of May 14, 2014 No. 333
About approval of the Regulations on provision of services on communication, using language mimicry gestures/sign language, by means of the translator
For the purpose of realization of provisions of parts (1), (7) and (8) article 25 of the Law No. 60 of March 30, 2012 on social integration of persons with limited opportunities (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, Art. No. 155-159, 508) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve Regulations on provision of services on communication, using language mimicry gestures/sign language, by means of the translator it (is applied).
2. The expenses connected with provision of services on communication, using language mimicry gestures/sign language, by means of the translator, to perform from the government budget within the assignments provided annually on these purposes in the budget of the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family, and also means of Association of the deafs of the Republic of Moldova arriving from donations, grants and from other sources according to the legislation.
3. To provide to association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova the organization and provision of services for communication, using language mimicry gestures/sign language, by means of the translator.
4. To impose control over the implementation of this Resolution on the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family.
Prime Minister |
Iurie Leanca |
Countersign: minister of work, social protection and family |
Valentina Buliga |
Minister of Finance |
Anatol Arapu |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of May 14, 2014 No. 333
1. Regulations on provision of services on communication, using language mimicry gestures/sign language, by means of the translator (further - the Provision) regulates procedure for guaranteeing communication of persons with hearing disorder (deaf, mute or deaf-and-dumb), using language mimicry gestures/sign language, by means of the translator.
2. The state the current legislation recognizes and promotes use of language of mimicry gestures/sign language as the communication medium between people.
3. Services in communication, using language mimicry gestures/sign language, by means of the translator (further - services in communication) are provided free of charge to persons with the hearing disorder (deaf, mute or deaf-and-dumb) specified in the subitem 1) of item 4 of this provision which are on accounting of managements/departments of social security and protection of family or Association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova and need the help of the translator for ensuring communication between different bodies / organizations / organizations.
4. In the this provision sense the used concepts mean:
1) the applicant and the beneficiary of services in communication - persons with hearing disorder (deaf, mute or deaf-and-dumb) which for communication use language mimicry gestures/sign language;
2) the service provider on communication - Association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova which provides the organization and provision of services for communication, using language mimicry gestures/sign language, by means of the translator;
3) the translator - the person specialized in the sphere of communication with use of language of mimicry gestures/sign language, providing thus understanding between persons/persons with hearing disorder and another-faced/other persons from different bodies / organizations / organizations;
4) the register - all documentary information which contains in manual type, organized according to provisions of the Law No. 71-XVI of March 22, 2007 on registers and according to requirements of this provision.
5. The hearing disorder at applicants and beneficiaries of the services in communication specified in the subitem 1) of item 4 of this provision is established by the specialist doctor in the field by means of provision of the corresponding medical certificate, as necessary, and adiogramma.
6. The purpose of services in communication consists in contribution to communication between persons/persons with hearing disorder (deaf, mute or deaf-and-dumb) and representatives/employees of different bodies / organizations / organizations in situations when they need the translator for implementation of the rights and obligations.
7. Provision of services on communication is performed by translators of Association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova based on the application of the applicant submitted in managements/departments of social security and protection of family of the place of residence or Association of deafs of the Republic Moldova / its territorial structures.
8. Managements/departments of social security and protection of family and territorial structures of Association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova register all statements of applicants of services in communication in the special magazine.
9. Data on the applicant, the period of provision of services on communication, the body/organization/organization where it will be provided, time and purpose/need of provision of services on communication are specified in the statement.
10. The applications of applicants of services in communication submitted in managements/departments of social security and protection of family and territorial structures of Association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova will be transferred to Association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova on the same day, and in case of emergency statements are transmitted immediately through the fax or scanned through e-mail. For this purpose the order of the chairman of Association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova selects one number of the fax and the e-mail address about which inform managements/departments of social security and protection of family, members of association and other interested persons, the bodies/organizations/organizations.
11. The association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova registers all statements of applicants in the special register and on their basis constitutes the daily, weekly and monthly schedule of provision of services on communication.
12. The association of deafs of the Republic of Moldova informs in writing and by phone, as necessary, by e-mail of each applicant and management/department of social security and protection of family of the residence of the applicant on graphics and number of hours of provision of services on communication.
13. Based on the established schedule translators provide services in communication in the place specified in the statement of the applicant.
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