of December 31, 2013 No. 1567
About approval of standards of the state services of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan
According to the subitem 3) of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 15, 2013 "About the state services" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve enclosed:
1) standard of the state service "Registration and Re-registration of Exchange Point";
3) standard of the state service "Registration of Currency Transaction";
4) standard of the state service "Accounting Registration of the Microfinancial Organizations";
5) standard of the state service "Coordination of the Set of Rules of the Central Depositary";
6) standard of the state service "Coordination of Rules of the Organizer of the Biddings";
7) standard of the state service "Coordination of the Set of Rules of the Registrar";
15) standard of the state service "State Registration of Release of the Announced Shares";
16) standard of the state service "State Registration of Release of Non-state Bonds";
17) standard of the state service "State Registration of Release of Shares of Mutual Investment Funds";
20) standard of the state service "Acceptance of Qualification Examination of Actuaries";
29) standard of the state service "Issue of Permission to Opening of Bank";
36) the standard of the state service "Licensing, renewal, issue of duplicates of the license on industry "general insurance";
48) standard of the state service "Issue of Permission to Creation or Acquisition of the Affiliated Organization by Bank and (or) Bank Holding";
55) standard of the state service "Issue of Permission to Voluntary Liquidation of Bank";
2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
S. Akhmetov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2013, No. 1567
1. The state service "Registration and Re-registration of Exchange Point" (further - the state service).
2. The standard of the state service is developed by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. The state service appears territorial branches of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the service provider), including through the web portal of "the electronic government": www.egov.kz (further - the portal).
4. Terms of rendering the state service:
1) from the moment of delivery of document package to the service provider, and also in case of the address on the portal - within ten working days;
2) the most allowed time of servicing of uslugopoluchatel - 15 minutes.
5. Form of rendering the state service: electronic (partially automated) and paper.
6. Result of rendering the state service - the registration certificate of exchange point on paper.
The result of the state service is issued electronically. In case of the request of uslugopoluchatel for receipt of the state service on paper the result is drawn up in electronic format, unpacked and certified by the signature of the head of the service provider.
On the portal the result of rendering the state service goes to uslugopoluchatel to "private office" in electronic form, signed by the digital signature (further - the EDS) the authorized person of the service provider.
7. The state service is rendered free of charge.
8. Working schedule:
1) the service provider - Monday through Friday from 9:00 till 18:00 o'clock with lunch break from 13:00 till 14:00 o'clock, except days off and holidays, according to the labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state service is rendered without expectation in queue, without making an appointment and the accelerated servicing;
2) the portal - round the clock (except for technical breaks in connection with carrying out repair work).
9. List of the documents necessary for rendering the state service in case of the address of uslugopoluchatel:
to the service provider:
1) statement of any form;
2) the documents confirming compliance of uslugopoluchatel to requirements, including qualification:
the original or notarially attested copy of the document confirming passing by the cashier of special preparation on work with cash foreign currency, either the original or notarially attested copy of the document, stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan about work and confirming labor activity of the worker at least 6 (six) months as the cashier on work with cash foreign currency;
the copy of the document(s) determining characteristics of technical means for determination of authenticity of bank notes;
3) the certificate of state registration (re-registration) of the legal entity (for legal entities);
In case of registration of additional exchange point (additional exchange points) as the document confirming compliance of the legal entity created according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan which exclusive type of activity is the organization of exchange transactions with foreign currency (further - authorized organization), to qualification requirement, the document of bank of the second level issued not earlier than thirty calendar days before date of the request for the registration certificate of exchange point and confirming increase in the authorized capital at the expense of money contributions to the size conforming to qualification requirement taking into account additional exchange points is submitted.
If at the time of registration of additional exchange points the service provider has the documents confirming compliance of authorized organization to qualification requirement taking into account the opened exchange points, the document provided subitem in paragraph three 2) of part one of this Item is not submitted.
The branch of the legal entity having the right to the organization of exchange transactions with foreign currency represents to the service provider in the place of the stay in addition to the documents specified in subitems 1) and 2) to part one of this Item, the following documents:
1) the copy of the license of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the organization of exchange transactions with foreign currency (for authorized organizations);
2) the copy of regulations on branch with mark of judicial authorities about accounting registration and (or) re-registration or with appendix of the document confirming the fact of the notice of judicial authorities on the made changes and additions in regulations on branch.
The documents constituted in foreign language are represented to National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the translation into the state or Russian languages.
The documents required for re-registration of exchange point:
2) the documents confirming emergence of the bases for re-registration (change of names of streets, numbers of the buildings which are not involving physical movement of exchange point and other data specified in the registration certificate).
The documents which are available in case, represented earlier in case of primary registration of exchange point for re-registration of exchange point repeatedly are not represented.
In case of re-registration of exchange point the registration certificate with indication of actual date of issue of the new registration certificate is granted.
Survey of exchange points of authorized organizations on compliance to requirements imposed to technical equipment of their rooms is carried out by the service provider before registration of exchange point.
