of May 26, 2014 No. 78
About the state material reserve
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on April 30, 2014
This Law establishes the general principles of forming, placement, storage, use, replenishment, refreshening and replacement of inventories of the state material reserve, governs the relations in the field.
1. The state material reserve is special emergency, state ration of material values, held for use for the purpose of and according to the procedure, provided by this Law.
2. The state material reserve includes two isolated, independent from each other reserve: state and mobilization. Education, storage and use of the state material reserve are regulated by this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Inventories of the material values intended for mobilization needs (strategic, operational and army inventories for providing Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic), acceptances of first-priority measures for the prevention and mitigation of consequences of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, humanitarian assistance and the regulating impact on the market are part of the state material reserve.
In this Law the following terms and determinations are used:
similar material values - material values which in comparison with the material values issued from the state material reserve have later term of production are identical to the issued material values or are comparable to them on functional purpose, application, quality and technical characteristics, conform to requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization;
the state reserve - inventories of strategic materials and goods, inventories of material values for ensuring urgent works in case of mitigation of consequences of emergency situations, support to industries of economy of the state and to the organizations, humanitarian assistance and the regulating impact on the market;
laying of material values in the state material reserve - acceptance of material values for storage in the state material reserve;
borrowing of material values from the state material reserve - release of material values from the state material reserve under certain conditions with the subsequent return to the state material reserve of equal quantity similar on quality, corresponding KSS (Kyrgyz State Standard), to state standard specifications, and in the terms determined by this Law, material values;
replacement of material values from the state material reserve - release of material values from the state material reserve in case of simultaneous laying of material values in the state material reserve according to the new nomenclature and regulations of accumulating in connection with change of standards and manufacturing techniques of products;
material values of the state material reserve - the goods (products) placed and pledged in storage in the state material reserve;
mobilization reserve - the inventories of the material values intended for ensuring task performance, established by mobilization plans, approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also necessary for accomplishment of mobilization task in cases of emergency situations, introductions of emergency and warlike situation, mobilization or in wartime;
mobilization task (plan task) - the plan for settlement year on bookmark and release of the major types of industrial and agricultural output during the special period necessary for satisfaction of needs of Armed Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic and the normalized supply of the population approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
the nomenclature - the list of material values and regulation of their accumulating, approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic;
refreshening of inventories of the state material reserve - release of material values from the state material reserve in connection with the expiration of fixed term of storage of material values, container, packaging, and also owing to emergence of the circumstances capable to entail spoil or quality degradation of stored material values before the expiration of fixed term of their storage, by simultaneous delivery and bookmark to the state material reserve of equal amount of similar material values;
the responsible keeper - the legal entity irrespective of pattern of ownership performing the storage of material values of the state material reserve without provision to it rights to use by these material values approved by the decision of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the offer of authorized body;
movement of material values of the state material reserve - the voluntary conveyance of material values of the state material reserve from one organization performing their safe custody, other organization performing such storage, or the organizations of system of the state material reserve for further storage or realization of the specified material values performed according to the decision of authorized body;
razbronirovaniye of material values of the state material reserve - release of material values from the state material reserve, including for the purpose of write-off;
gap in time - time interval between release of material values from the state material reserve and return of material values to the state material reserve;
authorized body - state body, authorized to perform executive and control functions, and also management of system of the state material reserve according to regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic;
storage - ensuring quantitative and high-quality safety of material values of the state material reserve according to rules and instructions in case of long-term storage of raw materials, materials and goods;
unauthorized use of material values of the state material reserve - use or realization by the responsible keeper of the material values of the state material reserve which are at it on safe custody without the corresponding permission to it of the authorized state body exercising control of the state material reserve;
safe custody of material values of the state material reserve - ensuring with responsible keepers safety of the material values pledged in the state material reserve;
delivery of material values to the state material reserve - purchase and (or) shipment (delivery) of material values to the organizations for storage.
The legislation on the state material reserve is based on the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic and consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also come in the procedure established by the law into force of international treaties which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.
The state material reserve is intended for the following purposes:
1) ensuring need of the state when conducting first-priority and urgent works on liquidation consequence of emergency situations and natural disasters of natural and technogenic nature;
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