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The document ceased to be valid since  September 5, 2015 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 27, 2015 No. 663


of February 28, 2014 No. 162

About approval of standards of the state services in the sphere of use of atomic energy

According to the subitem 3) of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 15, 2013 "About the state services" the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve enclosed:

1) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy";

2) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities according to the Treatment of Nuclear Materials";

3) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities according to the Treatment of the Radioactive Materials, Devices and Installations Containing Radioactive Materials";

4) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities according to the Handling of the Devices and Installations Generating Ionizing Radiation";

5) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities on Provision of Services in the field of Use of Atomic Energy";

6) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities according to the Treatment of Radioactive Waste";

7) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities on Transportation, including Transit, Nuclear Materials, Radioactive Materials, Radio Isotope Sources of Ionizing Radiation, Radioactive Waste within the Territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan";

8) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities in the Territories of the Former Test Nuclear Test Sites and Other Territories Polluted as a result of the Carried-out Nuclear Testing";

9) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities on Physical Protection of Nuclear Installations and Nuclear Materials";

10) standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of Duplicates of License for Activities on Special Training of the Personnel Responsible for Ensuring Nuclear and Radiation Safety".

2. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 28, 2014, No. 162

Standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy"

1. General provisions

1. The state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy" (further - the state service).

2. The standard of the state service is developed by the Ministry of the industry and new technologies of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Ministry).

3. The state service appears Committee on atomic energy of the Ministry (further - the service provider).

Reception of applications and issue of results of the state service is performed through:

office of the service provider;

the web portal of "the electronic government" or the E-litsenzirovaniye web portal of (further - the portal).

2. Procedure for rendering the state service

4. Term of rendering the state service:

1) from the moment of delivery of document package to the service provider, and also in case of the address on the portal:

when licensing and (or) appendices to the license - 30 (thirty) working days;

in case of renewal of the license and (or) appendix to the license - 30 (thirty) working days;

in case of issue of duplicates of the license and (or) appendix to the license - 2 (two) working days;

2) the most allowed time of expectation for delivery of document package - 15 minutes;

3) the most allowed time of servicing - 15 minutes.

5. Form of rendering the state service: electronic (partially automated) and paper.

6. Result of rendering the state service - the license and (or) appendix to the license, renewal, the duplicate of the license and (or) the appendix to the license by sight activities for performance of works connected with stages of lifecycle of subjects to use of atomic energy or the motivated answer about refusal in rendering the state service in cases and on the bases, stipulated in Item 10 these standards of the state service.

Form of provision of result of rendering the state service: electronic and paper.

In case of the request for receipt of the license and (or) appendix to the license on paper, the result of rendering the state service is drawn up in electronic format, unpacked and certified by seal and the authorized signature of the service provider.

In case of the request for receipt of the state service through the portal the result of the state service goes to "private office" in electronic form, certified by the electronic and digital signature (further - the EDS) the authorized person of the service provider.

7. The state service is rendered on paid basis to legal entities (further - uslugopoluchatel). When rendering the state service in the budget for the location of uslugopoluchatel according to article 471 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 10, 2008 "About taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget (Tax code)" the license fee is paid for the occupation right by separate types of activity:

1) when licensing for the occupation right this type of activity is constituted by 100 monthly settlement indicators (further - MRP);

2) for renewal of the license is made by 10% of rate when licensing, but no more than 4 MRP;

3) for issue of the duplicate of the license is made by 100% of rate when licensing.

Payment of the license fee is performed in cash and non-cash form through the banks of the second level and the organization performing separate types of banking activities.

In case of giving of electronic request for receipt of the state service through the portal, payment can be performed through payment gateway of "the electronic government" (further - PShEP) or through banks of the second level.

8. Working schedule:

1) the service provider - Monday through Friday from 9-00 till 18-30 o'clock, with lunch break from 13-00 till 14-30 o'clock, except days off and holidays according to the labor law. The state service is rendered in turn, without making an appointment and the accelerated servicing;

2) the portal - round the clock (except for technical breaks in connection with carrying out repair work).

9. The list of documents necessary for rendering the state service in case of the address of uslugopoluchatel:

to the service provider:

1) for receipt of the license:

the statement of the established form for the legal entity according to appendix 1 to this standard of the state service;

the copy of the document confirming payment in the budget of the license fee for the occupation right with separate types of activity;

form of data and documents according to qualification requirements, according to appendix 2 to this standard of the state service;

2) for receipt of appendix to the license:

the statement of the established form for the legal entity according to appendix 1 to this standard of the state service;

form of data and documents according to qualification requirements, according to appendix 2 to this standard of the state service;

3) for renewal of the license and (or) appendix to the license:

the statement in any form;

the copy of the document confirming payment in the budget of the license fee for renewal of the license;

4) in case of loss, spoil of the license and (or) appendix to the license the uslugopoluchatel addresses the service provider for receipt of the duplicate of the license only in the absence of possibility of receipt of data on the license from the corresponding information systems on the portal with provision of the following documents:

the statement in any form;

the copy of the document confirming payment in the budget of the license fee for issue of the duplicate of the license.