On the portal:
1) request in electronic form, the uslugopoluchatel certified by the EDS;
2) the documents specified in the subitem 2) to part one in part two, in subitems 1) and 2) parts four, in subitems 1) and 2) parts six of Item 9 of this standard of the state service in the form of electronic copies of documents which are attached to electronic request;
The data containing in the state information systems, the service provider receives by means of the portal from the corresponding state information systems in the form of the electronic documents certified by the EDS of authorized persons of state bodies.
10. Appeal of decisions, actions (bezdeystviye) of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the service provider, and (or) his officials concerning rendering the state services is made in writing:
addressed to the Chairman of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan or person replacing it to the address: 050040, city of Almaty, residential district "Koktem-3", house 21;
addressed to the head of the service provider to the address specified in Item 12 of this standard of the state service.
Confirmation of adoption of the claim is its registration (stamp, the entering number and date) in office of the service provider, or National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with indication of surname and initials of person which accepted the claim, term and the place of receipt of the answer to the made complaint. After registration the claim goes to the head of the service provider, or National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for determination of the executive in charge and acceptance of adequate measures.
The claim of uslugopoluchatel concerning rendering the state services which arrived to National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the service provider is subject to consideration within five working days from the date of its registration.
In case of the address through the portal information on procedure for appeal can be obtained by phone single contact center: 8-800-080-7777 or 1414.
When sending the claim through the portal information on the address which is updated during processing of the address by the service provider is available to uslugopoluchatel from "private office" (mark about delivery, registration, execution, the answer about consideration or refusal in consideration).
In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service the uslugopoluchatel can address with the claim to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services.
The claim of uslugopoluchatel which arrived to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services is subject to consideration within fifteen working days from the date of its registration.
11. In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service the uslugopoluchatel has the right to take a legal action in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12. Addresses of places of rendering the state service are placed on Internet resource of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan: www.nationalbank.kz.
13. Uslugopoluchatel has possibility of receipt of the state service electronically through the portal on condition of EDS availability.
14. Uslugopoluchatel has possibility of receipt of information on procedure and the status of rendering the state service in the mode of remote access by means of portal "private office", and also single contact center concerning rendering the state services.
15. Contact telephone numbers of service desks concerning rendering the state service are placed on Internet resource of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan: www.nationalbank.kz, single contact center concerning rendering the state services: 8-800-080-7777, 1414.
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2013, No. 1567
1. State service: "Confirmation of the notification on currency transaction and the foreign bank account" (further - the state service).
2. The standard of the state service is developed by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. The state service appears divisions of central office and territorial branches of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the service provider).
4. Terms of rendering the state service:
1) from the date of representation by uslugopoluchatel of information on the currency agreement of documents to the service provider - after seven working days;
2) the most allowed time of servicing of uslugopoluchatel - 15 minutes.
5. Form of rendering the state service: paper.
6. Result of rendering the state service - the certificate on the notification on currency transaction or on the foreign bank account on paper.
7. The state service is rendered free of charge.
8. The working schedule of the service provider - Monday through Friday from 9:00 till 18:00 o'clock with lunch break from 13:00 till 14:00 o'clock, except days off and holidays, according to the labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state service is rendered without expectation in queue, without making an appointment and the accelerated servicing.
9. Document necessary for rendering the state service in case of the address of uslugopoluchatel to the service provider:
the completed notification on currency transaction or on opening of the foreign bank account in form, according to appendix to this standard of the state service.
For the purpose of refining of circumstances of making of currency transactions the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to request from uslugopoluchatel the currency agreement based on which the uslugopoluchatel performs currency transactions. Confirmation of the notification on currency transaction is performed after representation by uslugopoluchatel of required documents.
Banks notify central office of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on currency transaction in electronic form with use of transport system of the guaranteed delivery of information with cryptographic remedies providing confidentiality and not adjustability of the represented data.
Legal (except banks) and physical persons hand over the completed notification on currency transaction to the representative on acceptance and registration of correspondence to division / to the responsible person of the service provider.
10. Appeal of decisions, actions (bezdeystviye) of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the service provider, and (or) his officials concerning rendering the state services is made in writing:
addressed to the Chairman of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan or person replacing it to the address: 050040, city of Almaty, residential district "Koktem-3", house 21;
addressed to the head of the service provider to the address specified in Item 12 of this standard of the state service.
Confirmation of adoption of the claim is its registration (stamp, the entering number and date) in office of the service provider, or National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with indication of surname and initials of person which accepted the claim, term and the place of receipt of the answer to the made complaint. After registration the claim goes to the head of the service provider, or National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for determination of the executive in charge and acceptance of adequate measures.
The claim of uslugopoluchatel concerning rendering the state services which arrived to National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the service provider is subject to consideration within five working days from the date of its registration.
In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service the uslugopoluchatel can address with the claim to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services.
The claim of uslugopoluchatel which arrived to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services is subject to consideration within fifteen working days from the date of its registration.
11. In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service the uslugopoluchatel has the right to take a legal action in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
12. Addresses of places of rendering the state service are placed on Internet resource of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan: www.nationalbank.kz.
13. Uslugopoluchatel in case of the address does not need availability of the digital signature.
14. Uslugopoluchatel has possibility of receipt of information on procedure and the status of rendering the state service in the mode of remote access by means of single contact center concerning rendering the state services.
