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The document ceased to be valid since  July 1, 2023 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 30, 2023 No. 528


of April 10, 2014 No. 341

About approval of Rules of accomplishment of guarantees of the state to receivers of retirement benefits on safety of compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions in the single accumulation pension fund in the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation

(as amended on 29-03-2021)

According to subitem 6-3) of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 21, 2013 "About provision of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of accomplishment of guarantees of the state to receivers of retirement benefits on safety of compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions in the single accumulation pension fund in the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation.

2. Recognize invalid:

1) the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 12, 2013 No. 125 "About approval of Rules of accomplishment of guarantees of the state to receivers of retirement benefits on safety of compulsory pension contributions in the single accumulation pension fund in the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation at the time of acquisition of right by the receiver of the right to retirement benefits" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013, No. 15, the Art. 270);

2) the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 13, 2013 No. 955 "About modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 12, 2013 No. 125 "About approval of Rules of accomplishment of guarantees of the state to receivers of retirement benefits on safety of compulsory pension contributions in the accumulation pension funds in the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation at the time of acquisition of right by the receiver of the right to retirement benefits" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2013, No. 53, the Art. 747).

3. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2014 and is subject to official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Masimov

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 10, 2014 No. 341

Rules of accomplishment of guarantees of the state to receivers of retirement benefits on safety of compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions in the single accumulation pension fund in the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of accomplishment of guarantees of the state to receivers of retirement benefits on safety of compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions in the single accumulation pension fund in the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation (further – Rules) are developed according to subitem 6-3) of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 21, 2013 "About provision of pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan" (further – the Law).

Rules determine procedure for accomplishment of guarantees of the state to receivers of retirement benefits by safety of compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions in the single accumulation pension fund in the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation by payment of difference between the amount of actually brought compulsory pension contributions, compulsory professional pension contributions taking into account the rate of inflation and the amount of the pension accruals created in the single accumulation pension fund.

2. In these rules the following basic concepts are used:

1) The Government for Citizens State corporation (further - the State corporation) - the legal entity created according to the decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan for rendering the state services, services in issue of specifications on connection to networks of subjects of natural monopolies and services of subjects of the quasi-public sector according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the organization of work on reception of applications on rendering the state services, services in issue of specifications on the connection to networks of subjects of natural monopolies, services of subjects of the quasi-public sector and issue of their results to uslugopoluchatel by the principle of "one window", and also ensuring rendering the state services electronically performing state registration of the rights to real estate in the place of its stay;

2) the receiver of payment of difference (further - the receiver) - physical person to which payment of difference is appointed;

3) authorized body on social security - the state body performing regulation in the field of social security;

4) lump retirement benefit - the amount of the pension accruals created at the expense of compulsory pension contributions and (or) compulsory professional pension contributions, withdrawn by the investor (receiver) from the single accumulation pension fund for the purpose of improvement of housing conditions and (or) payment of treatment according to the procedure, established by the Law;

5) the single accumulation pension fund (further - ENPF) - the legal entity performing activities for attraction of pension contributions and retirement benefits;

6) authorized body on budget implementation - the state body enabling the realization of state policy in the field of budget implementation;

7) the individual retirement account - the personal personalized account of the investor (the receiver of retirement benefits) on which compulsory pension contributions or compulsory professional pension contributions, investment revenue, penalty fee and other receipts according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered and from which retirement benefits are made;

8) authorized state body to destination pensions and benefits (further - authorized body) - territorial subdivisions and departments of authorized body on social security;


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