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of April 17, 2014 No. 1227-VII

About public media of Ukraine

(as amended on 30-05-2023)

This Law creates the legal basis of activities Public media of Ukraine, determines bases of activities of National public broadcasting company of Ukraine.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Legal basis of activities Public media of Ukraine

1. For the purpose of satisfaction of information needs of society, involvement of citizens to discussion and the solution of the major socio-political questions, ensuring national dialog, assistance to forming of civil society it is created Public by media of Ukraine.

2. Public media services of Ukraine are provided by "National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine" joint-stock company (further - NOTU) which 100 percent of shares belong to the state. Alienation of the shares belonging to the state in the authorized capital of NOTU privatization of shares is forbidden.

NOTE the Novgorod-Seversk regional state broadcasting company "Severskaya", "The Kryvyi Rih regional state broadcasting company "Krivorozhye" which will be reorganized by accession to National TV company of Ukraine is formed based on National TV company of Ukraine, the National radio company of Ukraine, the State broadcasting company "Kultura", regional state broadcasting companies, the State Crimea television and radio broadcasting company, the state organizations "Kiev State Regional Broadcasting Company", "Sevastopol Regional State Broadcasting Company", ".

Formation of NOTU is performed according to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the legislation taking into account the features determined by this Law.

The Ukrtelefilm joint-stock company which 100 percent of shares belong to the state which is created by conversion of the state company "The Ukrainian studio of television movies "Ukrtelefilm" joins NSTU.

The paragraph the fifth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 13.12.2022 No. 2849-IX

Article 2. The legislation in the field of activities of NOTU

1. In the activities NOTU is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "About information", "About access to public information", "About media", "About joint-stock companies", this Law, the Charter of NOTU which affirms the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, international treaties which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and other regulatory legal acts.

Article 3. Principles of activities, guarantee of independence of NOTU

1. Activities of NOTU are performed on the principles:

1) the comprehensive, objective and balanced informing on socially significant events in Ukraine and abroad;

2) observance of regulations of public morals, traditions and culture of the Ukrainian people, distribution of family values and strengthening of role of traditional family in development of the Ukrainian society;

3) priority of public concerns over commercial and political;

4) clear split of the facts from comments and estimates;

5) free expression of views, opinions and beliefs;

6) independence of management and current activities of public authorities, local government bodies, their official and officials, political parties, companies, organizations, organizations, physical persons;

7) participations of the public in management, forming of program policy;

8) lack of discrimination on any sign;

9) transparency and openness of activities.


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