15. Contact telephone numbers of service desks concerning rendering the state service are placed on Internet resource of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan: www.nationalbank.kz, single contact center concerning rendering the state services: 8-800-080-7777, 1414.
to the Standard of the state service "Confirmation of the Notification on Currency Transaction and about the Foreign Bank Account"
The statement on receipt of the registration certificate / Notification on currency transaction or about opening of the bank account in foreign bank (necessary to emphasize)
from __________________________________________________________________
(name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name physical person)
________________________________ ___________________ IIN RCBO code
BIN ______________________________________________________________
1. The currency agreement No. ____________________ from "____" ________ ___ years
(name of the document)
(purpose and appointment)
2. The following documents in addition to the currency agreement are submitted (it is filled in case of filing of application on receipt of the registration certificate)
(name of the document, number, date of registration)
3. Resident (residents) there are participants of the currency agreement:
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name physical лица______________________________________________
___________________________ Address __________________________________________ _______________ phone
The serving bank (banks) ________________________________________________________________________
4. The nonresident (nonresidents) there are participants of the currency agreement:
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name physical лица______________________________________________
Authorized person legal лица_____________________________________________________________
Sector of economy __________________________________________________________________________________
Country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
Address, bank details (in the presence) ____________________________________________________________
5. Numbers of earlier granted licenses of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan under this currency Agreement
6. Numbers of earlier granted registration certificates of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan under this currency agreement
7. Numbers of earlier granted certificates on the notification of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan under this currency Agreement
8. The following completed Sections are provided (to note):
___ Section 1. Commercial credits and financial loans;
___ Section 2. Equity participation, transactions with securities and derivative financial instruments;
___ Section 3. Opening of the bank account in foreign bank;
___ Section 4. Other transactions of capital movement.
Authorized person of uslugopoluchatel:
_______________________ ______________________________ ___________
(position) (First name, middle initial, last name) (signature)
"_____" ___________ 20 ___ years |
| ||
| ||
Section 1. Commercial credits and financial loans
1. Amount of the currency agreement ________________________________________________________________________
(figures and copy-book in currency of the currency agreement)
2. Contract currency _________________________________________________________________________________
3. The framework agreement (in the presence) No. _______ from "___" ____ ___ years
(name of the document)
4. (To note) the attitude of the nonresident towards the resident:
_____ direct investor
_____ object of direct investment
_____ other
5. Rate of remuneration (interest) for use of the credit ____________________________________________
annual interest rates (in case of floating interest rate the base of its calculation and the size of margin is specified)
6. Rate for overdue payments on principal debt: for each day of delay
(to decipher) other ________________________________________________________________________________
7. The accompanying payments (the commission for the organization, management, the commission for obligations and another)
(percentage of credit amount, principal debt, etc.)
8. Short characteristic of transaction (payment instruction, traffic pattern of means and another)
9. Information about the agent (operator, organizer) (in the presence):
____________ the Nonresident ___________ (to note) resident
Name legal лица____________________________________________________________________
Information on the resident: адрес_______________________________________________________________________
_______________________ ___________________________________________________________________ phone
RCBO code _______________________ IIN/BIN ________________________________________________________
Information on the nonresident: country регистрации_________________________________________________________
10. Availability of special conditions (to note):
____ borrower's right to prolongation
____ borrower's right to early repayment
____ the right of the creditor to require early repayment of debt
____ other (to decipher)
11. Data on the contracts financed within this currency agreement (are specified in the presence by banks and other financial institutions
in case of the notification on own transactions):
11.1. Data on applikant (the client of the bank or other financial institution requesting financing):
____________ the Nonresident ___________ (to note) resident
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name _____________________________________________ physical person
Information on the resident: адрес_______________________________________________________________________
RCBO code ______________________ IIN/BIN _________________________________________________________
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
11.2. Data on the financed contracts:
Contract number _______________________________________________________________________________ date
Purpose and appointment контракта_________________________________________________________________________
Contract value ____________________ currency ________________________________________________________
(thousands of units of currency)
Accounting contract number or passport number of the transaction for export contracts or import on which receipt of accounting contract number is required
11.3. Data on the beneficiary (contract party):
____________ the Nonresident ___________ (to note) resident
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name physical person
Information on the resident: адрес_______________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ phone
_______________________ ИИН/БИН________________________________________________________ RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
11.4. The form of financing of bank or other financial institution by the creditor (to note):
___ receipt of funds on bank account or other financial institution,
___ payment by the creditor to the beneficiary,
___ (to decipher) other ____________________________________________________________________________
12. Schedule of receipt of funds and debt repayment of thousands of units of currency of the agreement
Receipt of funds on the credit to the borrower |
Payments on servicing of the credit by the borrower | |||
date |
amount |
date |
repayment principal debt |
remuneration payment |
And |
1 |
B |
2 |
3 |
from them for date of filing of application |
from them for date of filing of application |
13. Note ____________________________________________________________________________________
Section 2. Equity participation, transactions with securities and derivative financial instruments
1. (Note) transaction type:
1) ___ direct investments abroad,
2) ___ direct investments to the Republic of Kazakhstan,
3) ___ acquisition by residents of shares of nonresident issuers (except for direct investments),
4) ___ acquisition by nonresidents of shares of resident issuers (except for direct investments),
5) ___ acquisition by residents of other securities of nonresident issuers and shares of investment funds of nonresidents,
6) ___ acquisition by nonresidents of other securities of resident issuers and shares of investment funds of residents,
7) ___ introduction by residents of deposits for the purpose of ensuring equity participation of nonresidents (except for direct investments),
8) ___ introduction by nonresidents of deposits for the purpose of ensuring equity participation of residents (except for direct investments),
9) ___ placement of the securities of nonresident issuers issued according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
10) ___ placement of the securities of resident issuers issued according to the legislation of other states and in their territory
11) ___ placement of the Kazakhstan depositary receipts,
12) ___ placement of depositary receipts on securities of resident issuers,
13) ___ transactions with derivative financial instruments.
