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of May 12, 2014 No. 119

About approval of the Regulations on procedure of monitoring of subsoil of the Republic of Uzbekistan

(as amended on 24-08-2020)

In pursuance of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About subsoil" and for the purpose of implementation of monitoring of subsoil the Cabinet of Ministers decides:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure of monitoring of subsoil of the Republic of Uzbekistan, according to appendix.

2. To the ministries and departments to bring the departmental regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution in a month.

3. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan G. I. Ibragimov.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Shavkat Mirziyev



to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 12, 2014 No. 119

Regulations on procedure of monitoring of subsoil of the Republic of Uzbekistan

I. General provisions

1. This Provision is developed according to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About subsoil" and other regulatory legal acts and determines procedure of monitoring of subsoil in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

2. Monitoring of subsoil (further - monitoring) includes regular observations, collection, accumulating and information processing, carrying out the analysis and assessment of condition of the geological circle, the forecast of changes of subsoil under the influence of natural natural and technogenic factors, subsurface use and other types of activity.

3. Monitoring is component of complex system of the state monitoring of the surrounding environment.

Data of monitoring are used for the state reports and official publications, and also for information exchange at the interdepartmental and international levels in accordance with the established procedure.

II. Purpose and tasks of monitoring

4. Main objective of monitoring is assessment of condition of subsoil, identification, the prevention and prevention of the situations connected with changes in subsoil under the influence of the natural and technogenic factors creating threat of economic activity, life and to health of the population.

5. The main objectives of monitoring are:

the organization of regular observations of condition of subsoil under natural conditions and in areas of development of technogenic impact on the geological circle;

collection, processing, storage and data analysis about condition of subsoil;

forecasting of change of condition of subsoil;

development of recommendations about the prevention and elimination of the negative processes happening in case of subsurface use;

creation of information and analytical monitoring system of subsoil;

providing public authorities, state and other organizations with information on changes in condition of subsoil and other components of the surrounding environment;

control of rational use of subsoil;

interaction with other monitoring systems.

6. Objects of monitoring are exogenous and endogenous processes, underground waters (including thermal and mineral), perspective sites and fields of all types of minerals, seismically active areas and areas of development of exogenous geological processes.

7. Practical implementation of monitoring provides specially organized systematic observations (the observation posts, shootings, inspections, researches and remote observations) of condition of subsoil, identification of changes, their assessment and the forecast:

conditions of change of subsoil;

impact sources on subsoil;

natural and technogenic processes and influencing factors for subsoil;

conditions of level of pollution of the geological circle.

III. Structure of monitoring

8. The structure monitoring system consists of the following subsystems:

underground waters;

dangerous exogenous geological processes;

endogenous geological processes;

perspective sites and fields of solid minerals and hydrocarbonic raw material;

the subsoil plots used for the purposes which are not connected with mining.

9. Monitoring of underground waters is intended for assessment of their condition by qualitative and quantitative indices and the forecast of change, including the operated fields of underground waters, accounting of forecast resources and inventories of underground waters and their use, preparation of information for inclusion in the state inventories of underground waters.

10. Monitoring of dangerous exogenous geological processes is intended for observation of exogenous geological processes, identification of their territorial distribution taking into account natural and technogenic factors, including for the timely prevention of origin and development of dangerous exogenous geological processes.

11. Monitoring of endogenous geological processes is intended for operational assessment of changes of tensely deformed condition of rocks of seismoactive zones.

12. Monitoring of perspective sites and fields of solid minerals is intended for assessment of current status of the minerals containing in them and forecasting of changes, including observations of condition of array of rocks, underground waters, geological processes and other components of the surrounding environment on the subsoil plot.

13. Monitoring of fields of hydrocarbonic raw material is intended for assessment of current status of the developed oil and gas deposits and forecasting of changes of this condition, including pollution of subsoil by oil products, influence on dynamic, hydrogeological and other conditions of the surrounding environment, accounting of condition of subsoil plots on the objects of subsurface use connected with hydrocarbon production.

14. Monitoring of the subsoil plots used for the purposes which are not connected with mining is intended for assessment of condition of subsoil and the forecast of change in case of construction and operation oil and gas storages in layers of rocks, in case of burial in the underground horizons of radioactive and dangerous materials, and also in case of placement in subsoil of industrial and household wastes.

IV. Procedure for conducting monitoring

15. Monitoring is performed according to the scheme according to appendix to this Provision.

16. Monitoring is performed at the following levels:

republican (covers all territory of the republic);

regional (covers the territory limited to physiographic, administrative and other borders);

local (production) monitoring (covers the territory of certain natural and technogenic and landscape and ecological complexes).

17. Republican and regional monitoring is performed:

divisions of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on geology and mineral resources - regarding underground waters, exogenous geological processes, perspective sites and fields of solid minerals and hydrocarbonic raw material;


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