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of March 26, 2014 No. 261

About transformation of the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood"

(as amended on 04-05-2019)

Based on subitem 1.5 of Item 1 of Article 7, of Item 5 of Article 17, No. 150-Z "About especially protected natural territories" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: parts two of Item 1 of article 22 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of November 15, 2018

1. Transform the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood" in connection with change of its borders, the mode of protection and use.

2. Approve enclosed:

borders, area and structure of lands of the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood";

Regulations on the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood".

3.  No. 793 is excluded according to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 30.09.2016

4. Transfer the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood" to management of Volkovyssky district executive committee.

5. Financing of functioning and protection of the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood", and also the actions connected with its transformation to perform from the means of the local budget and other sources which are not forbidden by legal acts.

6. In six-months time to provide to Volkovyssky district executive committee:

registration in accordance with the established procedure the transformed territorial unit of the Republic of Belarus - the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood";

installation of special information signs on borders of the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood" and acceptance of other measures for accomplishment of this resolution.

7. Bring in the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 25, 1998 No. 821 "About formation of the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood" (Collection of decrees, presidential decrees and orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, 1998, No. 15, Art. 411; National legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 10.07. 2012, 5/35925) following changes:

"the area and in borders according to appendix" to exclude from part one of Item 1 of the word;

exclude Item 2;

to exclude appendix to this resolution.

8. Subitem 1.14.2 of Item 1 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 30, 2012 No. 611 "About entering of amendments and changes into some orders of the Government of the Republic of Belarus" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 10.07. 5/35925) to exclude 2012,.

9. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

M. Myasnikovich


Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 26, 2014 No. 261

Borders, area and structure of lands of the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood"

Borders of the republican biological wildlife area "Castle wood" (further - the wildlife area "Castle wood") pass:

in the north - in the territory of Volkovyssky district of the Grodno region - from northwest corner of apportionment of the 5th quarter 4 Volkovyssky of forest area of the public forestry and landscape institution "Volkovyssky Forestry" (further - GLHU "Volkovyssky Forestry") in east direction on northern borders having manufactured 5, the 6th quarter 4, to the western and northeast borders of quarter 6, to northern border of apportionment of the 6th quarter 10, to northern borders of quarters 11, of 7, of 13, of 14, to northern and east borders of quarter 15, to eastern frontier of quarter 25, to northern and southeast borders of quarter 26, to northern border of quarter 38, to northern and east borders of quarter 39, to eastern frontiers of quarters 53, of 67, to northern borders of quarters 81-83 these forest areas to northeast corner of apportionment of the 5th quarter 83 Volkovyssky of forest area and administrative border of Zelvensky district;

in the east:

in the territory of Zelvensky district of the Grodno region - crossing administrative border of Zelvensky district, in east direction on northern, east and southern borders of apportionment of the 17th quarter 83 Volkovyssky of forest area to its southwest corner and administrative border of Volkovyssky district;

in the territory of Volkovyssky district of the Grodno region - crossing administrative border of Volkovyssky district, in the southern direction on eastern frontiers having manufactured 14, 15, the 8th quarter 83 Volkovyssky forest areas, to east and southern borders of quarter 97, to eastern frontier of apportionment of the 14th quarter 96, to eastern frontiers of quarters 108, of 114, to northern and east borders of quarter 115, to eastern frontier of quarter 120 to southeast corner of apportionment of the 9th quarter 120 Volkovyssky forest areas and administrative border of Zelvensky district;

in the territory of Zelvensky district of the Grodno region - crossing administrative border of Zelvensky district, in east, southern directions on northern and east borders of quarter 182 Volkovyssky of forest area, eastern frontier of quarter 184, to northern and east borders of quarter 185, to eastern frontier of quarter 186, to northeast border of quarters 187, of 229, to northern and east borders of quarter 232 to southeast corner of apportionment of the 7th quarter 232 Volkovyssky of forest area;

in the south:

in the territory of Zelvensky district of the Grodno region - from southeast corner of apportionment of the 7th quarter 232 Volkovyssky of forest area in the western direction on southeast border of quarter 232, to the southern border of quarter 231 (along apportionment 8), the southern border of quarter 234, to the southern and western borders of quarter 233, to the western border of quarter 230, to southwest border of quarter 187, to the western borders of quarters 186, 185, to the southern border of quarter 184, to southwest border of quarter 183, to the western border of quarter 181 to northwest corner of apportionment 3 quarters of 181 Volkovyssky forest area and administrative border of Volkovyssky district;


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