2. The information about the investor (it is not filled if uslugopoluchatel
is investor):
___________ the Nonresident _______ (to note) resident
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name _____________________________________________ physical person
Information on the resident: адрес_______________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ phone
___________________ ИИН/БИН____________________________________________________________ RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
Sector of economy of the nonresident _______________________________________________________________________
3. The information about the seller (it is not filled if the uslugopoluchatel is seller):
________ the Nonresident ________ (to note) resident
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name _____________________________________________ physical person
Information on the resident: адрес_______________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ phone
______________________________________________________ ________________________ IIN/BIN RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
Sector of economy нерезидента_______________________________________________________________________
4. Data on the currency agreement:
Amount of the currency agreement __________________________________________________________________________
(figures and copy-book in currency of the currency agreement)
Currency of the currency agreement __________________________________________________________________________
Rate for overdue payments _________________ for each day of delay
The accompanying payments (the commission for the organization, management, the commission for obligations and another)
(decipher) ____________________________________________________________________________________
It is provided means under the currency contract for date of filing of application:
Sender |
Beneficiary |
Date |
Amount, thousands of units of currency of the currency agreement |
Short characteristic of transaction (payment instruction, traffic pattern of means and another)
5. Data on investment object (it is not filled if the uslugopoluchatel is investment object):
_______ the Nonresident _______ (to note) resident
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Information on the resident: address (area, city) _________________________________________________________
_______________________________ ____________________ IIN/BIN RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country регистрации_________________________________________________________
Sector of economy of the nonresident _______________________________________________________________________
6. The investment object capital (it is filled in case of implementation of transactions with voting shares or shares in the authorized capital):
№ |
Name |
Before carrying out transaction under the currency agreement |
After carrying out transaction under the currency agreement | ||
Amount |
currency |
amount |
currency | ||
1. |
The authorized capital in value term according to constituent documents, thousands of units of currency according to constituent documents |
2. |
The authorized capital according to the financial reporting, thousands of units of currency of the financial reporting |
3. |
The investment object capital, shares in value term, thousands of units of currency |
3.1 |
including on investors |
4. |
Share of the investor (investors) in the investment object capital, as a percentage voices of participants or voting shares |
| ||
4.1. |
including on investors |
| ||
| ||
| ||
7. Information on shares of investment object (it is filled in case of implementation of transactions with voting shares):
№ |
Name |
Before carrying out transaction under the currency agreement |
After carrying out transaction under the currency agreement | ||
simple |
exclusive |
simple |
exclusive | ||
1. |
The number of the announced shares, pieces |
2. |
Quantity of paid shares, pieces |
2.1. |
including voting |
3. |
The number of voting shares belonging to the investor(s), pieces |
3.1 |
including on investors |
8. Information on the shares of investment object acquired by the investor (investors) under the currency agreement:
Share type (simple / exclusive, with the voting power right) |
International identification number (ISIN) or national identification number (NIN) |
Nominal value or price of placement of one security (units of currency) |
Currency of release (placement) |
9. Data on debt securities or shares of the investment funds acquired by the investor (investors) including release:
ISIN/NIN _______________________________________________________________________________________
Quantity valuable бумаг_____________________________________________________________________ pieces
Nominal value of one security __________________________________________ units of currency
Release currency __________________________________________________________________________________
9.1. for debt securities
Date of issue ___________________ Repayment date ___________________
Coupon rate _________________________________________________________________________ percent
annual (in case of floating interest rate the base of its calculation and the size of margin is specified)
Frequency and payment dates of coupons ______________________________________________________________
9.2. for shares of investment fund
Type of fund (joint-stock, share, open, closed, interval, (to specify) other)
_____________________________________________________________________________ managing company
(name, country)
10. Data on depositary receipts:
ISIN/NIN of the depositary receipt ____________________________________________________________________
Date of issue _______________________________________________________
Number of depositary receipts: ________ pieces before carrying out
transactions, ____________ pieces after carrying out transaction.
Unit relationship of the depositary receipt and underlying asset:
__________ pieces of the depositary receipt = ____________ pieces of underlying asset
10.1. Data on underlying asset of depositary receipts:
Security type: ________ shares, _________ (to specify) bonds
Quantity of units of underlying asset converted into depositary
receipts: _______________ pieces before carrying out transaction, _____________________________________________
pieces after carrying out transaction.
