of Ozerka in Postavsky district of the Vitebsk region, and also for the organization, accomplishment and ensuring flights;

8.2. determine order of interaction of bodies of the border service, bodies and divisions for emergency situations concerning allocation of aircrafts of aircraft of bodies and divisions for emergency situations for the benefit of protection of Frontier of the Republic of Belarus.

9. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its signing.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko

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