Data of documents on the license, on state registration (re-registration) of the legal entity, the service provider receives from the corresponding state information systems by means of the portal or through information system of monitoring of rendering the state services in the form of the electronic documents certified by the EDS of authorized persons;

on the portal:

1) for receipt of the license:

request in electronic form, the uslugopoluchatel certified by the EDS;

the document confirming payment in the budget of the license fee for the occupation right with separate types of activity, except as specified payments through PShEP;

form of data and documents according to qualification requirements, according to appendix 2 to this standard of the state service;

2) for receipt of appendix to the license:

request in electronic form, the uslugopoluchatel certified by the EDS;

form of data and documents according to qualification requirements, according to appendix 2 to this standard of the state service;

3) for renewal of the license and (or) appendix to the license:

request in electronic form, the uslugopoluchatel certified by the EDS;

the document confirming payment in the budget of the license fee for renewal of the license, except as specified payments through PShEP.

On the portal acceptance of electronic request is performed in "private office" of uslugopoluchatel. Documents are presented in the form of electronic copies of the documents certified by the EDS of uslugopoluchatel.

The service provider receives data of documents on the license, on state registration (re-registration) of the legal entity from the corresponding state information systems by means of the portal or through information system of monitoring of rendering the state services in the form of the electronic documents certified by the EDS of authorized persons.

When giving by uslugopoluchatel of all necessary documents:

1) to the service provider (purposely or by means of mail service) - confirmation of adoption of the statement on paper is the mark in its copy about registration in office of the service provider with indication of date and time of acceptance of document package;

2) through the portal - in "private office" of uslugopoluchatel the status about acceptance of request for rendering the state service with indication of the date of receipt of result of the state service is displayed.

10. The bases for refusal in rendering the state service are:

1) occupation type of activity is forbidden by the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan for this category of subjects;

2) the license fee for the occupation right by separate types of activity in case of filing of application on licensing by sight of activities is not brought;

3) the uslugopoluchatel does not conform to qualification requirements;

4) concerning uslugopoluchatel there is court verdict which took legal effect prohibiting to it to be engaged in separate type of activity;

5) court based on representation of the legal executive the uslugopoluchatel is forbidden to obtain licenses.

3. Procedure for appeal of decisions, actions (bezdeystviye) of the central state body, and also the service provider and (or) his officials concerning rendering the state services

11. Appeal of decisions, actions (bezdeystviye) of the central state body, the service provider and (or) his officials concerning rendering the state services: the claim is submitted addressed to the head of the service provider to the address specified in Item 13 of this standard of the state service or addressed to the head of the Ministry of the address: 010000, city of Astana, Prospekt Kabangbai of the batyr, 32/1, building "Transport Tower", No. office 2117, phone: 8 (7172) 24-04-75, 29-08-48.

The claim is submitted in writing by mail or purposely through office of the service provider, or the Ministry, in the working days.

Confirmation of adoption of the claim is its registration (stamp, the entering number and date) in office of the service provider, or the Ministry, with indication of surname and initials of person which accepted the claim, term and the place of receipt of the answer to the made complaint. After registration the claim goes to the head of the service provider, or the Ministry, for determination of the executive in charge and acceptance of adequate measures.

The claim of uslugopoluchatel which arrived to the service provider or the Ministry is subject to consideration within five working days from the date of its registration. The motivated answer about results of consideration of the claim goes to uslogopoluchatel by mail or is issued purposely in office of the service provider or the Ministry.

In case of the address through the portal information on procedure for appeal can be obtained by phone single contact center 1414.

When sending the claim through the portal information on the address which is updated during processing of the address by the service provider is available to uslugopoluchatel from "private office" (mark about delivery, registration, execution, the answer about consideration or refusal in consideration of the claim).

In case of disagreement with results of the rendered state service the uslugopoluchatel can address with the claim to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services.

The claim of uslugopoluchatel which arrived to authorized body by assessment and control of quality of rendering the state services is subject to consideration within fifteen working days from the date of its registration.

12. In disagreement cases with results of the rendered state service, the uslugopoluchatel has the right to take a legal action in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Other requirements taking into account features of rendering the state service including rendered electronically

13. Addresses of places of rendering the state service are placed on Internet resource of the service provider -, the Section "State Services".

14. Uslugopoluchatel has possibility of receipt of the state service electronically through the portal on condition of EDS availability.

15. Uslugopoluchatel has possibility of receipt of information on procedure and the status of rendering the state service in the mode of remote access by means of portal "private office", and also single contact center concerning rendering the state services.

16. Contact telephone numbers of service desks concerning rendering the state service: 8 (7172) 50-29-53, 50-30-77. Single contact center concerning rendering the state services: 1414.

