Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 13, 2014 No. 70

About approval of the list of products (products) concerning which submission of the customs declaration is followed by submission of the document on assessment of conformity (data on the document on assessment of conformity) to requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of explosives and products on their basis" (TR CU 028/2012)

(as amended of the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of 21.12.2021 No. 178)

According to article 3 of the Agreement on the Eurasian economic commission of November 18, 2011 the Board of the Eurasian economic commission solved:

1. Approve the enclosed list of products (products) concerning which submission of the customs declaration is followed by submission of the document on assessment of conformity (data on the document on assessment of conformity) to requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of explosives and products on their basis" (TR CU 028/2012).

2. This Decision becomes effective since July 1, 2014.

Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission

V. Khristenko

Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of May 13, 2014, No. 70

The list of products (products) concerning which submission of the customs declaration is followed by submission of the document on assessment of conformity (data on the document on assessment of conformity) to requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of explosives and products on their basis" (TR CU 028/2012)

Product name (products)

Code of the CN FEA EEU

Document on assessment of conformity






1. The gunpowder used in the industrial purposes

3601 00 000 0

certificate of conformity

2. Ready explosives (except gunpowder), including:

3602 00 000 0

certificate of conformity

   not safety

   explosives I and

   II classes


   explosives III



   explosives IV



   explosives V



   explosives VI



   explosives VII

   class and product from


   V-VI explosives


   not safety and


   explosives and

   products on their basis

   special (C) class 1

   - 4 groups

3. Brisant explosives of industrial function

3602 00 000 0

certificate of conformity

4. Products from brisant explosives of industrial function

3602 00 000 0

certificate of conformity

5. Safety fuses; the cords detonating; caps shock or detonating; fuses; electrodetonators


certificate of conformity

6. Emulsions and matrixes of oxidizer on the basis of ammonium nitrate developed (designed) and made for receipt of water emulsion and vodnogelevy explosives

3102 30

certificate of conformity



1. For the purposes of application of this list it is necessary to use both product name (product), and code of the CN FEA EEU.

2. The requirement about representation to customs authorities of the document on assessment of conformity (data on the document on assessment of conformity) to requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs union "About safety of explosives and products on their basis" (TR CU 028/2012) is not applied to the explosives and products on their basis specified in Item 2 of Article 1 of this technical regulation (concerning the explosives and products on their basis relating to defense products and concerning pyrotechnic products).


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