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The document ceased to be valid since  July 1, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on regulation and development of the financial market of June 7, 2023 No. 51


of February 26, 2014 No. 31

About approval of Translation rules of pension accruals from the single accumulation pension fund in the Voluntary accumulation pension fund, from the Voluntary accumulation pension fund in the single accumulation pension fund, and also from one Voluntary accumulation pension fund in other Voluntary accumulation pension fund

(as amended on 13-12-2021)

According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 21, 2013 "About provision of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Translation rules of pension accruals from the single accumulation pension fund in the Voluntary accumulation pension fund, from the Voluntary accumulation pension fund in the single accumulation pension fund, and also from one Voluntary accumulation pension fund in other Voluntary accumulation pension fund.

2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication and extends to the legal relationship which arose since January 1, 2014.

Chairman of National Bank

K. Kelimbetov

Approved by the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 26, 2014 No. 31

Translation rules of pension accruals from the single accumulation pension fund in the Voluntary accumulation pension fund, from the Voluntary accumulation pension fund in the single accumulation pension fund, and also from one Voluntary accumulation pension fund in other Voluntary accumulation pension fund

1. General provisions

These rules of transfer of pension savings from the single accumulation pension fund in the Voluntary accumulation pension fund, from the Voluntary accumulation pension fund in the single accumulation pension fund, and also from one Voluntary accumulation pension fund in other Voluntary accumulation pension fund (further - Rules) are developed according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 21, 2013 "About provision of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (further - the Law) and determine procedure for transfer of pension savings of investors (receivers) from the single accumulation pension fund in the Voluntary accumulation pension fund, from the Voluntary accumulation pension fund in the single accumulation pension fund, and also from one Voluntary accumulation pension fund in other Voluntary accumulation pension fund.

1. For the purposes of Rules the following concepts are used:

1) the statement for transfer of pension savings - the written address about transfer of pension savings of the investor (receiver), created at the expense of voluntary pension contributions from the single accumulation pension fund in connection with agreement cancelation about provision of pensions at the expense of voluntary pension contributions and transfer of pension savings in the Voluntary accumulation pension fund, or from the Voluntary accumulation pension fund in the single accumulation pension fund, and also from one Voluntary accumulation pension fund in other Voluntary accumulation pension fund in connection with agreement cancelation about provision of pensions at the expense of voluntary pension contributions and transfer of pension savings;

2) Fund sender:

the single accumulation pension fund or the Voluntary accumulation pension fund from which the pension accruals created at the expense of voluntary pension contributions in connection with agreement cancelation about provision of pensions at the expense of voluntary pension contributions and transfer of pension savings in the Voluntary accumulation pension fund or in the single accumulation pension fund are translated;

3) Fund receiver - the single accumulation pension fund or the Voluntary accumulation pension fund to which the investor (receiver) transfers pension accruals based on the signed pension provision agreement at the expense of voluntary pension contributions;

4) transfer of pension savings - consecutive actions of Fund sender, bank - custodian of Fund sender, necessary for transfer of the transferred amount of the pension accruals created at the expense of voluntary pension contributions on the individual retirement account of the investor (receiver) in Fund receiver;

5) pension accruals - the money of the investor (receiver) considered on its individual retirement account, including voluntary pension contributions, investment revenue, penalty fee and other receipts according to the agreement, the Law, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. Procedure for transfer of pension savings from the single accumulation pension fund in the Voluntary accumulation pension fund, from the Voluntary accumulation pension fund in the single accumulation pension fund, and also from one Voluntary accumulation pension fund in other Voluntary accumulation pension fund

2. The investor (receiver) for the purpose of transfer of pension savings submits the following documents to Fund sender:

1) the statement for transfer of pension savings in form according to appendix 1 to Rules;

2) the copy of the identity document of the investor (receiver), and its original or the electronic document from service of digital documents for review;

3) in case of change of surname, name, in the presence of middle name of the investor (receiver) - the copy of the documents confirming these changes (the certificate on the conclusion or annulment of marriage, on change of surname, name, in the presence of middle name, the judgment which took legal effect) and their originals or electronic documents from service of digital documents for review;

4) the copy of the pension provision agreement at the expense of voluntary pension contributions signed with Fund receiver.

3. In case of impossibility of the personal address of the investor (receiver) with the statement for transfer of pension savings the investor (receiver) issues to physical person or legal entity (attorney) notarially certified power of attorney on the address with the statement for transfer of pension savings with indication of in the power of attorney of the name of Fund receiver.

4. The attorney provides in Fund - the sender the following documents:

1) the statement for transfer of pension savings in form according to appendix 2 to Rules;

2) the original of the power of attorney or its notarially attested copy if the power of attorney contains powers on representation of interests of the principal at the same time in several organizations;

3) notarially attested copy of the identity document of the investor (receiver);


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