of April 1, 2014 No. 105
About formation of Expert and analytical council on questions of participation of the state in the authorized capital of banks
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Form Expert and analytical council on questions of participation of the state in the authorized capital of banks in structure according to appendix.
2. Approve Regulations on Expert and analytical council on questions of participation of the state in the authorized capital of banks which are applied.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
A. Yatsenyuk
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 1, 2014 No. 105
Danilyuk |
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Minister of Finance, chairman of the board | |
Hontareva |
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The chairman of National Bank, the vice-chairman of Council (in coordination) | |
Boot |
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the Deputy Minister of Finance concerning the European integration | |
Vorushilina |
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the managing director Fonda of guaranteeing household deposits (in consent) | |
Gelety |
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director of the department of financial policy of the Ministry of Finance | |
Kladiyev |
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the coordinator Gruppy of coordinators of the Coordination center of ensuring interaction with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (in consent) | |
Markarova |
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First Deputy Minister of Finance | |
Rozhkova |
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the vice-chairman of National Bank (in coordination) | |
Ruban |
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director of the department of audit of the Public fiscal service | |
Smoly |
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the First Deputy Chairman of National Bank (in coordination) | |
Titarchuk |
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deputy minister of economic development and trade |
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 1, 2014 No. 105
1. Expert and analytical council on questions of participation of the state in the authorized capital of banks (further - Council) is temporary advisory advisory body of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
2. In the activities Council is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, and also the presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and this Provision.
3. The main objectives of Council are preparation of recommendations and offers of rather possible participation of the state in the authorized capital of banks by share acquisition of banks in exchange for domestic government bonds.
4. Council according to the task assigned to it:
determines criteria to banks, compliance to which can be the basis for participation of the state in their authorized capital;
carries out the analysis of offers of the Ministry of Finance on possible participation of the state in the authorized capital of banks, the size of share of the state in their authorized capital;
develops offers and recommendations of rather possible participation of the state in the authorized capital of banks by results of consideration of offers of the Ministry of Finance;
submits to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the recommendations developed by results of the work and the offer.
5. Council has the right:
To receive 1) in accordance with the established procedure from central and local executive bodies, local government bodies, the companies, organizations and the organizations information necessary for accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it;
2) to recruit in the work representatives central and local executive bodies, local government bodies, the companies, organizations and the organizations (in coordination with their heads), and also independent experts (in consent).
6. Council in case of accomplishment of the tasks assigned to it interacts with state bodies, local government bodies, the companies, organizations and the organizations.
7. Council is headed by the chairman who has the deputy.
8. Form of work of Council are meetings which are held in case of need.
The meeting of Council is held by the chairman, and in case of its absence - the vice-chairman.
Preparation of materials for consideration at meetings of Council is provided by his secretary. The secretary of Council is appointed at its first meeting.
The meeting of Council is considered competent if at it there are two thirds of his members.
9. At the meetings Council develops offers and recommendations about the questions which are within its competence.
Offers and recommendations are considered approved if more than a half of the members of council who are present at meeting voted for them.
In case of equal distribution of voices the chairman's voice at meeting is decisive.
Offers and recommendations are fixed in the minutes which are signed by the chairman at meeting and the secretary and goes to all members of council.
The member of council who does not support the offer (recommendation) can state in writing the special opinion which is applied to the minutes.
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