10.2. Issuer of the depositary receipt:
_______ the Nonresident _______ (to note) resident
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Information on the nonresident: country регистрации_________________________________________________________
Sector of economy of the nonresident _______________________________________________________________________
11. Data on derivative financial instruments:
(To specify) type of the derivative financial instrument:
__ the option, ___ the forward, ___ the future, ______ (to decipher) other
Name of underlying asset of the derivative financial instrument
12. Note
Section 3. Opening bank (including savings) foreign bank accounts
1. Foreign bank _______________________________________________________________________________
(name, address, SWIFT code and other bank details)
2. Currency of the bank account ________________________________________
3. Bank account number _________________________________________
4. (To note) type of the bank account:
____ current account of resident,
____ current account of branch (representation) of resident,
____ contribution of resident,
____ other (to decipher) __________________________________________________________________________
5. Location of branch (representation) резидента______________________________________________
(country, address)
6. Note _____________________________________________________________________________________
Section 4. Other transactions of capital movement.
1. (Note) transaction type:
____ acquisition of property right to the real estate
____ acquisition of right of completely exclusive right to intellectual property items
____ obligation fulfillment of the participant of joint activities
____ transfer of money and other property to trust management
2. Data on the currency agreement:
Amount of the currency agreement ___________________________________________
(figures and copy-book in currency of the currency agreement)
Currency of the currency agreement _________________________________________________________________________
Rate of remuneration (interest) for use of means (in the presence):
________________________________________________________________________________________% annual
(in case of floating interest rate the base of its calculation and the size of margin is specified)
The accompanying payments (in the presence) _______________________________________________________________
Short characteristic of transaction (payment instruction, traffic pattern of means and another)
3. Data on object:
3.1. real estate: _________________________________________________________________________________
(country, address)
3.2. intellectual property item ___________________________________________________________
(short description of object)
3.3. joint деятельность_________________________________________________________________________
(short project description)
3.4. trust management _______________________________________
(short description of the purpose)
4. Note _____________________________________________________________________________________
Instructions for appendix filling
Sections 1-4 are filled in in case of filing of application on receipt of the registration certificate, under advice about the corresponding currency transaction or the bank account in foreign bank. The blank Sections are not represented.
If act as one party of the currency agreement both residents, and nonresidents, the amount of the currency agreement is reflected only regarding cross liabilities between residents and nonresidents.
The sector of economy is filled according to Rules of use of the single qualifier of purpose of payment.
In the field "Note" terms of the contract which the uslugopoluchatel considers necessary are reflected to reflect in the registration certificate / certificate on the notification, including method (procedure) of formation of the amount of the currency agreement if it is not fixed.
In Section 1:
In Item 3 the framework agreement (the general agreement, credit line, etc.) determining the framework terms for crediting separate transactions, including the currency agreement which is subject to the registration/notification is specified.
In the Item 10 "Schedule of Receipt of Funds and Debt Repayment" information on receipt of funds to resident and repayment of debt on the currency agreement by it (in case of the financial loans and the loans granted by nonresidents to residents), and also about receipt of funds to the nonresident and repayment of debt by it (in case of the financial loans and the loans granted by residents to nonresidents) in contract currency is reflected.
In the column A the actual and/or assumed (in the future) receipt date of means as in cash, and in the form of goods, works, services, and in column 1 - the amount of receipts is specified. If the amount of the agreement is not stipulated, then in column 1 information only on actual receipt of means is reflected.
Information on payments (both in cash, and in other forms) on debt servicing is reflected in columns B, 2, 3. In the graph
B - the actual and/or assumed (in the future) date of payment. In columns 2 and 3 - repayment of principal debt and payment of remuneration, respectively. In case of floating interest rate the expected payment amount of remuneration is calculated proceeding from value of base for date, filing of application (notification) if other is not established by the currency agreement.
In case of carrying out by the resident or nonresident of advance payments to specify the corresponding date of payment and the amount in columns B and 2.
Total sums in columns 1 and 2 shall match among themselves and to be equal to the amount of the agreement or the amount of actual receipt of funds for date of filing of application if the amount of the agreement is not stipulated.
Total amount of the currency transactions performed until the request for registration (with the notification), is specified in the corresponding graphs of the line "from them for date of filing of application".
In the presence of the option for prolongation in the column B the repayment period established by the basic agreement is specified.
If the amount of insurance premium is recognized part of principal debt, then in Item 1 the amount of the currency agreement taking into account the amount of insurance premium is specified, and in Item 10 the schedule of receipt of funds and debt repayment is constituted for total amount.
In Section 2:
In case of implementation of transactions with voting shares Items 2-8 are filled.
In case of implementation of transactions with voices of participants Items 2-6 are filled.
In case of implementation of operations with stocks without voting power Items 2-5 and 8 are filled.
In case of acquisition by residents/nonresidents of other securities of issuers nonresidents/residents and shares of investment funds of nonresidents/residents Items 2-5, 9 are filled.
In case of placement of the securities of nonresident issuers issued according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, securities of the resident issuers issued according to the legislation of other states and in their territory Items 2-5, 9 and 9.1 are filled.
