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of March 17, 2014 No. 144

About approval of the Regulations on procedure and conditions of provision in use of geological information resources

(as amended on 13-03-2024)

For the purpose of improvement of quality and availability of the state services rendered to citizens and legal entities according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About subsoil", being guided by articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic", the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Regulations on procedure and conditions of provision in use of geological information resources.

2. Enter to Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the Unified register (list) of the state services rendered by executive bodies, their structural divisions and subordinated organizations" of February 10, 2012 to No. 85 the following amendment:

- in the Unified register (list) of the state services rendered by executive bodies, their structural divisions and subordinated organizations approved by the above-stated Resolution:

add Chapter 6 with Item 58 of the following content:



Provision in use of geological information resources



For a fee


3. This Resolution becomes effective from the date of official publication.

Prime Minister

Zh. Satybaldiyev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of March 17, 2014 No. 144

Regulations on procedure and conditions of provision in use of geological information resources

1. This Provision determines procedure and conditions of provision in use of geological information resources.

2. According to article 16 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About subsoil" geological information resources are available and paid.

Two access levels to geological information resources are established:

1) fact-finding - studying of geological information, without carrying out of information mediums out of limits of premises of the State geological information fund and copying;

2) user, allowing electronic or paper copying of the documents containing more detailed geological information, except for the geological information which is property of the acting subsoil users.

3. The operation mode of the State geological information fund is determined the state body realizing state policy in the field of geology and subsurface use.

4. Work with originals of geological information resources is allowed in premises of the State geological information fund.

Premises of the State geological information fund are service premises of state body, realizing state policy in the field of geology and subsurface use, and its subordinated divisions and the companies.

Staff of state body, realizing state policy in the field of geology and subsurface use, and its subordinated divisions, having access to work with originals of geological information resources, receives geological information resources for work in service premises, according to the procedure determined by state body, realizing state policy in the field of geology and subsurface use.

5. Access (use) to the geological information resources which are the state secret is performed according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation the Kyrgyz Republic about protection of the state secrets of the Kyrgyz Republic.

6. For gaining access (use) to geological information resources to the state body realizing state policy in the field of geology and subsurface use the request signed by the authorized person, which is drawn up according to appendix 1 to this Provision goes.

Paragraph two of ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of 22.11.2018 No. 547.

7. Photographing, and also copying is forbidden to users by different way of the provided information in premises of the State geological information fund video.

8. Requests for the right of gaining access (use) to geological information resources are registered in the log of registration of requests. Registration of requests and ensuring direct access (use) to geological information resources are performed by the state body realizing state policy in the field of geology and subsurface use.

9. The state body realizing state policy in the field of geology and subsurface use in three-day time from registration date of the request, makes the decision on provision of geological information and the specific amount of payment for its use and informs on it the applicant or directs motivated failure in provision of geological information.

10. Access (use) to geological information resources based on the positive decision is provided after sight to the receipt on payment for provision of access (use) to geological information resources.

11. The failure in provision of the geological information specified in the request can follow in the following cases:

1) the application is submitted with violation stipulated in Item the 6th this provision of requirements;

2) the applicant has no admission to information of limited access according to the established legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on protection of the state secrets of the Kyrgyz Republic rather.

12. Officials and the staff of state body, realizing state policy in the field of geology and subsurface use, bear responsibility for safety of geological information resources, and also bear material, administrative or criminal responsibility for its unauthorized transfer.


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