of May 12, 2014 No. 430
About investment of the Directorial Board for the Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation with separate powers on management and the order of federal property
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Determine that the Directorial Board for the Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation is the federal executive body performing powers on management and the order of the parcels of land and other real estate which is in federal property, management and the order which the President of the Russian Federation it is entrusted to assign to the Directorial Board for the Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation (further - federal property).
2. The Directorial Board for the Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation for the purpose of realization of powers, the stipulated in Item 1 this resolution, according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation:
a) performs on behalf of the Russian Federation legal acts on protection of property and other rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation concerning federal property;
b) exercises control of management, the order, proper use and safety of the federal property including transferred in accordance with the established procedure to other persons and in case of identification of violations takes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation measures for their elimination and involvement of perpetrators to responsibility;
c) fixes federal property in operational management or economic maintaining subordinated federal state institutions and federal state unitary enterprises, gives to the specified organizations of task for use of federal property in the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and also makes withdrawal of federal property according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
d) will organize assessment of federal property for the purpose of implementation of property, other rights and legitimate interests of the Russian Federation;
e) makes the decision on transactions with the federal property which is not assigned to subordinated federal state institutions and the federal state unitary enterprises, except for transactions on alienation of federal property;
e) performs in accordance with the established procedure coordination of transactions of the subordinated federal state institutions and federal state unitary enterprises connected with the order federal property. Coordination of transactions on alienation of federal property is not allowed;
g) acts on behalf of the Russian Federation in case of state registration of the property right of the Russian Federation to federal property and transactions with it;
h) makes in accordance with the established procedure decisions on provision of the parcels of land from structure of federal property in permanent (termless) use to federal state institutions, in lease - to the federal state unitary enterprises, in free use - to the organizations determined by contractors by construction of facilities of the real estate according to the public contracts concluded by the Directorial Board for the Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation and also decisions on the termination of the rights to the parcels of land from structure of federal property in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
i) makes in accordance with the established procedure decisions on formation of the parcels of land from the parcels of land which are part of federal property.
3. Realization of the powers provided by this resolution is performed by the Directorial Board for the Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation within the number of workers, and also budgetary appropriations provided to the Directorial Board for the Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation in the federal budget on management and management in the sphere of the established functions established by the President of the limiting Russian Federation.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
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