In case of placement of the Kazakhstan depositary receipts and depositary receipts on securities of resident issuers Items 2-5, 8 (if underlying asset of depositary receipts are shares), 9 (if underlying asset of depositary receipts are other securities) and 10 are filled.
In case of implementation of transactions with derivative financial instruments items 4 and 11, are filled and if underlying asset is the security, Items 5-10.
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 31, 2013, No. 1567
1. State service: "Registration of currency transaction" (further - the state service).
2. The standard of the state service is developed by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. The state service appears territorial branches of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the service provider).
4. Terms of rendering the state service:
1) from the moment of delivery of document package to the service provider - within ten working days;
2) the most allowed time of servicing of uslugopoluchatel - 15 minutes.
5. Form of rendering the state service: paper.
6. Result of rendering the state service - the registration certificate on currency transaction or the motivated written answer with statement of causes of failure in rendering the state service in cases and on the bases, stipulated in Item 10 these standards of the state service on paper.
7. The state service is rendered free of charge.
8. The working schedule of the service provider - Monday through Friday from 9:00 till 18:00 o'clock with lunch break from 13:00 till 14:00 o'clock, except days off and holidays, according to the labor law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state service is rendered without expectation in queue, without making an appointment and the accelerated servicing.
9. List of the documents necessary for rendering the state service in case of the address of uslugopoluchatel to the service provider:
1) the statement in form, according to appendix to this standard of the state service;
2) the copy of the currency agreement stitched and certified by the signature (for physical persons and legal entities) and seal (for legal entities);
3) the copy of the identity document (for the physical persons performing currency transaction);
4) copies of the documents confirming origin, execution and discharge of the currency agreement.
The documents constituted in foreign language are represented to National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the translation on state or Russian.
The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to request in addition documents on which references in the submitted documents are had.
The document package for receipt of the state service is represented to the service provider in the location of uslugopoluchatel.
10. The bases for refusal in rendering the state service are:
1) provision of unreliable information or failure to provide information provided in compliance by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 13, 2005 "About currency control and currency exchange control";
2) discrepancy to the performed operation to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
11. Appeal of decisions, actions (bezdeystviye) of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the service provider, and (or) his officials concerning rendering the state services is made in writing:
addressed to the Chairman of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan or person replacing it to the address: 050040, city of Almaty, residential district "Koktem-3", house 21;
addressed to the head of the service provider to the address specified in Item 13 of this standard of the state service.
Confirmation of adoption of the claim is its registration
(stamp, the entering number and date) in office of the service provider, or National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with indication of surname and initials of person which accepted the claim, term and the place of receipt of the answer to the made complaint. After registration the claim goes to the head of the service provider, or National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for determination of the executive in charge and acceptance of adequate measures.
The claim of uslugopoluchatel concerning rendering the state services which arrived to National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the service provider is subject to consideration within five working days from the date of its registration.
In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service the uslugopoluchatel can address with the claim to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services.
The claim of uslugopoluchatel which arrived to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services is subject to consideration within fifteen working days from the date of its registration.
12. In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service the uslugopoluchatel has the right to take a legal action in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
13. Addresses of places of rendering the state service are placed on Internet resource of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan: www.nationalbank.kz.
14. Uslugopoluchatel in case of the address does not need availability of the digital signature.
15. Uslugopoluchatel has possibility of receipt of information on procedure and the status of rendering the state service in the mode of remote access by means of single contact center concerning rendering the state services.
16. Contact telephone numbers of service desks concerning rendering the state service are placed on Internet resource of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan: www.nationalbank.kz, single contact center concerning rendering the state services: 8-800-080-7777, 1414.
to the Standard of the state service "Registration of Currency Transaction"
The statement on receipt of the registration certificate / Notification on currency transaction or about opening of the bank account in foreign bank (necessary to emphasize)
from _______________________________________________________________________________________________
(name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name physical person)
_______________________________________________________________ ___________________ IIN RCBO code
BIN _____________________________________________________________________________________________
1. The currency agreement No. __________________ from "____" _________ ___ years
(name of the document)
(purpose and appointment)
2. The following documents in addition to the currency agreement are submitted (it is filled in case of filing of application on receipt of the registration certificate)
(name of the document, number, date of registration)
3. Resident (residents) there are participants of the currency agreement:
Name of the legal entity / First name, middle initial, last name physical лица____________________________________________
_______________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ phone
The serving bank (banks) _______________________________________________________________________
4. The nonresident (nonresidents) there are participants of the currency agreement:
Name of the legal entity / First name, middle initial, last name physical лица____________________________________________
Authorized person legal лица_____________________________________________________________
Sector of economy _________________________________________________________________________________
Country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
Address, bank details (in the presence) ___________________________________________________________
5. Numbers of earlier granted licenses of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan under this currency agreement
6. Numbers of earlier granted registration certificates of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan under this currency agreement
7. Numbers of earlier granted certificates on the notification of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan under this currency agreement
8. The following completed Sections are provided (to note):
___ Section 1. Commercial credits and financial loans;
___ Section 2. Equity participation, transactions with securities and
derivative financial instruments;
