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of July 15, 2013 No. 140

About diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 15.07.2017 No. 125)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on May 30, 2013

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Regulation subject

This Law establishes the legal basis of activities of diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic, determines its tasks, functions, and also governs employment and other relations of staff of diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic and government employees of bodies of diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 2. Legislation on diplomatic service

1. The legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic is based on the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic and consists of this Law, the legislation on public service and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic taking into account the features established by this Law.

2. Operation of the legislation on public service and other regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic extends to bodies of diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - bodies of diplomatic service) and their employees only in that measure in which it is not settled by this Law.

Article 3. Concept of diplomatic service

1. The diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - diplomatic service) is component of public service of the Kyrgyz Republic and includes professional activity of the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic who are the staff of diplomatic service on representation, promotion and protection of interests of the state in the field of the international relations, to practical implementation of foreign policy of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. The consular service is part of diplomatic service.

Activities of consular service are regulated by the Consular charter approved by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - the Government), and other corresponding regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 4. The terms and concepts applied in this Law

In this Law the following terms and concepts are applied:

diplomatic representation (embassy) of the Kyrgyz Republic - the state body of external relations of the Kyrgyz Republic performing representation of the Kyrgyz Republic in foreign state;

permanent mission of the Kyrgyz Republic under the international organization (further - permanent mission) - the state body of external relations of the Kyrgyz Republic providing participation of the Kyrgyz Republic in activities of the international organization and acting on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic;

consular establishment of the Kyrgyz Republic (consulate general, consulate, vice-consulate or the consular agency) - the state body of the Kyrgyz Republic performing within the respective consular district in the territory of foreign state consular functions on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic;

visa Item of the Kyrgyz Republic - the state body of the Kyrgyz Republic performing within the corresponding territory of foreign state of function on registration and issue of visas of the Kyrgyz Republic and other functions;

foreign institution of the Kyrgyz Republic - diplomatic representation (embassy), its offices (department), permanent mission, consular establishment of the Kyrgyz Republic or visa Item of the Kyrgyz Republic;

The ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the Kyrgyz Republic (Ambassador) the official of the Kyrgyz Republic who is the head of diplomatic representation (diplomatic mission);

the permanent representative of the Kyrgyz Republic - the official of the Kyrgyz Republic who is the head of permanent mission of the Kyrgyz Republic, having appropriate authority and acting in the international organization on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic;

the head of consular establishment of the Kyrgyz Republic (the consul general, the consul, the vice consul) - the official of the Kyrgyz Republic designated for implementation on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic of consular functions within the respective consular district in the territory of foreign state;

diplomatic rank - the special state rank given to the staff of diplomatic service and other government employees according to this Law;

authorized body - the state body of the Kyrgyz Republic pursuing state policy and exercising control in the field of foreign affairs;

body under authorized body - state body of the Kyrgyz Republic, authorized to perform part of executive and coordination functions of authorized body in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;

representative office of authorized body - the state body of the Kyrgyz Republic representing authorized body in administrative and territorial units of the Kyrgyz Republic;

the organization subordinated to authorized body - the organization providing activities of bodies of diplomatic service of the Kyrgyz Republic and/or performing field service of diplomatic representations, consular establishments of foreign states, representative offices of the international organizations which are and performing the activities in the Kyrgyz Republic;

long foreign business trip (further - DZK) - sending for work to foreign institution of staff of authorized body, body under authorized body or representative offices of authorized body;

staff of diplomatic service is the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic holding diplomatic and consular positions, and also replacement managerial state positions in bodies of diplomatic service;

monetary pay is money payments to the staff of diplomatic service and to the employees of foreign institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic sent to DZK by authorized body;

the consular service is type of the state service which is expressed in making of consular actions by bodies of diplomatic service concerning physical persons and legal entities according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and international treaties which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic;


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