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The document is not valid from November 30, 2014 according to item 4 of this Resolution.


of May 16, 2014 No. 468

About import licensing of cement, glass sheet polished and glassware because of limits of single customs area of the Customs union and entering of amendment into the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 17, 2012 No. 156

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 24.07.2014 No. 719)

According to article 8 of the Agreement on procedure for introduction and application of the measures affecting foreign trade in goods on single customs area concerning the third countries of June 9, 2009 the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Determine that:

1.1. import to the Republic of Belarus because of limits of single customs area of the Customs union of cement, glass sheet polished and the glassware classified by codes 2523 29 000 0, 7005 29 350 0, 7005 29 800 0, 7010 90 430 0, 7010 90 530 0, of 7010 90 710 0 single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Customs union (further - cement, glass and glassware), is performed under the one-time licenses granted by the Ministry of Architecture according to the procedure, similar established by the Agreement on rules of licensing in the field of foreign trade in goods of June 9, 2009 concerning goods to which prohibitions or import restrictions or export by state members of the Customs union within Eurasian economic community in trade with the third countries, taking into account the features established by this resolution are applied;

Note. Subitem 1.1 of this Item does not extend to import to the Republic of Belarus of the goods occurring and imported from the State Parties of the Agreement on the free trade area of October 18, 2011 except the states which from the effective date this resolution enter concerning the goods coming from the Republic of Belarus, the rationing arrangements which are not provided by the called Agreement.

1.2. The Ministry of Architecture grants import licenses of cement, glass and glassware in the presence of prisoners between the called Ministry and the organizations - producers of cement, glass and glassware of agreements on conditions of the deliveries to the Republic of Belarus of cement, glass and glassware establishing amounts (quotas) of deliveries and minimum prices of cement, glass and glassware and also provided that contracts in foreign trade (agreements) provide supply of cement, glasses and glassware to the Republic of Belarus at the prices is not lower than the minimum prices established by agreements on conditions of supply of cement, glass and glassware.

2. The single list of the ministerial procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, No. 156 approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 17, 2012 "About approval of the single list of the ministerial procedures performed by state bodies and other organizations concerning legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, entering of amendment into the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 14, 2009 No. 193 and recognition voided some resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus" (The national register of legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2012, No. 35, 5/35330; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 16.08. 2012, 5/36106; 16:04. 2013, 5/37100) to add with Item 9.20 of the following content:

"9.20. Issue of import licenses to the Republic of Belarus because of limits of single customs area of the Customs union of cement, glass sheet polished and glassware (codes of the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Customs union  2523 29 000 0,  7005 29 350 0,  7005 29 800 0,  7010 90 430 0,  7010 90 530 0,  7010 90 710 0)


the statement in form according to appendix 1 to the instruction of execution of the statement for licensing for export and (or) import of separate types of goods and execution of such license to the Agreement on rules of licensing in the field of foreign trade in goods of  June 9, 2009

the electronic copy of the application about licensing

copies of the agreement in foreign trade (contract), appendix and (or) amendment to it (for the one-time license), and in case of its absence – the copy of other document confirming intentions of the parties (on paper and in the form of the scanned document), certified by the applicant

the copy of the document on registration in tax authority (on paper and  in the form of the scanned document)

the copy of the license for implementation of the licensed type of activity if such type of activity is connected with circulation of goods concerning which licensing on single customs area of the Customs union is introduced (on paper and in the form of the scanned document)

the document confirming powers of the representative of the applicant (on paper and in the form of the scanned document)

15 working days

on effective period of the document which is the basis for licensing for import of cement, glass sheet polished and glassware

1 basic size".

3. To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in accordance with the established procedure:

3.1. notify the Eurasian economic commission on the measures taken according to Item 1 of this resolution;

3.2. submit for consideration of the Eurasian economic commission the offer on application by other state members of the Customs union of the measures similar to the measure established in subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this resolution.

4. This resolution becomes effective since June 1, 2014 and is effective till November 30, 2014.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

M. Myasnikovich

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