___ Section 3. Opening of the bank account in foreign bank;
___ Section 4. Other transactions of capital movement.
Authorized person of uslugopoluchatel:
_______________________ ______________________________ ___________
(position) (First name, middle initial, last name) (signature)
"_____" ___________ 20 ___ years |
| ||
| ||
Section 1. Commercial credits and financial loans
1. Amount of the currency agreement _______________________________________________________________________
(figures and copy-book in currency of the currency agreement)
2. Contract currency _________________________________________________________________________________
3. The framework agreement (in the presence) No. _______ from "___" ____ ___ years
(name of the document)
4. (To note) the attitude of the nonresident towards the resident:
_____ direct investor
_____ object of direct investment
_____ other
5. Rate of remuneration (interest) for use of the credit _____ annual interest rates (in case of floating interest rate the base of its calculation and the size of margin is specified)
6. Rate for overdue payments on principal debt:
per every day просрочки___________________________________________________________________________
(to decipher) other _______________________________________________________________________________
7. The accompanying payments (the commission for the organization, management, the commission for obligations and another)
(percentage of credit amount, principal debt, etc.)
8. Short characteristic of transaction (payment instruction, traffic pattern of means and another)
9. Information about the agent (operator, organizer) (in the presence):
____________ the Nonresident ___________ (to note) resident
Name of the legal entity ___________________________________________________________________
Information on the resident: address ______________________________________________________________________
___________ ________________________________________________ phone
RCBO code _______________________ IIN/BIN _______________________________________________________
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation ________________________________________________________
10. Availability of special conditions (to note):
____ borrower's right to prolongation
____ borrower's right to early repayment
____ the right of the creditor to require early repayment of debt
____ other (to decipher)
11. Data on the contracts financed within this currency agreement (are specified in the presence by banks and other financial institutions in case of the notification on own transactions):
11.1. Data on applikant (the client of the bank or other financial institution requesting financing):
____________ the Nonresident ___________ (to note) resident
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name ____________________________________________ physical person
Information on the resident: address ______________________________________________________________________
______________________ИИН/БИН_________________________________________________________ RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
11.2. Data on the financed contracts:
Contract number _____________________________ date
Purpose and appointment контракта_________________________________________________________________________
Contract value ____________________ currency ________________________________________________________
(thousands of units of currency)
Accounting contract number or passport number of the transaction for export contracts or import on which receipt of accounting contract number is required
11.3. Data on the beneficiary (contract party):
____________ the Nonresident ___________ (to note) resident
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name physical person
Information on the resident: address ______________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ phone
______________________________________________________ _______________________ IIN/BIN RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
11.4. Form of financing of bank or other financial institution
the creditor (to note):
___ receipt of funds on bank account or other financial institution,
___ payment by the creditor to the beneficiary,
___ (to decipher) other ____________________________________________________________________________
12. Schedule of receipt of funds and debt repayment of thousands of units of currency of the agreement
Receipt of funds on the credit to the borrower |
Payments on servicing of the credit by the borrower | |||
date |
amount |
date |
repayment of principal debt |
remuneration payment |
And |
1 |
B |
2 |
3 |
from them for date of filing of application |
from them for date of filing of application |
13. Note ____________________________________________________________________________________
Section 2. Equity participation, transactions with securities and derivative financial instruments
1. (Note) transaction type:
1) ___ direct investments abroad,
2) ___ direct investments to the Republic of Kazakhstan,
3) ___ acquisition by residents of shares of nonresident issuers (except for direct investments),
4) ___ acquisition by nonresidents of shares of resident issuers (except for direct investments),
5) ___ acquisition by residents of other securities of nonresident issuers and shares of investment funds of nonresidents,
6) ___ acquisition by nonresidents of other securities of resident issuers and shares of investment funds of residents,
7) ___ introduction by residents of deposits for the purpose of ensuring equity participation of nonresidents (except for direct investments),
8) ___ introduction by nonresidents of deposits for the purpose of ensuring equity participation of residents (except for direct investments),
9) ___ placement of the securities of nonresident issuers issued according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
10) ___ placement of the securities of resident issuers issued according to the legislation of other states and in their territory
11) ___ placement of the Kazakhstan depositary receipts,
12) ___ placement of depositary receipts on securities of resident issuers,
13) ___ transactions with derivative financial instruments.
