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It is registered

Ministry of Justice

Russian Federation

On January 23, 2015 No. 35668


of December 16, 2014 No. 3492-U

About procedure for ledger maintenance of state registration of non-state pension funds

(as amended of the Instruction of the Central bank of the Russian Federation of 13.06.2017 No. 4408-U)

This Instruction according to article 59 of the Federal Law of July 10, 2002 No. 86-FZ "About the Central bank the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)" (The Russian Federation Code, 2002, No. 28, Art. 2790; 2003, No. 2, Art. 157; No. 52, Art. 5032; 2004, No. 27, Art. 2711; No. 31, Art. 3233; 2005, No. 25, Art. 2426; No. 30, Art. 3101; 2006, No. 19, Art. 2061; No. 25, Art. 2648; 2007, No. 1, Art. 9, Art. 10; No. 10, Art. 1151; No. 18, Art. 2117; 2008, No. 42, Art. 4696, Art. 4699; No. 44, Art. 4982; No. 52, Art. 6229, Art. 6231; 2009, No. 1, Art. 25; No. 29, Art. 3629; No. 48, Art. 5731; 2010, No. 45, Art. 5756; 2011, No. 7, Art. 907; No. 27, Art. 3873; No. 43, Art. 5973; No. 48, Art. 6728; 2012, No. 50, Art. 6954; No. 53, Art. 7591, Art. 7607; 2013, No. 11, Art. 1076; No. 14, Art. 1649; No. 19, Art. 2329; No. 27, Art. 3438, Art. 3476, Art. 3477; No. 30, Art. 4084; No. 49, Art. 6336; No. 51, Art. 6695, Art. 6699; No. 52, Art. 6975; 2014, No. 19, Art. 2311, Art. 2317; No. 27, Art. 3634; No. 30, Art. 4219; No. 45, the Art. 6154), Item 5 of article 5 of the Federal Law of May 7, 1998 No. 75-FZ "About non-state pension funds" (The Russian Federation Code, 1998, No. 19, Art. 2071; 2001, No. 7, Art. 623; 2002, No. 12, Art. 1093; 2003, No. 2, Art. 166; 2004, No. 49, Art. 4854; 2005, No. 19, Art. 1755; 2006, No. 43, Art. 4412; 2007, No. 50, Art. 6247; 2008, No. 18, Art. 1942; No. 30, Art. 3616; 2009, No. 29, Art. 3619; No. 48, Art. 5731; No. 52, Art. 6450, Art. 6454; 2010, No. 17, Art. 1988; No. 31, Art. 4196; 2011, No. 29, Art. 4291; No. 48, Art. 6728; No. 49, Art. 7036, Art. 7037, Art. 7040, Art. 7061; 2012, No. 31, Art. 4322; No. 47, Art. 6391; No. 50, Art. 6965, Art. 6966; 2013, No. 19, Art. 2326; No. 30, Art. 4044, Art. 4084; No. 49, Art. 6352; No. 52, Art. 6975; 2014, No. 11, Art. 1098; No. 30, of the Art. 4219) determines procedure for ledger maintenance of state registration of non-state pension funds (further - the Book of state registration), including structure of the data included in it and the list of details.

1. The book of state registration is kept by the Bank of Russia for the purpose of implementation of control and supervising functions by it.

2. The book of state registration represents the electronic database.

3. Object of accounting of the Book of state registration are data on non-state pension funds - the joint-stock companies registered in the territory of the Russian Federation which exclusive type of activity are activities for non-state pension provision of members of fund according to agreements of non-state pension provision and activities as the insurer for mandatory pension insurance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation about mandatory pension insurance and agreements on mandatory pension insurance, based on license for activities on provision of pensions and pension insurance (further - fund).

4. Concerning fund the Book of state registration joins the following details.

4.1. The registration number assigned by the Bank of Russia.

4.2. Date of assignment of registration number by the Bank of Russia.

4.3. Full trade name in Russian.

4.4. The reduced trade name in Russian.

4.5. The location according to the charter.

4.6. Address.

4.7. Postal address.

4.8. Phone numbers, faxes.

4.9. The website address on the Internet, e-mail addresses.

4.10. Primary state registration number.

4.11. Date of assignment of the primary state registration number.

4.12. Identification taxpayer number.

4.13. Creation method (organization or reorganization).

4.14. The information about founders with indication of share of each of them (for the Russian legal entities - full name, the location, the primary state registration number; for foreign legal entities - full name, the organization place; for physical persons - surname, name, middle name (in the presence), type and details of the identity document).

4.15. Information about the holder of the shareholder register.

4.16. Size of the authorized capital.

4.17. Data on reduction or on increase in the authorized capital.

4.18. Data (position, surname, name, middle name (in the presence), date of appointment (election) and date of dismissal (the termination of powers), document type proving the identity, its series, number, date of issue and the name of the body which issued this document):

about board members (supervisory board);

about sole executive body;

about members of collegiate executive body;

about the chief accountant;

about the controller (head of internal control).

4.19. License number on implementation of activities for provision of pensions and pension insurance.

4.20. Date of provision of license for activities on provision of pensions and pension insurance.

4.21. Number and date of the decision of the Bank of Russia on provision of license for activities on provision of pensions and pension insurance.

4.22. Number and date of the decision of the Bank of Russia on renewal of license for activities on provision of pensions and pension insurance.

4.23. Number and date of the decision of the Bank of Russia on cancellation of license for activities on provision of pensions and pension insurance.

4.24. Data that the fund is in process of reorganization.

4.25. Data that the fund is liquidation process.

4.26. Number and date of the decision on liquidation.

4.27. Method of the termination of fund (reorganization, liquidation, or exception of the legal entity who stopped the activities from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities according to the decision of authorized registering body).

5. Concerning separate divisions of fund the Book of state registration joins the following details.

5.1. Date of entering of data into the Book of state registration.

5.2. The name and the location of separate division according to the fund charter.

5.3. Postal address.

6. The state registration number of each record made concerning fund in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by authorized registering body and date of its introduction is introduced in the Book of state registration.

7. Ledger maintenance of state registration is performed by Department of the admission and termination of activities of the financial organizations of the Bank of Russia.

8. The basis for assignment to fund of registration number and entering of data on fund into the Book of state registration is the decision of the Bank of Russia on registration of fund and provision to it license for activities on provision of pensions and pension insurance.

9. Entering of data into the Book of state registration if other is not established by regulations of the Bank of Russia, is performed by Department of the admission and termination of activities of the financial organizations of the Bank of Russia no later than five working days from the date of receipt or forming of information which is subject to accounting in the Book of state registration by it.


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