Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 1, 2004 No. 92-XV

About procedure for publication, repeated publication of regulations and amending them

(as amended on 16-03-2018)

According to the Law on regulations of the Government and other bodies of the central and local public authority No. 317-XV of July 18, 2003

The parliament adopts this ordinary law.

Chapter I General provisions

Art. 1. - This law establishes procedure for publication, repeated publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova and in the State register of legal acts of the Republic of Moldova of regulations of the Government and other bodies of the central public management and amending them.

Art. 2. - All regulations of the Government and other bodies of the central public management are published under responsibility of their heads in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova (further - the Official monitor) published by the State news agency "Moldpres" (further - the Moldpres Agency), and in the State register of legal acts of the Republic of Moldova in the Moldavian language with the translation into Russian and other languages according to the legislation.

Art. 3. - Regulations can be published in other periodicals, and also be broadcast, to television and to extend by means of the Internet only with reference to the Official monitor.

Art. 4. - The Moldpres agency, persons responsible for publication of regulations of the bodies which published the regulations which are subject to publication and also other persons involved in publication process shall be effective with all responsibility and promote holding the procedures provided by this law.

Art. 5. - The procedure for publication, repeated publication of regulations and amending them is performed with observance of the legislative equipment.

Chapter II Procedure for publication of regulations

Art. 6. - (1) Organa of public management, the published regulations which are subject to publication represent to the Moldpres Agency the relevant acts (including their electronic options) transferred also to the Agency of legal information resources for their publication in the State register of legal acts of the Republic of Moldova.

(2) the Official address which transfers regulations for publication is signed by the head of the body which published them, either his deputy, or specially nominated person of this body.

Art. 7. - The document transferred for publication shall be exact reproduction of the regulation with indication of its obligatory details: the name of the body which published the regulation, regulation type, date of its edition (acceptance), sequence number and the name of the regulation.

Art. 8. - Regulations of the Government, except for containing the state secret, are prepared in duplicate and transferred, including through electronic document management system, to the Moldpres Agency and the Agency of legal information resources the State office in three-day time from the date of their signing. The specified regulations are published in the Official monitor no more than ten days from the date of their obtaining by the Moldpres Agency in time, and in the State register of legal acts of the Republic of Moldova - in three-day time from the date of their publication in the Official monitor.

Art. 9. - Regulations are considered accepted by the Moldpres Agency and the Agency of legal information resources in case of confirmation of their acceptance. Account of the adopted regulations is kept in the special register.

Art. 10. - Regulations are published according to the procedure of their registration in the register of the Moldpres Agency, except for urgent regulations which are published in priority procedure.

Art. 11. - Regulations of other bodies of the central public management are transferred to the Moldpres Agency and the Agency of legal information resources for publication to three-day time after their approval or state registration in accordance with the established procedure.

Art. 12. - During publication process the bodies which published regulations shall report immediately to the Moldpres Agency all data, necessary for publication.

Art. 13. - Can cancel publication of regulations only the bodies which accepted or published them by means of the official address transferred to the Moldpres Agency. The head of the Moldpres Agency without delay gives the order about neopublishing of the corresponding regulation if at the time of the address the document was not published yet.

Art. 14. - The body which demanded to cancel publication of the regulation covers the expenses made by the Moldpres Agency during process of publication before making the order about neopublishing of the corresponding regulation. The Moldpres agency notifies relevant organ on obligation to cover the specified expenses in time no more than three days from the date of making the order about neopublishing.

Chapter III Repeated publication of regulations

Art. 15. - Repeated publication of the regulation to which essential changes or additions are made is performed in the Official monitor according to the law based on the provisions containing in the relevant act of modification and/or amendments.

Art. 16. - Selection and preparation of regulations for repeated publication are performed by the Ministry of Justice on specifying of the Government, on own initiative or according to the offer of the bodies of the central public management which published the regulations which are subject to publication in the Official monitor.

Art. 17. - In case of essential change of departmental regulations the bodies of the central public management which published them on own initiative prepare these acts for repeated publication.

Art. 18. - Preparation for repeated publication of the regulation to which changes and/or additions are made is performed no more than 30 days from the date of publication of the last act of modification and/or amendments by simultaneous reconciliation of control copy of the changed regulation with regulations about modification and/or amendments in it in time.

Art. 19. - In case of the departmental regulation after training of that for repeated publication by the body which published it the signed text of this act is transferred to the Ministry of Justice for making the conclusion. The Ministry of Justice considers the text of the departmental regulation which is subject to repeated publication not later than in 10-day time from the date of its receipt and draws the conclusion to the body which issued this act. Based on the conclusion of the Ministry of Justice the body which published the regulation gives the order about its repeated publication or will organize completion of the text of the act which is subject to repeated publication.

Art. 20. - The Ministry of Justice or other bodies of the central public management which prepared regulations for repeated publication transfer texts of such acts to the Moldpres Agency.

Art. 21. - The Moldpres agency will organize repeated publication in the Official monitor of the regulation in the form in which he was given, no more than 10 days from the date of its receipt in time.

Art. 22. - Repeated publication of the regulation can be performed along with publication of the act of modification or amendments or, in reasonable cases, later.


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