Appendix 1

to the Standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy"

The statement of the legal entity for receipt of the license and (or) appendix to the license

IN _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                              (full name of the licensor)


                                               (full name of the legal entity, business and identification number)

I ask to grant the license and (or) appendix to the license for implementation


                                                         (specify type of activity and (or) subspecies of activities)

on paper _______ (to deliver sign X if it is necessary to obtain the license on paper)

Address of the legal entity ________________________________________________________________________________________________


(postal index, area, city, area, settlement, name of the street, number of the house/building (stationary room)

E-mail ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ phones


Bank счет_________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(account number, name and location of bank)

Activities implementation address(es) ______________________________________________________________________________________

(postal index, area, city, area, settlement, name of the street, number of the house/building (stationary room)


It is applied ____________ sheets

Proves to be true present that:

all specified data are official contacts, and any information on questions of issue or refusal in licensing and (or) appendices to the license can be directed to them;

the applicant is not forbidden to be engaged in court in the licensed type and (or) subspecies of activities;

all enclosed documents are true and are valid.


Head of ______________ _________________________________________

                      (signature)          (surname, name, middle name (in case of availability)

Locus sigilli Date of filling: "___" _________ 20 __ years

Appendix 2

to the Standard of the state service "Licensing, Renewal, Issue of the Duplicates of License for Activities on Performance of Works Connected with Stages of Lifecycle of Subjects to Use of Atomic Energy"

Form of data and the list of necessary documents according to the qualification requirements imposed to activities for performance of works, the subjects to use of atomic energy connected with stages of lifecycle

1. The copy of the graphical scheme approved by the applicant or the text description of organizational structure.

2. Data on availability of the buildings, rooms and constructions necessary for accomplishment of the declared works according to table 1 or 2 - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

Form of data on own buildings, rooms and constructions

table 1



Name and

document number

Date of issue






real estate object






Form of data on leasable buildings, rooms and constructions

table 2

Cadastral number

Number, date of the conclusion of the lease agreement of object and duration of the agreement

Person with whom the lease agreement is signed (to specify BIN/IIN)

The name and the short characteristic of the object leased

Location of real estate object






3. Data on availability of machines, mechanisms and the equipment according to table 3 - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

Form of data on availability of machines, mechanisms and equipment

table 3

Name and short characteristic of object, year of release

Location (site of works)

Accession number


Date of inventory count






4. Data on availability of skilled list of technical leads and specialists according to table 4.

Form of data on availability of skilled list of technical leads and specialists

table 4

First name, middle initial, last name specialist

Place of employment, post

Number and date of issue of the diploma, name of educational institution, specialty and qualification

Number and date of the order on acceptance / individual employment contract

Number and date of the order on the admission to work

Additional data on special preparation, advanced training







5. Data on the license for installation and construction works according to table 5 - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for construction of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

Form of data on the license for installation and construction works

table 5

Number of the license / unique identification number of the allowing document

Date of issue of the license

Type of activity

Activities subspecies

The name of the state body which granted the license






6. The copy of the act of the choice of the platform of placement of nuclear installation and/or storage of radioactive waste - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for construction of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

7. Data on availability of the project of system of physical protection approved by the applicant and approved with authorized body in the sphere of use of atomic energy according to table 6 - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for construction of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

Form of data on availability of the project of system of physical protection

table 6

Name of the project

Approval date of the project

Developer of the project

Number and date of coordination with authorized body in the sphere of use of atomic energy





8. Copies of the acts of testing approved by the applicant and acceptance of technical systems and the equipment in operation, the acceptance act of the finished object in operation - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

9. The copy of the acceptance act of system of ensuring physical protection of nuclear installation and/or storage of radioactive waste approved by the applicant - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

10. The copy of the pro forma statement approved by the applicant according to the analysis of safety of object - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for construction of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

11. The copy of the plan of conclusion of object approved by the applicant from operation - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

12. Copies of orders of the applicant on creation of services, copies of regulations on services providing operation, maintenance, check and testing of the equipment, mechanisms, the processing lines directed to maintenance of working capacity and prevention of refusals in security systems - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

13. Copies of the magazine and the schedule of work on maintenance, check and testing of the equipment, mechanisms, the processing lines directed to maintenance of working capacity and prevention of refusals in security systems - to conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste

14. Copies of the order of the applicant on creation of service of radiation safety, regulations on service, the instruction - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

15. Copies of the schedule and techniques of carrying out radiation control, the copy of certificates of checking of measuring instruments and devices of radiation control - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

16. The copy the plan scheme of placement of object (storage for storage and burial of sources of ionizing radiation and radioactive waste), the copy of the conclusion of environmental assessment; the copy of the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion issued by authorized body of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.

17. The copy of the quality assurance program of safety approved by the applicant when implementing of the declared activities.

18. Copies of the instructions on nuclear and radiation safety, on actions of personnel approved by the applicant in emergencies - this Item belongs only to subspecies of activities for operation and conclusion from operation of nuclear installations, storages of radioactive waste.


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