2. The information about the investor (it is not filled if the uslugopoluchatel is investor):
___________ the Nonresident _______ (to note) resident
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name ____________________________________________ physical person
Information on the resident: address ______________________________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________________________________________ phone
___________________________________________________________ ___________________ IIN/BIN RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation of legal person / permanent residence of physical person
Sector of economy нерезидента_______________________________________________________________________
3. The information about the seller (it is not filled if the uslugopoluchatel is seller):
________ the Nonresident ________ (to note) resident
Name of legal person / First name, middle initial, last name ____________________________________________ physical person
Information on the resident: address ______________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________ phone
______________________________________________________ ________________________ IIN/BIN RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation of legal person /
permanent residence physical лица____________________________________________________________
Sector of economy of the nonresident ______________________________________________________________________
4. Data on the currency agreement:
Amount currency договора__________________________________________________________________________
(figures and copy-book in currency of the currency agreement)
Currency of the currency agreement _________________________________________________________________________
Rate for overdue payments _____________________________________________ for each day of delay
The accompanying payments (the commission for the organization, management, the commission for obligations and another)
(decipher) ____________________________________________________________________________________
It is provided means under the currency contract for date of filing of application:
Sender |
Beneficiary |
Date |
Amount, thousands of units of currency of the currency agreement |
Short characteristic of transaction (payment instruction, traffic pattern of means and another)
5. Data on investment object (it is not filled if the uslugopoluchatel is investment object):
_______ the Nonresident _______ (to note) resident
Information on the resident: address (area, city) ________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ____________________ IIN/BIN RCBO code
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation ________________________________________________________
Sector of economy нерезидента_______________________________________________________________________
6. The investment object capital (it is filled in case of implementation of transactions with voting shares or shares in the authorized capital):
№ |
Name |
Before carrying out transaction under the currency agreement |
After carrying out transaction under the currency agreement | ||
Amount |
currency |
amount |
currency | ||
1. |
The authorized capital in value term according to constituent documents, thousands of units of currency according to constituent documents |
2. |
The authorized capital according to the financial reporting, thousands of units of currency of the financial reporting |
3. |
The investment object capital, shares in value term, thousands of units of currency |
3.1 |
including on investors |
4. |
Share of the investor (investors) in the investment object capital, as a percentage voices of participants or voting shares |
| ||
4.1. |
including on investors |
| ||
| ||
| ||
7. Information on shares of investment object (it is filled in case of implementation of transactions with voting shares):
№ |
Name |
Before carrying out transaction under the currency agreement |
After carrying out transaction under the currency agreement | ||
simple |
exclusive |
simple |
exclusive | ||
1. |
The number of the announced shares, pieces |
2. |
Quantity of paid shares, pieces |
2.1. |
including voting |
3. |
The number of voting shares belonging to the investor(s), pieces |
3.1 |
including on investors |
8. Information on the shares of investment object acquired by the investor (investors) under the currency agreement:
Share type (simple / exclusive, with the voting power right) |
International identification number (ISIN) or national identification number (NIN) |
Nominal value or price of placement of one security (units of currency) |
Currency of release (placement) |
9. Data on debt securities or shares of the investment funds acquired by the investor (investors) including release:
ISIN/NIN ________________________________________________________________________________________
Number of securities ______________________________________ pieces
Nominal value of one security _____________ units of currency
Release currency ___________________________________________________________________________________
9.1. for debt securities
Date of issue ___________________ Date погашения____________________________________________________
Coupon rate _________________________________________________________________________ percent
annual (in case of floating interest rate the base of its calculation and the size of margin is specified)
Frequency and payment dates of coupons ______________________________________________________________
9.2. for shares of investment fund
Type of fund (joint-stock, share, open, closed, interval, (to specify) other)
Managing director компания_____________________________________________________________________________
(name, country)
10. Data on depositary receipts:
ISIN/NIN of the depositary receipt ___________________________________________________________________
Date of issue _______________________________________________________
Number of depositary receipts: ________ pieces before carrying out
transactions, ____________ pieces after carrying out transaction.
Unit relationship of the depositary receipt and underlying asset:
__________ pieces of the depositary receipt = ____________ pieces of underlying asset
10.1. Data on underlying asset of depositary receipts:
Security type: ________ shares, _________ (to specify) bonds
Quantity of units of underlying asset converted into depositary
receipts: _______________ pieces before carrying out transaction, ____________ pieces after carrying out transaction.
10.2. Issuer of the depositary receipt:
_______ the Nonresident _______ (to note) resident
Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Information on the nonresident: country of incorporation ________________________________________________________
Sector of economy of the nonresident ______________________________________________________________________
11. Data on derivative financial instruments:
(To specify) type of the derivative financial instrument:
__ the option, ___ the forward, ___ the future, ______ (to decipher) other
Name of underlying asset of the derivative financial instrument
12. Note
Section 3. Opening bank (including savings) foreign bank accounts
1. Foreign bank ______________________________________________________________________________
(name, address, SWIFT code and other bank details)
2. Currency of the bank account _________________________________________________________________________
3. Bank account number __________________________________________________________________________
4. (To note) type of the bank account:
____ current account of resident,
____ current account of branch (representation) of resident,
____ contribution of resident,
____ other (to decipher) _________________________________________________________________________
5. Location of branch (representation) of resident _____________________________________________
(country, address)
6. Примечание_____________________________________________________________________________________
Section 4. Other transactions of capital movement.
1. (Note) transaction type:
____ acquisition of property right to the real estate
____ acquisition of right of completely exclusive right to objects
intellectual property
____ obligation fulfillment of the participant of joint activities
____ transfer of money and other property to trust management
2. Data on the currency agreement:
Amount currency договора__________________________________________________________________________
(figures and copy-book in currency of the currency agreement)
Currency of the currency agreement _________________________________________________________________________
Rate of remuneration (interest) for use of means (in the presence):
_________________________________________________________________________________________% annual
(in case of floating interest rate the base of its calculation and the size of margin is specified)
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The document ceased to be valid since October 7, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 10, 2015 No. 761