of August 13, 2004 No. 116
About the organizations of health care in the Kyrgyz Republic
Accepted by General Court of Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 23, 2004
This Law governs the public relations arising in connection with organization activity of health care in the Kyrgyz Republic, creates the legal basis of their functioning, determines types, health care organization types, classifies them by levels of rendering the medical and sanitary help.
In the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic the complex integrated health care system consisting of the state, municipal and private health care sectors functions.
Organization activity of health care is regulated by this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The single payer - the state body realizing state policy in the sphere basic state and compulsory medical insurance and authorized to perform financing of programs basic state and compulsory medical insurance.
The consolidated budget of health care of the Kyrgyz Republic - set of means of the government budget, basic national health insurance, compulsory medical insurance, external borrowings and grant help of donors, and also the means accumulated on special treasurer accounts, the means received from copayment of the population in health care system and other means which are not forbidden by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The program of the state guarantees for providing citizens with the medical and sanitary help (further - the Program of the state guarantees) - the guaranteed amounts, types and conditions of provision of the medical and sanitary help to citizens providing realization of their rights to the medical and sanitary help in the organizations of health care irrespective of patterns of ownership, according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in health sector, basic state and compulsory medical insurance.
Contents of other terms are determined by individual clauses of this Law.
The organizations of health care in the Kyrgyz Republic are classified by types, types and levels of rendering the medical and sanitary help.
The type, health care organization type, their form of business, functions, types and level of the given medical and sanitary help are reflected in constituent documents.
Classification of the organizations of health care by type is based on pattern of ownership and departmental accessory.
Differentiate the following organization types of health care:
- the state organizations created by authorized state body of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of health care;
- the state organizations of health care created by other state bodies of management and departments;
- the municipal organizations of health care created by local public administrations and local government bodies;
- the organizations of health care founded on private and the mixed patterns of ownership.
Classification of the organizations of health care by types is based on the directions them activities.
Differentiate the following organization types of health care:
- treatment-and-prophylactic;
- organizations of public health care;
- research;
- educational;
- medico-social;
- rehabilitation;
- pharmaceutical;
- other organizations.
Classification of the organizations of health care by levels is based on extent of their specialization.
Differentiate the organizations of health care of primary, secondary, tertiary levels.
The state and municipal organizations of health care can be created in the following forms of business:
- public and local government offices;
- the state and municipal companies founded on the right of operational management.
Healthcare institution - the organization created by the owner for implementation of social and other functions of non-commercial nature and financed by it fully or partially.
The company of health care founded on the right of operational management - the organization created based on the property which is in the state-owned or municipal property.
The organizations of health care founded on private pattern of ownership are created by physical persons in any form of business, the stipulated by the legislation Kyrgyz Republic.
The treatment-and-prophylactic organizations - the organizations giving medical and sanitary help to citizens in the Kyrgyz Republic.
The treatment-and-prophylactic organizations depending on types of the given medical and sanitary help are subdivided into the treatment-and-prophylactic organizations of wide profile and specialized.
The treatment-and-prophylactic organizations of primary level and hospital providing different types of the medical and sanitary help treat the treatment-and-prophylactic organizations of wide profile.
The organizations of secondary and tertiary levels providing separate types of the medical and sanitary help treat the specialized treatment-and-prophylactic organizations.
The organizations of public health care provide sanitary inspection, hold sanitary and hygienic and antiepidemiological events, promote forming of healthy lifestyle and strengthening of health of citizens.
The research organizations conduct scientific research in the field of fundamental, applied medicine and hygiene, perform treatment-and-prophylactic and pedagogical activities.
The educational organizations of health care perform preparation, retraining and advanced training of medical personnel for health care system.
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The document ceased to be valid since February 3, 2024 according to part 1 of article 184 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of January 12, 2024 No. 14